
Chapter 457 Vengeance Strikes!

A pink light sank into Philip as Lily opened her eyes. If she paid close attention to Philip, she could see the barrier over Philip. She let out a sigh of relief as the door opened. She watched Fan\'r step in and shut the door behind him.

"Are you done?" Fan\'r asked his daughter. He turned around to see her nodding. She looked exhausted.

"Just finished." Lily replied. She looked at Philip and watched his chest slowly rise up and down. Fan\'r moved to the foot of the bed and watched his youngest son sleep. "Do you think he\'ll wake up after we defeat the Curse?"

"We\'ll just have to see when you and Keng defeat it." Fan\'r responded. "I\'ve seen Curses in my time, but it\'s been a while since I\'ve seen one become a problem." Lily looked up at her father. He had told many stories about his past and often shared the ones before he met her mother. He liked sharing stories about the times he was under Commander Chimera. It was how he and her mother met.

"You\'ve seen Curses killed?" Lily asked. Fan\'r looked at his daughter and nodded.

"While I was with Commander Chimera, I saw Saviors get deployed to whatever place we were at before the Commander and the team were assigned to watch over Earth. The Curses were just as big of a threat then like they are now." Fan\'r replied. "Observe, learn, and do well, Lily. You\'re the new generation of Saviors, so do well to learn what to do in these cases."

Lily nodded and the two went back to watching Philip sleep. A slight pink glow radiated off his skin as the sounds of footsteps alerted Fan\'r. The door swung open as Fan\'r turned to see one of the many soldiers he had trained.

"Sir!" The soldier gasped for air. They were hunched over and pointing towards the exit of the hospital building. "We have a problem! Th-they\'re attacking each other!"

"Lily, come." Fan\'r motioned as he started past the exhausted soldier. Lily stood up and quickly followed after her father. The soldier closed the door behind them and jogged past Lily, keeping up with Fan\'r. "The Curse must be acting now, tch. Anything else to add?"

"Chima is dealing with the small group while Jacob and Bright are trying to pull them apart. They keep trying to attack each other." The Soldier added.

"They attack anything?" Fan\'r looked at the Soldier. The Soldier nodded as they stopped at the door. Fan\'r put his hand on the door and looked at his daughter.

"Ready." Lily nodded. Fan\'r pushed the door and the three stepped out to chaos. People were screaming and fighting. Jacob, Bright, Chima and some sane villagers were trying to separate the crazed fighters. Lily\'s eyes started to glisten with energy as she began to barely see the Curse energy radiating off of the insane people.

\'I just started the Sight training and I can see the Curse, barely?\' Lily thought, amazed. Fan\'r quickly moved over to Chima, who was binding a small group of Cursed soldiers together.

"There\'s this many already?" Fan\'r asked.

"Fan\'r!" Chima looked over. "If they inflict any wounds on you, you go crazy!" A Cursed soldier bolted straight for Chima as Fan\'r quickly unfolded his tails and shielded Chima from getting it. The reverberation pulsed throughout Fan\'r\'s tail and a soft whoosh moved over the entire area. All of the Cursed enemies instantly fell to the floor as Fan\'r retracted his tails back to its original spot.

"Gather them and tie them together!" Fan\'r ordered. People began to scramble together, pulling them towards Chima as Chima pulled the Cursed people together.

"Dad!" Jacob jogged over, dropping one of the Cursed bodies in the pile.

"What do you know?" Fan\'r looked at his second eldest son.

"They came from the entrance behind us. They were already like this and I happened to see the Cursed soldiers start attacking the others so I immediately tried to stop it." Jacob informed Fan\'r. "Healer Chima saw what was happening and quickly grouped most of them together. It\'s the only reason why I\'m not under the effects of the Curse."

"Do we know if its the Curse? They look the same to me." Fan\'r motioned.

"They\'re Cursed. I can barely see it with my eyes." Lily spoke up.

p "What do we do then?" Jacob looked at Fan\'r and Chima.

"We group them together and make sure they can\'t get out." Chima responded.

"I put them to sleep for awhile. Hopefully it lasts until Keng comes back. We\'re gonna need to cure them somehow." The sound of horns went off all around them. Lily, Fan\'r and the others\' eyes scanned around them.

"MONSTERS!" A soldier shouted. The sounds of a large crowd of monsters grew all around them.

"Chima, I\'ll leave these to you. We\'re going to be screwed if the monsters get in." Fan\'r dashed off.

"Leave it to me, Fan\'r!" Chima nodded.

"I\'m going with Dad!" Jacob shouted, following after.

"What about me?!?" Lily shouted.

"You stay with me, Lily. We\'ll support the others if needed." Chima instructed.

"What if those monsters are Cursed? Won\'t that be a problem?"

"Unlike these ones, we can kill the monsters." Chima extended his arms out and pulled them into himself like a hug. The Cursed soldiers grouped together and a bind of gray energy wrapped around them. "Bright, Winn, you four! Help me bind them once more!"

Lily watched as Chima and the six moved to form a circle around the sleeping bodies. They all linked hands and Chima began to chant in Fox tongue.

"Goddess of Nature, bind my brethren until the Silver light arrives. Bind of Vines!"

Lily watched as vines wrapped around the unconcious Cursed soldiers and wrapped themselves all over the soldiers. When all was good, Chima and the others let go as another warning came over them.

"GOBLINS AND HOBGOBLINS! They\'re stronger than normal!"

"Get ready!" Chima ordered. Bright, Winn and the others pulled their weapons out as Chima looked to Lily. "Lily, just like we practiced, alright? Protect the others at all costs. We can\'t let them get harmed, alright?"

"Yes, Healer." Lily nodded.

"Since its monsters, we can let loose, right?" Bright asked

"No damage to what\'s ours! I don\'t want to hear another complaint come from you two\'s fighting!" Chima shouted. "Got it?!?"

"Yes, Healer!" Winn grinned.

"Let\'s go?" Bright looked at Winn.

"Let\'s go!" The two blurred together and disappeared exploding a small crowd of goblins as they poured into the village.

"Let\'s protect our home!" Chima shouted.

"Protect our home!" Everyone else shouted. The battle grew as Lily kept near Chima. Chima easily binded goblins together, slicing them in half without even speaking a spell into existence. Lily knew Healer Chima was a medical fighter before he settled in the Village, but she never thought she would witness him actually fight. Lily lifted her hands up and the ukulele flew off of her back and into her hands. Lily began to strum, humming to a new tune as Chima and the others began to glow.

"Speed Buff! Protection 1 Buff! Magical 1 Buff!" Lily shouted. Her music wrapped around her allies, buffing them. Chima and the others began to fight faster, dodging attacks as the goblins and hobgoblins poured in. "Forte!" Lily\'s strums began to erupt outwards like a wave of water rushing over its victims. The musical notes slammed against the enemies as Bright and Winn quickly used her sound magic to their advantage.

The Wang family all had some sort of sound magic. Their father, Fan\'r, had the ability to use sounds to his advantage and create disaster with it. He could put people to sleep with the reverberation of an attack or even afflict status effects onto you. All of his children had inherited some sort of version of his sound powers and over time, his children learned they could use each other\'s sounds and strengthen their own power with it.

Winn and Bright could strengthen any noises they made, easily creating large area-of-effect moves while Jacob empowered himself with rage and used shockwaves to his advantage. Philip could alter his sound and use simple commands to create different effects. Lily got the ability to create music and support her allies with it.

The Wang siblings were well-known in the Village for their teamwork even if they butted heads all the time. When it came to protecting and fighting, the Village could always look to Fan\'r and Mother Wang\'s children to make quick work of the enemies.

"Amplify!" Bright shouted, pointing at Lily\'s sound wave. The sound wave exploded, creating a ripple that flew out in every direction. Hobgoblins unlucky enough to not dodge it, instantly died while shorter goblins managed to keep themselves away from the attack.

"Morendo (Die down)!" Lily strummed. She forced the ripple of musical energy to die, falling downwards like rain. The musical shards rained down onto the goblins, impaling them. Another horn went off in front of them as Chima threw up in front of him.

"What now?!?" Chima groaned.


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