
Chapter 194 186: Preliminary Test (1)

A small island filled with leaves and flowers.

We skipped through the length of the place and saw the next one further up in the sky. The clouds wafting about now touched our hands as we took every step.

Titania gently twirled in the air and I walked behind her. Honestly, I wanted to skip around, but it was uncomfortable to be open with so many people around. I didn\'t used to think that way before. That\'s one negative point for people.

"Do we jump again?" I asked, looking up at the next island which was a few meters higher up in the sky.

"See that red spot brother?" Billy said, pointing at the ground near the edge of this floating island. "Step ahead from there."

I quickly did so. Titania excitedly tugged at my hair and urged me to rush, and rush I did. My steps didn\'t hold a second of hesitation as I placed them outside the rim of this island.

Before it could lower down, something struck against it.

"Oh?" I muttered, a smile leaving me.

There was an invisible bridge connecting the two islands. A wave of red and violet spread under my feet as I took another step ahead, and hit against the bridge.



Just like inside a dungeon.

The inside of the Deep Down Dive. The different Labyrinths I had encountered, the beautiful sights I had seen.

This academy was just another one of those.

With a much better impression of the academy now, I started running up.

My feet soared and I hopped into the sky.

"Ah! Me too!"

"Me as well!"

Dawn and Sophia shouted from the back, but both of them were outdone by Keith who seemed just as excited.

I turned back halfway through the climb and shouted. "Vienna, where do we have to go?"

Vienna let out a soft chuckle as she pointed at one of the islands around the large one with the glass dome. It was a smaller island with a giant building made of marbles, it\'s beautiful architecture reminiscent of the one I had spread in Apollon.

"That\'s the reception building. That\'s where you\'ll register."

"Eugy! Eugy!" Titania excitedly screamed and I nodded.

"Keith! Race!"

Keith rushed up and jumped over my head. "Last one to reach buys food! No using your skills!"

"Oh, you\'re on!"

I pivoted on my feet and followed behind.

"I wanna join too!" Billy said from the back.

"No fair! Me too!"

Behind us, all the others started running up too. Lily, Maria, Dawn, Billy and Sophia, all of them wanted in on the race as they rushed behind.

"Haha, be careful!" Vienna screamed from the back, but her words fell on deaf ears.

The others weren\'t any match for Keith and me, we quickly scaled the bridge and moved over to the next island.

Houses not different from the ones below spread over the island. I jumped over the stony streets and climbed up clear stairs. Vines hanging from the windows grazed my cheeks while flower pots rested on the sides of the stairs.

"There you are!" I screamed at Keith and pulled him by the scruff of his suit.

"Ah! Cheating, cheating!"

A few people peeked out of their houses while others coursing the narrow streets turned to look at us. Some laughed while others apparently held a nostalgic gaze. Seeing new people come in must have always been the same.

The small struggle ended when I kicked Keith off and continued ahead.

From the roof of one house started the base of another, while at the edge of the streets were the edges of the land. All of it a shade brighter from the many colors coursing through the skies.

As we crossed bridges, the clouds came and gushed over us, while at other times the ground itself started to move.

Keith tried to catch me at the back and pull me by the ankle, but I kicked him off again and climbed down the final bridge that led to the giant building.

The beautiful skies were all around me, and at one side was the upside down tower emanating with magical energy.

A chuckle left me again and Titania followed before both of us broke into a peal of laughter.

A drop of sweat grazed down my forehead.

"I WIN!"

"Ahhh! Damn it!" Keith came right after me and clenched his knees as he fell to the ground.

I gave him a quick kick in front of the enormous reception and laughed harder. His grumblings unending.

Not long after, Dawn made her way over.

She jumped down the final one while laughing, sweat spreading around each time her hair fluttered.

"Dusk, catch!"

"Right on!"

I caught her in my arms and the two of us laughed again before I let her go. The others followed too, all of them panting from the run. Even Vienna had joined them in running over, she wiped her head with a handkerchief and urged us onward.

"Let\'s go," she said. "You\'ll have to register first."

"Hah," I smiled and walked over.

I had tried my best to hide my tracks on the way here. Lethe was in for a big surprise when she would reach this place.

I took the lead again and stepped inside the giant building. A small staircase led up to the inside, giant pillars holding up its roof. The insides weren\'t something to scoff at either.

A small indoor waterfall flowed behind the reception desk while couches and tables reminiscent of a five-star hotel\'s lounge covered the eyes. There were a bunch of different desks with people working on different things at each of them.

"That one," Vienna said, pointing at the desk at the end of the room. "That\'s where you register for the entrance test. Of course, the princess got your letter and handled most of your formalities."

I had sent a letter to the princess of Schwarz. She had offered to pay up for my tuition, and I gladly indulged. At the same time, I also made her finish up the formalities for the gang entering with me since it would be a hassle to wait for it.

If she was offering to be of help, why shouldn\'t I use her?

I moved over to the desk while others followed.

There didn\'t seem to be anyone else here yet, it was rather early in the morning and quite a few had already registered in the previous days.

"Good morning!" The girl at the reception said to us.

"What\'s the toughest quest—Ah, sorry. Force of habit."

I was too used to professional smiles. The head receptionist always nagged, so I went to the other ones to take up quests back in Deep Down Town.

Lady Sophia shook her head and stepped forward.

"We\'re here to register for the entrance test, please. You must have received word from the third princess of Schwarz for all the formalities."

"Ah, the special recommendation, yes," the lady nodded. She reached into her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. Titania flew over behind her and gazed at the paper.

"It says VIPs," she said.

How cool was that?

"You will have to give a preliminary test first," the receptionist said. "Only then can you give the test inside the tower."

I looked at Vienna and she nodded.

"What\'s the preliminary test this time?"

"Oh? Aren\'t you one of the top students in the second year?" Vienna seemed to have some clout.

She nodded gracefully and the receptionist continued with a cheery tone.

"There\'s a simple test. We have created a new device to test your potential and skills. I\'ll show you to that."


It slightly reminded me of the tests one had to give as an Hunter. A device to measure potential seemed fun.

"I have received word, for a Lady Sophia of Mirxa," she said, pulling the paper back. "A Lord Eugene of Apollon."

Eugene of Apollon. I liked the sound of that.

"Psst," Maria suddenly hissed in my ears.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Young master, I heard that you can only take one person as an aide. Are you going to send us back?"

She sounded worried. How endearing.

I held in a smile, but it spilled out anyway.

I was probably looking smug as hell.

"And, a last student, Miss Lily Blume. Is that right?"


Lily muttered.

I leaned ahead on the reception and nodded.

"That\'s correct. Three registrations."

Keith with me.

And Maria with Lily.

That brought my entire family here.

"HEH!? Y-young master!?? Me??"

"Yes, you. Lily Blume\'s only you."

"No, no! It\'s a common name so it could be someone else."

"It says you would be with Lord Eugene, mam." Even the happy-go-lucky receptionist seemed to be on the boat.

"What… but how can I?" Lily held her mouth and nervously spoke.

"What\'s the problem? It\'s the princess paying anyway." I shrugged. "Mam, please take us for the test."

"Right away."

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