
Chapter 79 - Clearing The Dungeon

I gazed at the huge red portal towering over us, it was at least 50 metres in diameter and a sinister mana pressure was being emitted from it.

"Do you think just us 3 are going to be enough?" I asked, now worried about what powerful beings could be on the other side.

"Mmh, the portal has grown since the last time I saw it. Someone definitely tampered with it." Numen extended his fingers and they compressed and hardened into razor sharp claws.

"Don\'t worry demon, just me being here is enough." Dianmu scoffed.

I released my full mana pressure causing cracks to form under me and my demon eye glowed intensely. Dianmu whistled in approval and activated her \'lightning aura\'.

"Okay, everyone\'s ready. Let\'s enter." Numen was the first to disappear into the red coloured portal and the both of us followed behind.

What I learned from mana history class was that portals had distinct colours. Blue was the most common one, it connected two places together and shortened the distance between them. Green took you to a private dimension like Gramp\'s training grounds, which I visited a long time ago.

Lastly, red represented the colour of dungeons. Dungeons were alternate dimensions created by imbalances in the world\'s natural mana flow; they only formed this way at an extremely low chance. However, they also formed randomly in areas of high populations; that\'s also a reason why the Hunter Association existed - to clear dungeons and protect the cities.

[You have entered an A rank Dungeon]

[Quest Title:Clear the A rank Dungeon!]

[New Quest: Kill a 200 beasts]

[Rewards: 100,000 Exp]

[New Quest: Clear the First Floor]

[Rewards: 50,000 Exp]

[New Quests: Defeat 3 Golems]

[Rewards: Instant Level up!]

[New Quest: Clear the Second Floor]

[Rewards: 50,000 Exp]

[New Quest: Defeat the Dungeon Boss!]

[Rewards: Instant Level up x3]

As I stepped out of the portal I was bombarded with numerous notifications about quests. I smiled in satisfaction and Dianmu looked at me oddly before facing the 1000 or so Armoured Goblins in front of us.

We seemed to be in some sort of tunnel, there were torches on each side and the passage went down for a couple hundred metres. The width and height of the walls were high so the tunnel was spacious.

The Goblins were tall slender green things that represented humans; they wore ragged dark armour and held clubs in their hands. Their ugly faces and green teeth were the worst out of everything, showing they were beasts and not just green humanoid things.

"Don\'t mind me!" Dianmu charged ahead and started swatting the numerous goblins, killing a dozen with a single swing. Lightning bolts cackled with every swing of her golden staff.

I can\'t let her take all the kills, I charged ahead pulling out the enchanted dagger into my left hand in a reverse grip and Voadhailis\'s Claw in my right hand.

I zigzagged across the bloody battlefield, dodging their swings and burning hundreds of them with a swing of Voadhailis\'s Claw.

"So you\'re not all talk! Hahahahaha! Nice! Real Nice!" Dianmu laughed as she tore the head off another goblin. So she was a battle freak like me? I smirked focusing on my mission of getting that 200 kills.

Wait. Why wasn\'t Numen joining us? I looked back at the green figure, still standing at the portal; entrance with his arms folded. Did he want to conserve his strength?

Well, time to end this.

\'Indra\'s arrow!\'

I concentrated, forming a large Spear-shaped Lightning bolt. It levitated above my palm and cut through the air at a blinding speed as I threw it.

[You have used 1000 MP]

The lightning bolt wiped the tunnel clean, mercilessly killing hundreds of Goblins, leaving traces of charred bodies and crisp blood on the walls. It left a trail of destruction. The lightning bolt reached the end of the tunnel and dissipated when it hit the tunnel\'s end wall.

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest!]

[You have leveled up! You are now level 70!]

[You have 10 Available stat points]

Dianmu whistled in approval.

"Nice! I might even be tempted to make you my mate!" She laughed.

"I think I\'m still too young for that." I returned, swatting my two blades to the side, ridding them of the green gooey blood. Disgusting.

"Nice job, Let\'s move one to the next floor. Make sure you conserve your mana for the final boss. These guys are just small fry; the final boss is someone even we will struggle against, so stop messin around and focus." Numen spoke from behind as he walked past us coolly.

What a cool b*stard.

Dianmu scoffed at his comment and followed the Green figure to the end wall.

"Okay, so now what? Do we just wait for it to open or break it down?" I asked, looking at the huge walls.

As I said, a blue portal appeared in front of us.

"I think that answers your question, demon." Numen said, walking into the portal.


[Congratulations! You have completed the quest!]

[50,000 Exp has been received]

This time we were in a small forest. Large Rock Golems patrolled the forest in search of life forms and a large glass dome covered the sky.

"Watch out, golems are slow but their defense is impeccable, you have to destroy their cores to beat them. Let\'s go." Numen was the first to move.

The golems looked like large rock Gorillas except they didn\'t have any facial features apart from purple gems as eyes. They were colossal creatures standing at a height of 50 metres.

"Watch out for their eyes, they shoot some sort of mana beam from them." Numen warned, as he captured and trapped a golem with his vines.

"Now! Strike it down, Find and destroy its core!" He ordered, and both Dianmu and I darted forward.

I scanned with my demon eye, looking for its core. Found it!

"Dianmu, aim for its head!" I shouted as I leapt from above holding Rakoria\'s enchanted dagger with both my hands. I struck deep with all my strength and managed to break past the dense layers of rock protecting its core.

"Switch! My turn!"

I forcefully took out the dagger from its head and leapt down from its frozen body. Dianmu switched with me and I could see her eyes going blue and violent streaks of lightning surrounding her.

She swung down with her golden staff and a large crack split down the middle of the golem\'s body splitting it in half. What a strike!

"Okay that\'s one down. Wai- Zeref MOVE!" Dianmu shouted from above.

A painful sensation covered my body and I could feel my body burning under the pressure. It felt similar to the Dragon\'s flames in my old world but it was much weaker and less damaging.

I made an X shape with my forearms and withstood the mana beam directed at me.

[You have suffered 1000 damage]

The beam finally stopped and I could feel my blood boil with anger.

\'Rapid Healing.\'

"Demon, are you okay?" Numan asked as he shackled the Golem that had attacked me.

"I\'m fine." I grumbled, dusting off my now ragged school uniform. My whole upper body showed and a large circle shaped scar showed on my chest. Dianmu looked my way, before diverting her gaze away and dashing to attack another golem.

I looked at Rakoria\'s enchanted blade, it was broken. Sh*t!

I cracked my neck left and right and activated \'lightning aura\'. Taking out Voadhailis\'s claw I darted forward and with my left hand, held one of the golems still with my Gravity Magic.

I spun Voadhailis\'s claw in my right hand before I leapt up into the air. I spun like a tornado before slicing down crisply on the Golem\'s hard coated head. Violent and wild flames burst from the Golem as its head exploded from the intense heat radiating from my blade.

I didn\'t take a break and dashed for a Golem, Numen was struggling to cut down.

\'Indra\'s Spear!\'

I chanted and condensed lightning mana shrouded my left hand. I threw Voadhailis Claw at one of the Golem\'s eyes to prevent it from releasing another one of its beams. It shook its head in order to remove the blade but it couldn\'t.

I streamlined myself and cut through the last layer of its thick cranium, leaving the Golem dysfunctional.

That was 2 down.

"Wait Dianmu leave the last one for me!" I dashed forward leaping from tree to tree and ran up the Golem\'s body.

"This one\'s all yours. I\'ve weakened it already." Dianmu left a crack on its head and jumped away when the Golem released its powerful beam.

I held Voadhailis\'s Claw in a reverse grip and leapt into the air. A thunderclap echoed as lightning fused with my body\'s movements and I struck down at the crack Dianmu formed, with force.

A blue light appeared and the head of the Golem exploded like the others.

I leapt down satisfied and wiped my sweat.

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest!]

[You have leveled up! You are now level 71!]

[You have 20 Available stat points]

[MP has been restored]

"Nice job out there! Those lightning moves reminded me of my youth. You got talent, demon." Dianmu smiled, stabbing her golden staff into the ground.

"But you should maybe put on some clothes." She blushed.

This woman, I shook my head; I pulled out a dark T shirt and a S tier Hunter\'s Trench Coat. The ciat was long and came down to my knees, it\'s overall colour was black, but it had streaks of blue lacing mixed with it.

"Let\'s move on to the next floor." I sighed, putting on some Grieves and new shoes.

"Let\'s go." Numen said, leading the trio.

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