
Chapter 365 - Taking Action!

One week later, the war was still raging fiercely!

The destruction wrought by the war between these 2 high-grade rural settlements in just a week showed the resolve of both sides and the extent that they were ready to reach to accomplish their goals.

The region where the Anemone Domain and the Snake Kingdom were established as the 2 ruling powers seemed to have been affected by an apocalypse.

Legends say that when 2 giants fought, it was the one dwarf in-between them that was perhaps oblivious of the whole conflict would be the one to suffer and this was perfectly reflected here.

The Anemone Domain and the Snake Kingdom were the ones at war, and they suffered staggering casualties of course, but the other rural settlements and stray beasts in their region were the ones that really suffered.

These confused beasts had no choice but to die under the circumstances.

Deciding to escape from this region would probably lead to them entering the battlefield of an even more advanced battle between Empires, so staying here and fighting for their survival was the decision that most predators took.

Some of them were lucky enough to survive for a time, but with the gradually escalating war, they died in no time, either by starvation or by the war itself.

This region of the Green Mist Sea saw and witnessed its bloodiest conflict.

As more beast clans died to the stray attacks of the 2 hegemons, the indignant survivors improvised and tried to form temporary alliances to resist the tyranny of the 2 monster settlements but they were crushed ruthlessly.

The Snake Kingdom and the Anemone Domain already lorded over this region for so long, hoarding all the best resources throughout that even if all the other settlements allied, they could at best match their might.

Now that a lot of them were already annihilated or annexed, such temporary alliances were like throwing a stone at a river while expecting it to tear the river apart, annihilating it in the process.

This was simply fantasy, and they paid for their ignorance with death.

Neither the clownfish nor the snakes showed mercy. Only their opponents were in their sights, any other obstruction\'s only fate was to be annihilated.

While the 2 high-grade rural settlements stepped on the heads of their lesser neighbors to settle their fight for supremacy, the intensity of the war between them grew so much that it officially entered the next level after only a week.

Despite the numerous hidden trump cards and methods that both high-grade rural settlements had, they would not release them until the war situation was getting really critical.

Hidden trump cards were more useful when used in critical periods where they could have the most impact, that was why they were called trump cards.

Of these trump cards were the elders of both sides. The elder snakes were as patient as snakes should, watching cunningly from the dark, while the clownfish councilors supervised the battle situation live.

None of these councilors got to their position while being soft. They were war heroes of the previous generation and were war legends of this generation.

They were the most powerful and intelligent clownfish in the clan. They were entitled to the best, they had the best mechs, they were the spiritual foundation of the Anemone Domain, they were the greatest trump card of the clown city.

With all the trump cards still not being used, the battle situation was balanced between both beast armies.

This meant that none of the 2 armies arrived at an overwhelming advantage after the first clash. With no clear superior, they could only settle for deciding the conflict through the generic way of trading blow for blow.

This way, the casualties recorded in both armies were absolutely staggering. Soldiers died this way like leaves falling in autumn.

The 2 high-grade rural settlements had prepared for this epic showdown for a long time. Their reserves were full, their military-grade shuttle reserves were full, all their military reserves were full except manpower.

Manpower was the one thing that neither of these 2 powerful rural settlements could settle like their other needs and stockpile.

Beasts were born, beasts die, this was the cycle of life and there was very little that the beasts could do about it. Unless they were Atlantis, these 2 high-grade rural settlements would forever be plagued with this manpower problem.

This was what resulted in a huge problem due to the abnormal rate at which the soldiers of both sides died. 

Originally, they thought they would have to fight for over a month before this nagging problem became prominent but they were wrong, they vastly exceeded the extent that the intensity of this battle would reach.

If this continued, in a few weeks, both rural settlements will suffer a shortage of manpower which could prove extremely dangerous since the surviving low-grade and middle-grade rural settlements could then attack them.

Neither of these 2 high-grade rural settlements was content to let this happen, and they also didn\'t want to stop the war that they started, this was the reason why they made a decision.

These 2 high-grade rural settlements were already tyrants in this region, but they decided to take that title more seriously, implementing it.

Just a day later, both hegemons started deliberately targeting other rural settlements, annexing their warriors to become theirs to serve as cannon fodder to extend the length of this battle to determine the side with more reserves.

Unlike the Snake Kingdom that lived a recluse life throughout their reign, the more carefree Anemone Domain enjoyed an advantage here.

They necessarily didn\'t have to attack all their targets, they just hard to threaten the beasts with the prospects of living in a rule under the tyrant snakes alone and these beasts willingly decided to help the clownfish.

The snakes didn\'t give a damn about diplomacy, they were powerful and they flexed their power again, forcibly taking all their volunteers.

This way, both sides succeeded in prolonging their battle-ready state while also making sure that they never got weak enough for their weaker neighbors to be able to pose a threat to them.

This decision was what gave Sebastian the opportunity that he sought.

After being patient for one week, he was finally taken out of the underground shelter to participate in the war. As a purple tier predator, though he was a senior anatomist, his strength would not be wasted.

Sebastian didn\'t mind though although his colleagues mourned when he was taken away. With this, Sebastian knew that it was time, and he finally took action.

In a subtle manner, he created a doppelganger, replacing his real body with it as he finally started the operation that he had been planning for months.

While they took his doppelganger away, his real body became loose.

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