
Chapter 81 - Legal Issues

Dianmu looked at me with a pissed face.

\'Why are these peasant humans here?\' She said through a mind link. She was my familiar now so we shared a mental link and could talk to each other without opening our mouths.

\'It\'s fine, I\'ll take care of this.\' I reassured her.

"I said hands up! Drop all your weapons and items." The military General commanded, aiming some sort of magic rifle at us.

There were at least 100 or so soldiers surrounding us with mages in the air too. Dianmu glared at them ready to cause a massacre.

"I\'m from the Hunter\'s Association. I cleared the dungeon with the help of my friend here." I said pulling out my Hunter\'s ID card that I received from the old man as an extra gift. I didn\'t think I\'d ever need it as I already had the Vice Director card.

"Go check his ID card." 

A thin frail boy walked over to me and analysed my Hunter ID

"Sir, he\'s the A rank Hunter." The thin boy replied, handing me my ID card back and bowing in respect.

"Everyone, rest your weapons!" The Military General shouted and all the military personnel stood straight with their rifles by their side.

"Follow me Mr Hunter." The Military General ordered; the soldiers all created a path for us as Dianmu and I followed the General.

\'What\'s happening? Why are we following these guys?\' Dianmu asked, annoyed at the situation. I could feel her yearning to go back to her nest and check up on her kids.

\'I\'m sorry I don\'t know either and I can\'t just let you transform and leave because I know that\'s what you\'re thinking. It\'ll blow my cover and They\'ll try and hunt you down.\' I tried to reason with her.

\'Fine.\' she pouted mentally and carried on walking behind me. I could tell some officers were looking at her in a dirty manner, she was extremely mature and beautiful after all.

\'How\'d you hide your wings though?\' I asked, hinting at her plain back.

\'Oh, I just fully transformed into my human form. All high tier beasts can do it.\' she answered, glaring at the soldiers eyeing her figure.

\'These buffoons are disgusting. Looking at me like I\'m material to be used.\'

\'Yeah, I know. I\'m getting the urge to rip their eyes out as we speak.\' I said through our mind link.

\'Why don\'t you then?\' she folded her arms, covering her body.

\'It\'s not that easy. I can\'t just kill anyone I want, remember I\'m trying to fit in.\'


After a while we arrived at a military camp. There were dozens of tents set up with army soldiers walking here and there, some holding rifles, others holding paperwork. When did they set this up?

"ZEREFF!!" Xanxus shrieked as he saw me from far away and ran towards me with open arms. Dianmu stepped in front of me instantly and pushed him back, making him fall to the ground.

\'Dianmu, what are you doing?!\' I panicked, moving her aside and helping him get up.

\'What, I just saved you from getting touched by these creatures.\' she scoffed.

\'I\'m trying to blend in with the human, dummy.\' I scolded her mentally.

\'You\'re the weirdest being I\'ve ever met.\' she shook her head and folded her arms.

"Zeref, who\'s that overly sexy woman and why\'d she push me?" Xanxus asked, dusting himself off and pointing his finger at her.

"She\'s a friend of mine, now relax." I said, hinting at the General\'s confused glare.

"I\'ve been looking everywhere for you. We thought you died! And what happened to your uniform, why are you wearing hunter\'s attire?" This hunched fool was getting on my nerves.

"We\'ll talk later." I whispered in his ear with a slight coldness in my tone. He shivered before looking at the Military General again.

"Thank you for everything General. He\'s indeed the missing student from 3 days ago; I can\'t thank you enough." Xanxus smiled and shook the General\'s hand wildly.

3 days? I\'ve been in the dungeon for 3 days?

"It\'s fine I should be thanking the young hunter and his friend instead for saving us all. Thank you for your service, brave Hunter and huntress." The general saluted in respect. He had a strong build and a well groomed beard, His dark hair was short and his face was mostly wrinkled.

\'At least one of them has manners.\' Dianmu complimented.

"General, may I ask for your name?" I asked bowing.

"I\'m General Grimsworth."

I thought so, that military girl Rakeria resembled the General a lot. I took out the broken black enchanted dagger from my dimension ring and handed it to him.

"Th-That\'s the family heirloom." He stuttered at the broken blade.

"Your daughter gave it to me, It really helped in clearing the dungeon. Thank her for me." I smiled. The Military General almost started to weep in happiness as he realised his family heirloom helped to clear a hellish dungeon.

"Thank you, Thank you so much!" He grabbed my hand and shook it hard.

\'Ew! Why do humans like to touch each other so much?\' Dianmu asked in a disgusted tone. I ignored her comment.

We said our goodbyes and the Military General promised to take care of the legal issues and reports for the dungeon clearance.

I was curious as to what the military camp had to offer and wanted to explore it but Xanxus insisted we go back home as mother was worried about me.


"So did Jace and Naz get back safe?" I asked, opening up the conversation. We were almost home, maybe another 4 or 5 minute run.

"Yeah, they got back safely. Professors were sent to them and they were escorted to safety. They reported what happened to you and soldiers were dispatched immediately.

"Then we spotted the dungeon portal and communicated with the Hunter\'s Association. They told us that they sent one of their A rank Hunters there to take care of it, but she would arrive in a couple days time and clear the dungeon.

"For some reason, you and your friend cleared it before that A rank hunter could return.

"So yeah, that\'s pretty much why everything was so hectic back at the Military Camp. The opening of dungeons are dangerous. " Xanxus sighed, explaining to me the details.

I nodded in understanding, I basically got away by chance then. I cleared the dungeon before that other A rank hunter arrived; the military basically thought that I was the dispatched A rank Hunter.

"However, things haven\'t been going so well and I\'ve been sued by some noble families. The two noble kids that were with you died and some other noble kids from the other groups also died. 

"I don\'t know why there were so many magic beasts in the forest so suddenly. It really sucks coz now I\'m most likely to lose my job, even though I founded the Academy. I can\'t really blame them, I\'m the reason so many kids died." He pitied himself and sulked.

I didn\'t say anything, as I simply did not care. He always made stupid decisions, this was his learning curb, an eye opener to finally be an adult. How could a guy like him even be an assassin? It was hard to believe.

As for the sudden rise in the number of beasts, it was unfortunate.

\'So that\'s your nest? Looks huge!\' Dianmu said in my head, looking at the huge mansion in awe.

\'Yep, but I\'m afraid there\'s gonna be a lot of shouting once I enter.\'

\'What do you mean?\' She looked at me confused.

\'You\'re a mother, you\'ll understand soon enough.\' I sighed.

We finally arrived at the gates of the mansion, I honestly did not want to go inside as I knew what was going to happen: Another scolding session. 

I need to hurry up and grow up.


The door swung open and a group of people ran outside overzealously.

Mother was the first to hug me, then Jace and Naz also joined in. Even Gramps smiled, standing at the back, folding his arms.

"What is wrong with you? Constantly making us worry! And this time you even brought a woman with you!" Mother cried in my arms. I smiled, hugging her tightly.

\'So is that your wife?\' Dianmu asked, scratching her head.

\'No stupid, this is my mother.\' I shook my head at her dumb comment.

\'Woahh. She looks so young!\' she complimented.

They finally let go and we all entered the house, mother gave Dianmu weird looks as she followed us inside.

We all sat on sofas in the living room.

\'Wow! So spacious.\' Dianmu looked around the mansion with wide eyes like she had just seen gold for the first time.

"Firstly, who\'s the woman?" Mother was the first to interrogate me, as she shot a killing stare at Dianmu, who was sitting next to me.

"My name is Dianmu and I\'m his familiar." Danmiu spoke up with a smile on her face.

\'What the hell are you doing?!\' I scolded her straightforwardness.

\'I\'m just telling her the truth. Never lie to your parents, young demon.\' 

I sighed, knowing she was right.

"What\'s a familiar?" Mother asked, suspicious of her presence.

"This!" She said energetically and a loud thunderclap shook the whole building. We all covered our eyes as bright light flashed before us.

A lightning bolt had pierced through the roof and struck Dianmu\'s body.

We all slowly uncovered our eyes.

"What the hell!" Jace was the first to say with a shocked face.

I looked to my side and sighed in relief. Thank God she didn\'t pull off some stupid stunt like go naked.

\'Do you want me to?\' Dianmu asked through our mind link.

\'Do I want what?\'

\'I can hear your thoughts you know.\' She returned, I blushed knowing what she meant.

"Interesting! Zeref you formed a contract with a Thunderbird. They\'re legendary S rank magic beasts." Gramps\'s eyes gleamed with wonder and awe .

"Yes. As you know I entered the dungeon and ended up clearing it. In the end I formed a contract with her and yeah, she became my familiar." I said speaking truthfully.

"You lucky b*stard. I bet I could\'ve got a much better familiar or even a bond." Mike overheard our conversation and butted in.

I could feel Dianmu\'s bloodthirst rise as she was about to kill him in one go.

\'Don\'t Dianmu. Control yourself.\'

Dianmu was now in a miniature bird form, she was maybe about a foot tall and rested on my shoulder. Her feathers were a navy blue colour and her beak had a golden hue. She resembled an eagle a lot.

"Okay I believe you and for you Mr Hunter, we\'ll have a secret chat later on." Mother smiled sinisterly, making me shiver all over. I was definitely getting another lecture.

Jace gave me that \'Good luck bro\' look and I sighed, playing with my fingers.

This was going to be a long day...

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