
Chapter 23 - A Challenge

If I attacked together with the nestlings the damage dealt would double. To increase their incentive, I would share the spoils according to their contributions.

Sensei was right to be reluctant.

Meeting the quota for Devour this way would be slower. But, if I let the nestlings hunt for me while also hunting separately, the amount of prey gathered would be great.

I could instruct them to hunt large numbers of a specific creature then bring them back to the nest.

I wondered if there was a skill that let you exert your will over others.

Like a pack leader who thrived on intimidation, my orders would be absolute. They were not allowed to eat any of the food until I did, neither were they allowed to eat while on the hunt.

Only when the prey was safely in the nest would I give them a share. This way I got the maximum benefit. Selfish yes, but necessary for my survival.

The only problem was the time limit of one hour.

At a time like this, I really wished I had an ability like teleportation. If I had that and followed them on the hunt, I could deliver the food back to the nest instantly. It would really stop the interference of thieving scavengers.

I wonder if such a skill exists.

«Wishful thinking isn\'t fact. You have yet to prove you can succeed in this Labyrinth and now you want to add more burdens.»

"Then allow me to prove it to you. If my plan doesn\'t work I will cut them loose."

«As you wish»

[Quest Issued: Train Nest Mates. Reward: 50XP. [Time Limit: 336 Hours]]

"Hey! I didn\'t say make it into a quest! Why is there no option to reject?"

«Are you saying you can\'t do it?»

Sensei\'s condescending voice prickled at my overachievers pride. I felt thoroughly looked down on, like he didn\'t expect a single successful thing of me and all my effort would be futile.

No one had spoken to me like that in such a long time and it brought up unpleasant memories that filed me with bitter loathing. I swallowed the impulse to spit venom. How dare he bait me like this.

I grew livid as I struggled to calm my thoughts, remembering he could read my emotions. If he realised he\'d struck a nerve, he would just keep prodding.

"No. I definitely can. But in two weeks, I\'m not so sure. Why the time limit?"

My voice remained emotionless while my insides churned. Calm down. Don\'t give into such childish provocation.

«Allow me to prove it to you. Weren\'t those your words? Now I am, don\'t tell me your promise was false.»


Was he questioning my ability to fulfil a promise. Did he think I had no morals?

For all my faults, deep down I was honest and always stuck to my word. I never made any promise that interfered with my goals, just so I wouldn\'t have to renege when the time came.

These were all things Sensei would know, so why was he acting like he\'d forgotten.

"Training does not happen instantly. It\'s a work in progress that takes time. If it is rushed, problems would occur later. I need more things to make sure it is a success."

«Like what?»

"A pack leader skill. Something to mark and store all the caught prey. A fast delivery method."

Sensei\'s voice chuckled ominously.

«If you want them, you\'d have to earn it with experience points. As for the option to reject, you can\'t. The quest became mandatory when you issued a promise that risked your very survival. Your words alone can\'t be a guarantee, I have to enforce them with a quest.»

So he was just punishing me because I didn\'t agree with him. How immature.

"What If I can\'t complete it in the time specified?"

«Then you have a choice. You can either face a penalty or fulfil your promise by eating them. Are these conditions satisfactory?»

Eating them? I never said I would.

Sensei was really brutal. To take my idle words as a promise and then force me to fulfil them. Wasn\'t this just bullying?

What sort of penalty? Would he deduct my points to negative digits since he was so greedy for them?

"What are the conditions for completion?"

«They must reach LV5 with an additional five skills.»

Heh. That didn\'t sound too bad.

I had gained three skills just by hunting normally and all on my first try. It didn\'t take long for me to level up either, although I had to kill a higher level monster to do it.

At the time I was by myself, so it was hard. If the nestlings were in groups, all attacking together, killing another would be easy.

"Fine. I\'ll do it."

«For all of them.»

"What? For all thirty, are you insane? Are you trying to work me to death?"

Sensei chuckled.

«Can you not do it? What a shame. You can admit your failure now and spare yourself the trouble.»

The lighthearted, feathery voice floating through my senses, emphasised the words \'shame\' and \'failure\' in such an irritating way that I grew angry. Those patronising words were clearly meant to bait me but I was confident.

"I can."

Sensei grew quiet, the tense silence causing me to feel uncomfortable. Was he angry?

«You\'re very reckless. As my former student I thought you were smarter.»

Why did he sound so disappointed?

I was livid. Who does he think he is? Like his opinion meant anything to me. He was just a teacher. He did not know anything about me.

"I\'m neither. I\'m just confident in my ability."

«A ridiculous amount of confidence for someone so easily provoked. How foolish. You are clearly underestimating this Labyrinth. Just because you managed to survive doesn\'t mean they will. You will lose them to other creatures. What will you eat when the quest ends and you ultimately fail?»

I put Sensei\'s negative voice out of my head. If I was going to prove him wrong I didn\'t have time to argue. I descended into the misty forest once more.

It was clear Sensei would never approve.

What I had planned was a risk, but if it yielded results it would be worth it. I wasn\'t fond of the nestlings nor was I keeping them alive due to some familial affection. If I was able to use them, they could become a valuable resource.

I couldn\'t understand why he refused to acknowledge this. Was he that concerned I would be in danger, or was he more worried my collection of experience points would suffer during the time it took to train them.

Was that why he shortened it to two weeks?

I arrived at the scene of the battle, to find everything had been scraped clean. The torn limbs of the bison were no longer there. All that was left was a large pool of blood, some scraps of flesh, and pieces of shattered bone.

Had the wolves returned to clear the scene? It was very likely.

It was a truly gruesome sight. The putrid stench of old blood filled the air along with unpleasant scuttling sounds. Looking closely at the blood I noticed little things moving inside it.

It was filled with wriggling maggots, a sea of beetles and what looked like cockroaches swimming. They all seemed to be eating whatever flesh was left with relish. I watched the disgusting sight.

How gross.

They were the bottom feeders, the clean-up crew that only came out in the aftermath of a fight. I turned my head and moved on.

Even insects like them had to eat.

Arguing with Sensei only confirmed my suspicion. He was different. Sensei was always weird, but he was never this cold.

It scared me to think the system was changing him in ways I couldn\'t predict. What was happening to him right now? Was he still the same person or had his persona been switched out for something else?

"How is it going with assimilating your memories?" I probe.

There was a long silence before he spoke. Was he sulking?

«It\'s going well. I am currently absorbing the history of this world to understand the current level of civilisation among the races. There is a lot of information.»

He sounded exhausted. It must be hard to get through. Did he need to do that to guide me properly?

"Is this world in a dangerous state?" I asked.

Perhaps the reason he was pushing me so hard was because of a crisis that needed me to be stronger to survive it. A coming extinction event or one that had already decimated the planet.

«All major races are at peace. There is no war due to the existence of a peace treaty. Only minor squabbles within countries exist.»

Peace. That was unexpected. If the world was at peace then why did he seem so urgent.

"If it\'s peaceful. I would love to see outside."

Sensei sighed.

«Are you unaware of your status in this Labyrinth? Do you think you can easily walk out of here. You are one of the lowest creatures. Anything here can kill you, even those rabbits. You may not want to get strong but since I am bound to you, you leave me with little choice. I\'m not about to perish for your stupidity.»

"I thought you couldn\'t die."

I felt like teasing him for the things he put me through but he did not rise to my provocation.

«What do you think of your situation? You don\'t have the luxury of stability where you can grow up safely. As your teacher I have to ensure you remain alive. To overcome the difficulty of your environment, you must work even harder for me.»


There was concern in his voice but it sounded twisted. Not at all like an affectionate teacher, It was more like a trainer determined to whip my chubby body into shape. Help.

«If I don\'t, you will surely die in this place. If you don\'t want to live, you might as well lie down here and let those roaches eat you.»

Was he insane? How could I?

I look back at the squirming mess of bottom feeders that had managed to devour all the blood and flesh that the bison left behind, in such a short time. I felt deep disgust. They didn\'t even leave bone!

There was no hint of blood anywhere. It was almost like rain had fallen and wiped everything clean. How thorough!

The creatures notice me pass with the wolf corpse and they all look up at me with salivating maws.

I immediately curl myself, rearing my head threateningly to appear larger, as I hiss at them.

The creatures took one last look at me, then at the wolf corpse resentfully, before crawling back into the forest.

I felt relieved.

It was for the best. I didn\'t want to eat such dirty creatures anyway.

I drag the wolf corpse through the low vegetation until I arrived at a familiar crack in the rocks that housed a deep cavern below.

I was finally home.

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