
Chapter 241 - The Battle Of The Real Contenders! [1]

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sounds of the 3 silhouettes rapidly closing in from the distance reverberated through the water as every single contender for this inheritance suddenly felt the boss music that was playing in the water.

The boss music was an epic and rapid mechanical one, the one that could make blood burn hot, the one that could make brains emit steam due to heat, and the one that could make adrenaline course through veins madly.

Though the Space Beast was an enormous monster that towered at an outrageous size of 30 meters, the battle between it and the powerful Atlantian Captain was one whose time was measured in milliseconds.

The battle was extremely fast-paced, starting and ending in mere seconds.

Due to this, though the Space Beast was currently severely injured after the hit by the Atlantian Captain\'s killer move, as soon as Captain Omega was distracted by the newcomers, it successfully escaped.

In an instant, Captain Omega lost his best shot at killing the Space Beast. He didn\'t have the time to wallow in regret though, this was because of the new enemies that were rapidly advancing in his direction.

After escaping and safeguarding its life, this Space Beast experienced another strange feeling that it had not experienced before, it was traumatized by the strength displayed by the Atlantian Captain.

For the first time in its little life, it felt a sense of inferiority. In its fragile and innocent mind, this Captain completely beat it to the point of senselessness.

Because of this, it abandoned its pride and escaped. Due to the advantage of its bloodline, its severe injuries were already recovering rapidly but this didn\'t matter since the injury of the mind was much harder to heal.

Captain Omega was as serious as a well-trained German Shepherd police dog at this moment. This Atlantian Captain grabbed his sword tighter as his eyes focused on the distance, trying to pin down the 3 silhouettes.

While Captain Omega did this, every other individual and beast on the battlefield did the same since knowing your enemy was vital in any battle.

While Captain Omega and the Space Beast fought, the other mutated beasts also continued fighting themselves since their desire for the Sea King Inheritance was still blazing like raging fire in a dark abyss.

Because of this, corpses of beasts and some Atlantian soldiers now lined the path that led into the heart of the battlefield.

While practically every other person watched with their naked eye, Captain Omega\'s magic power erupted again as his eyes suddenly divided into a white and black membrane that was enclosed in a circular film.

"Yin-Yang Encompassing Skill: Enhanced Vision!"

With this, his vision was amplified countless times over. All of a sudden, he felt shackles breaking in his perception as he seemed to be yanked out of the previous black and white world that he lived in into a real colorful world.

Everything became clear and near to him like his previous sight was a mere illusion, this was the effects and power of magic skills.

Captain Omega instantly determined what the 3 silhouettes actually were as his expression turned grave the next moment, the situation was worse than he expected since he recognized all 3 silhouettes.

Of the 3 silhouettes, he recognized the 2 that moved together immediately as the terrifying Toad Alliance and the Turtle Confraternity of the outside world.

The identity of the 2 alien spaceships was undeniable since they didn\'t even put any effort into hiding their identity. At this moment, the disguise was not the priority since after some time they would still be recognized.

At this moment, getting the Sea King inheritance was the priority.

Captain Omega was shocked and confused on seeing these 2 contenders.

How did they know of the inheritance? How did they get here? These were part of the questions that erupted in his mind, but he suppressed them all knowing that the last of the 3 silhouettes was the immediate danger that he needed to attend to.

This was a mutated sea beast that looked like a Racoon with a tail fin and webbed feet for swimming exactly the same way that a raccoon ran on land.

Ordinary mutated Racoons would not make Captain Omega react in such an exaggerated manner, he reacted this way because in the details that Staff Sergeant Barnes provided, a huge highlight point was left for this exact predator.

This Racoon was one of the 3 pinnacles of this ocean volcano region, it was a purple tier predator but with a tyrannical reputation that showed its strength.

This was a Racoon beast who once fought a stray Red tier predator that wandered into this region to a standstill. Though this standstill battle was only slightly, it was still a respectable legendary feat.

This deadly predator was officially known in this region as the Speed Demon, but it had an even more famous title.

This Racoon was popularly referred to as \'The more you look, the less you see!\'

Captain Omega temporarily removed the threat of the 2 alien warships of the well-known beast organizations, this was because he knew this organization and had a lot of knowledge about their modus operandi.

An unknown enemy was always the most dangerous.

Staff Sergeant Barnes was able to get the name and reputation of this sea beast, but that was all, nothing detailed was pinpointed by the Sergeant.

"…Speed Demon".

"…The more you look, the less you see".

Captain Omega\'s limited reasoning faculty tried to crack the mystery of this beast, but at the point that he looked before, this beast suddenly disappeared.

The Speed Demon moved! 

"Scan the area!"

"Find it and pin it down!"

Lieutenant Lookman yelled at his warships whose crew reacted immediately. While the Captain and the Space Beast fought, the Atlantian fleet while retreating carefully moved closer to the inheritance\'s entrance stealthily.

At this moment, the Atlantian fleet was the closest to the inheritance so as soon as they heard their Lieutenant\'s order, they all activated blockade shields.

"Umbrella Formation!"

Lieutenant Lookman ordered coldly as all 50+ warships of the Division Fleet activated blue energy shields that combined to form what seemed like a huge umbrella-shaped energy blockade, with spikes.

This defense seemed complete, but not before the Speed Demon! 

For this terrifying predator Racoon, apart from its tyrannical strength, was even more famous for its speed. The more you look the less you see, this was a title that was more than a title.

This was a title that was achieved by real battle performance.

All the Atlantian soldiers saw was a shapeless and formless blur, and all those the warships\' deep scanners were able to get was a slightly red form.


The scanners tried to pinpoint this red form down, but the more the battery powering the scanners were strained, the less they saw.

The Racoon\'s speed was constantly increasing, and not in a small amount.

"Bombard the area!" Lieutenant Lookman roared.

Boom! Boom!

As the missiles descended, bombarding the area and turning it into a firestorm, from the Speed Demon\'s perspective, this world was still calm.

Apart from its intimidating speed, this Racoon had a skill that perfectly complemented its speed and was the reason for its fame, the Concentration Time!

When this Racoon concentrated while swimming rapidly, this skill automatically activates. Its only effect was to isolate him from the outside world and place him in a special world where time flows slower.

Because of this, this Racoon saw everything that happened in the real world at least 10 seconds before it actually happened.

To it, the dropping missiles were too slow, they were dropping in slow motion. Due to this, all it did was simply outmaneuver the Atlantian warship\'s aim and it did.

This Racoon made it look so simple but this was a legendary feat.

Boom! Boom!

The frustrated Atlantian crew rampantly bombarded everywhere with missiles, but not even one of them touched this mutated beast until it arrived at the very front of the inheritance\'s tunnel entrance.

On getting here, the Speed Demon turned one last time and looked at the warships which tried to stop him. His red demonic eyes flickered before he showed a creepy smile at the warships.

"See you later!"


The first beast officially entered the inheritance ground through the entrance. Instantly, this caused ripples everywhere.

All the beasts here came for this inheritance in the first place, even if it was the Speed Demon, another beast entering first indirectly decreased the chances of getting benefits from this inheritance exponentially.

Instantly, they all went berserk.

"Do it!" "Do it!"

In this time when the beasts\' emotions were riled up, the 2 warships of the Toad Alliance and the Turtle Confraternity finally reacted. Both warships used a magic gadget and created a sound construct.

This was not an ordinary sound construct.

"Do it!" "Do it!"

This \'do it\' seemed like a spiritual psychic power was accompanying it, the effects became apparent immediately as the already agitated beasts suddenly became at least 3 times more agitated and unstable.

It was like they were a sinking ship already which needed a slight nudge to turn over, now this slight nudge was just given.

If they were in the animation phase of going berserk previously, all the mutated beasts went berserk this time!

They threw their instincts of self-preservation away and swam at the blockade formation that the Atlantian warships erected to stop the Speed Demon.

If the Speed Demon could do it, so could they.

Instantly, the battlefield became chaotic again. The fragile order that the Atlantian Division Fleet managed to create was destroyed with just one move by the allied Toad Alliance and Turtle Confraternity warships.

Only one second and the Atlantians\' defense started crumbling.

Seeing this, Captain Omega made a decision. In his previous battle against the Space Beast, he was pushed tight but he was not pushed to the wall where he had to maintain his brainless blood asura battle technique more than normal.

At this moment, this Captain decisively stopped the battle technique.

He received a backlash as he threw up blood, but he succeeded in recovering his rationality. Instantly, this Captain retreated to regroup with his fleet.

While he retreated, the 2 warships of the allied best organizations arrived before the Black Mamba Division Fleet\'s army.

An exit opened from the front of the 2 warships, and from this exit rushed out an army of mutated beast toads and turtles who were all armored to the teeth.

This was an elite unit of beasts specially organized for this mission by the 2 organizations, this showed the level of importance that was given to this mission.

Without hesitation, the allied army collided with the Atlantian Division Fleet.

Almost at the same time, Sebastian reacted in the hole where they hid.

"Let\'s move!"

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