
Chapter 246 - The Demon’s Invasion 24

The war part 6


The afternoon light of the fading golden sunshine can make one feel tranquil and serene. The greens and the mountains passing through the windowpane of a small airship can determine how fast the ship is going. As everything is almost a blur, one could only put their sight ahead like someone looking forward to a clear future rather than the blurry present.

 Shin Jiao calmly watches as everything passes by with a calm feeling. After the busy days, he had in the academy, these rare times has given him a breath of fresh air.

He could not remember when he has this kind of feeling as his days ever since coming to the Great Wu city is filled with things that keep him busy all the time. But since the matter with his family and the academy is already done, he can only think ahead and prepare for the future.

When he was a spy, although hidden he was always on the edge. He didn\'t know when his identity would be discovered or when someone would rat him in his agency. These things made him stressed and restless. After he resigned from that job, he went to research. As a multi-talented person, Shin Jiao is always fascinated by things that he could do and create. Hence he decided to go to the research center of the country.

Later did he know that being a researcher is not a walk in a park. With his intelligence, he is confident of his own assets and thought that everything would be easier this time. But then because of his talents, he became busier than when he was a spy. Hence, he would always appreciate those times when he is free and would spend it with his girlfriend.

And right now, this same feeling is what he is having, the feeling of being carefree and relaxed.

The sun is now trying to hide on the horizon, while the darkness slowly blankets the land. From his small airship, he can see the dimming sky, as the stars above slowly peek out from the darkness.

It has been a while since he has traveled, and Shin Jiao didn\'t know how far he is from his destination. So he looked back and was surprised to see that beyond the horizon a small dot can be seen. Shin Jiao noticed this because although the golden lights from the sun are almost fading, it is still enough to illuminate dimly the darkness that\'s slowly closing down.

Shin Jiao took out his goggles and immediately zoomed in on that black dot. And to his surprise, it seems that a medium-sized airship is following behind him. Their airship looks like a yacht with a large floatation device that looks like a huge oblate spheroid balloon supporting it.

But what surprised Shin Jiao is the ability of that airship which is almost three times larger than his to cope up with his speed.

"Hmm… it seems that there are people chasing after me. From this distance, I guess they are about 200 kilometers away from me." Shin Jiao muttered.

Then he calculated from their speed on how fast can that ship reach him if he stopped and he came up with five minutes.

"Five minutes is already a lot of time." Shin Jiao muttered and immediately turn his ship to dive down.

Shin Jiao chose an area where there is lush vegetation. This way those who are chasing after him would think that he wanted to run away from them and hide.

After his ship stopped, he immediately disembarks and put on his camouflage cloak. After he hid his small airship, Shin Jiao activated the camouflage cloak and immediately went to work. This time, he was lucky to have spotted that airship. Although it didn\'t bother him too much yet at least this could provide him some sport and exercise after the dull days of just doing research.

If he didn\'t have to assist people, he could have done everything faster, yet that would be counterproductive for his plans. Plus he felt that luck is on his side this time as the royal family of Wu is very supportive of him and his projects.

Since he felt bored he would try to practice his old profession and act like a spy in which his identity was discovered and being chased by a deadly bunch of people.

After setting his own rules for his game, Shin Jiao immediately went to work. Right now, with his strength, he is already able to face against primary stage infant soul realm cultivators. If he uses his artifacts, then facing a middle-stage infant soul realm is not a problem. And even if it is a late-stage, he could still escape with his life.

With this confidence, he set on to once again sharpen his fighting and stealth skills.

Meanwhile, when Shin Jiao\'s ship suddenly went off course, the people on the medium-sized ship panicked a little. They didn\'t know what happened or if they are discovered. Either way, they still need to chase after that ship.

"We need to get that slave. Did he think that after killing an elder of our clan, he could just live a leisurely life?"

"I can see the traces of the Qi residue emitted by that small airship. I think he spotted us and wanted to hide in the forest down below. He thinks that since it is almost night time, he can escape us. Hehe… What a foolish slave."

"Brother, do you think the clan would give us enough compensation for our efforts. I mean, the second elder is well-liked by the clan members right?"

"Che, Don\'t bother with that. All I know is that this slave carries many artifacts. If we can get those, and deliver him to the elders, then we can hit two birds with one stone. Before handing him to the elders we three brothers can sell the artifacts and get rich."

"Well, how about Little Brother? He didn\'t help us chase down that slave."

"Are you blinded by greed brother? Little brother helped us by informing the clan, with this we can be assured of our victory. From the direction he is going, our clan can intercept him easily as his destination seems to be the coastal city of Cui."

"Should we send the message out now?"

"Wait till we reached the area where he stopped. Then we can send the signal, and while waiting we can just capture or kill that slave and take his stuff while waiting for the clan\'s reinforcements."

As the two plan out their simple strategy their ship is already approaching the location where Shin Jiao stopped.

The two have already thought that Shin Jiao is an easy target with his cultivation at the primary stage of the gold core realm. So they didn\'t bother with too much preparation. With their years of experience in battle, they are already confident with their skills and strength.

Shin Jiao, on the other hand, stood atop a tree and calmly observes the medium-sized ship. Then when it was close enough he can now clearly see the insignia of the airship which he immediately recognized.

"The Nian clan!" Shin Jiao muttered under his breath.

Upon realizing his chasers, three people immediately came into his mind, Zen Nian and his group.

Shin Jiao\'s eyes immediately flashed a deadly glint of killing intent. This is because he is not sure of what had happened to Zen Nian and the two with him when he escaped from the clutches of the 2nd elder of the Nian clan. Although he is confident that they would not be hurt, Shin Jiao\'s heart right now is not at peace.

This time, since he already has the strength, he would go back to the territory of the Heavenly Crow Sect to see the situation of his friends there. If they are in trouble, then he would not hesitate to take them with him and stay in the Great Wu city. If not then he would eliminate any threats for them so that they can live a good life. That would be the least he can do after they have helped him before.

As Shin Jiao plan out his next actions after this, the airship has already passed the area where he stopped and suddenly a large build man jumped from the ship. His body made a loud smashing sound as he landed on the ground.

The imposing look of the burly man made Shin Jiao squint his eyes as he scrutinized the man\'s cultivation level.

"Hmm… late-stage gold core realm… I hope his fighting prowess is as good as his cultivation level." Shin Jiao thought as he continued observing.

Then another person came out of the airship and as he jumps down he absorbed the airship into its special spatial container.

"So, only two of them… I think they just underestimated me right?" Shin Jiao though as he shook his head.

He didn\'t know what is going on, or what these people are thinking.

This is because they should have known that he was able to defeat an infant soul realm of their clan. Why would a measly gold core realm dare attack him?

But soon his question was answered.

"Brother, do you think that we defeat that slave? I mean even though he is wounded he was still able to defeat the 2nd great elder of the clan."

"Che, what do you know… if you fought an infant soul realm cultivator and defeated him, do you think your wounds would be light? How much time has passed since then?"

"Oh! You mean that…"

When Shin Jiao heard the discussion of the two, he could not help himself but nod his head.

"Well, there is a logic in that. But didn\'t they know about the fast healing pills that have already been circulating in the empire?" Shin Jiao thought.

But then he didn\'t think more about this because his attention was immediately caught by what the two people did next.

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