
Chapter 271 Celebration

Lee Seng and the huge group moved back to the cabin. The large group of Chimera\'s soldiers were all chatting away. The food was close to being done as Halys pulled away from the group and moved over to the cooks. He began to chat with them on the progress and they began to show him all the different things they decided to make.

"Okay, we\'re here. Where do you wanna go?" Ysa asked.

"Where\'s Ritsuka?" Lee Seng asked. He turned his attention to Valen. Valen\'s ears twitched as he turned to look at Lee Seng.

"Oh, we were sparring and he slipped into his Negative. He\'s outta commission for a while." Valen answered.

"His negative?"

"Mmm, he didn\'t tell you?" Valen asked. Lee Seng shook his head. Valen moved over and looked at Ysa and Victoria. "I\'ll take him to his friend. You two can go chat with the others."

"You sure? We\'re almost there." Victoria asked.

​ "Yeah, I\'ll take it from here." Valen nodded. Victoriamoved Lee Seng\'s arm onto Valen and Valen properly grabbed him and nodded at Ysa to leave. Keng quickly took Ysa\'s spot.

"I\'ll help you." Keng told him.

"Mmm, thanks." Valen smiled. They began to slowly move over to the cabin. Halys began to give instructions to some people on building cabins. They began to plot out different cabins as the earth and wood rumbled into existence.

"So what happened to Ritsuka?" Lee seng asked as Valen and Keng sat him down.

"We were training and I think he made a breakthrough. I guess it took too much DM so he went into DMe and his negative triggered. His spirit or soul gets disconnected from his body for some time." Valen explained.

"So is he just… floating around?" Keng looked around. Valen shook his head.

"No. I unfortunately don\'t have the Spiritual training to see and hear him. I\'ve been told I\'m very sharp when it comes to the Spirit stuff but…" Valen shrugs.

"I can go so far from my body before I\'m yanked back to it." Ritsuka answered as the door quickly opened.

"Oh, you\'re okay!" Keng smiled.

"If I\'d known that form would\'ve sucked more energy outta me, I would\'ve taken more precautions." Ritsuka stepped out, closing the door.

"It\'s alright, dude." Valen patted Ritsuka.

\'They get along really well.\' Lee Seng thought.

\'They sure do.\' Keng nodded.

"Crap." Lee Seng spoke loudly.

"What?" Ritsuka looked at Lee Seng.

"Are you feeling any pain? Do I need to grab one of the healers?" Valen crouched.

"N-no… I, uh…" Lee seng\'s face grew a bit red.

"He forgot I can telepathically hear and talk to him, too." Keng chuckled. Valen and Ritsuka smiled.

"Hey, Valen! If you\'re done, come help set up the tables!" Chrono shouted.

"Ah, ye-yeah! I\'ll be there!" Valen shouted standing. He looked at the boys. "I guess I\'m off to work. Rest, okay?" The boys nodded as he waved and ran off.

"So how did training go?" Ritsuka looked at the two boys. The two sighed and they began to hear what they both did individually before meeting in the Spirit World.

"Ah, it seems like you had it rough, Keng. Are you sure you\'re okay?" Ritsuka asked.

"I\'m fine." Keng pulled his top off and showed that he didn\'t have any markings whatsoever. He pulled the top back on and motioned at Lee Seng. "You should ask him. If I returned back into his body, he must\'ve taken the damage."

"I feel… fine." Lee Seng spoke. Keng tapped him and watched Lee Seng wince in pain.

"Liar." Keng rolled his eyes. Ritsuka chuckled.

"If I didn\'t know any better, I would\'ve guessed you two are twin brothers." Ritsuka dodged a swing from Keng, tipping the chair. He caught himself from falling and laughed some more.

\'Do we tell him about what happened in–" Keng began to ask.

\'No.\' Lee Seng interjected.

"C\'mon boys." Two Fox spirits moved up the steps. "Food\'s ready! Let\'s eat!" The two Fox Spirits ushered them over, Ritsuka and Keng helping Lee Seng down the steps. They sat at the end of the long table.

"Alright, everyone!" General Halys clapped his hands together as he stood up. He sat at the other end of the table and stood next to the seated Chimera. "Thank you all for coming! The boys found a bone lizard and managed to kill it! Thankfully they didn\'t hit the miasma glands or else the food would be more sour than usual!" Everyone began to clap.

"But we come together today not to feast together but to also to celebrate our new brothers that have joined us. Lee Seng and Keng if you two could stand." Halys motioned at them. Keng helped Lee Seng up and they both waved at the large group.

"H-hello. I\'m Lee Seng." Lee Seng bowed.

"I\'m Keng." Keng gave a small bow. "Thank you for making the food."

"These boys are the new leaders of the Saviors sect. We might be working with them in the future due the fact they\'ll be going back to Earth after the Cursed Forest expedition. Please treat them well." Halys began to clap and everyone clapped. Commander Chimera stood and grabbed his cup and raised it.

"I\'d like to make a toast to our new brothers and their human friend." Chimera spoke. Everyone grabbed their cups, Lee Seng, Keng and Ritsuka following everyone else. "I know it must be a lot to experience and learn about different worlds outside of yours, but we\'re glad to share a bit of our own with you all. Fox or human, I hope we can work together in the future. Even if you two decide to spend your time on Earth, just know you\'ll always have family here. Cheers."

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted. They all began to take a sip of their drinks. Lee Seng could feel the bubbly drink.

"Now, let\'s eat." Chimera motioned. Everyone began to grab food and converse amongst themselves. Halys and the other cooks had made a variety of dishes with the lizard meat. It looked like they had caught birds and roasted them as well. Lee Seng grabbed a lot of lizard soup and a huge drumstick. Ritsuka grabbed some stir fry and fried chicken while Keng grabbed a congee soup with a mix of different colored vegetables and different types of meats.

"Whoa, that looks good." Ritsuka pointed at the congee.

"Mm, it tastes good, too." Keng scooped another spoonful of congee into his mouth. "How\'s the soup?" Keng nodded over at Lee Seng\'s food.

"Mmmhm." Lee Seng nodded.

"So," a male Fox called out to the three. "Has the General been putting you guys through the wringer? I heard you guys had to fight the ghosts that were here." Another Fox elbowed him. "What I just wanna know?"

"It was okay." Ritsuka answered.

"Mmm, I wish I could\'ve learned more in that fight." Keng answered.

"I barely remember much about that fight." Lee Seng answered.

"You don\'t remember much about it? Why?" The first Fox asked.

"He\'s the one that… Y\'know." The second Fox motioned.

"Got possessed by a demon of sorts and exhausted a lot of my energy which I found out my energy channels are screwed… Which reminds me," Lee Seng looked at the other side and slowly stood up. He cleared his throat and shouted, "Hey, Halys, can I get some of those energy healing remedies?" Halys looked up and nodded.

"I\'ll get you some after dinner!" Halys answered. Lee SEng gave a thumbs up and sat back down with the help of Keng and Ritsuka.

"So, you don\'t remember much about it because of this demon?" The first fox asked.

"Well, technically the Protocol but yeah." Lee Seng nodded.

"Ahhh, the Protocol must be tough then." The second fox nodded.

"We\'re glad you\'re doing better though." A female Fox with silver tails spoke up to their left. "I\'m Chrono. I talked to Ritsuka while he was in his Soul form." Chrono pointed.

"Ahh, thanks for helping me with Valen." Ritsuka bowed. Chrono waved it off.

"Don\'t mention it, kid. Valen\'s capable of a lot but he lacks training and dedication in the Spirit part of his training."

"Why\'s that?" Keng asked.

"Well, his instincts are really sharp." Chrono took a sip of the drink. She motioned over to Ritsuka. "You know he\'s pretty quick, but he can be a bit impatient. Spirit training takes longer than any other kind of training he\'s done and he just doesn\'t want to wait it out for results. He likes results quickly."

"What\'s wrong with that when you\'re a ninja." Valen leaned next to Chrono. Chrono rolled her eyes as she looked up at Valen. He was staring at the three boys. "If you wanna spar, lemme know. I can apparently get people to level up." He moved his eyebrows up as Ritsuka chuckled.

"I wish we could train more. I would love to train some more." Ritsuka told him.

"We could. There\'s enough sunlight out that we could."

"Mmm, I\'m itching to practice since everything feels off." Lee Seng told them.

"Shouldn\'t you rest?" Keng poked Lee Seng. Lee Seng winced. HIs body was sore and he felt achey.

"I feel like I\'ll be a wild card when we go back to the expedition so I wanna try."

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