
Chapter 111 - The One-Eyed and the Hawk III

It hasn’t even been two days since that first city had surrendered.

There’s one major reason why we’ve been able to advance at such a good pace. Many cities and villages surrendered and opened their gates.

All of the cities that surrendered to us were given self-autonomy and were obligated to give military service. The taxes given were different to each city.

First were the the cities and villages whose patricians surrendered before we could even give our terms.

We had them give us a hundredth in taxes. That is 1%. Almost nothing.

Next were the patricians whose cities or villages would open their gates after accepting our surrender terms.

We had them give us a fiftieth in taxes. In other words, 2%.

Last were the patricians whose cities and villages we had to attack before getting them to surrender due to them being outnumbered.

We had them give us a twenty-fiftieth in taxes. A 4% percent tax.

Well, doing that was better than allowing King Belvedere more time to prepare. Rather, had I not done it this way, the cities and villages would not betrayed him in the first place.

To be honest though, I would like to have negotiated more taxes but... time is of the essence. I’m worried about Bartolo.

By the way, not all of them surrendered easily.

About 40% were submissive while the remaining 60% resisted. [1]

In Aldernian dominant cities and villages, there was more of a tendency from the patricians to resist. Compared to the Cretians, I suppose they have more loyalty to their king.

In those kinds of towns and villages, we just had to apply some military pressure on the patricians.

This was actually pretty easy to accomplish as long as we used the bomb spears. There was also the fact that Alexios was much more capable than I initially thought.

Could he be more skilled than Bartolo in when it comes to sieging castle? Wait, I’ve never even seen Bartolo siege a castle yet.

For any of those who would resist, I of course will not grant autonomy.

They will be imposed with a 40% tax. After this, I do plan on lowering this when they become more loyal.

Doing it this way, the treatment for those that surrender sooner rather than later is like the difference between heaven and earth...

For the places that were not granted autonomy, the tax does not include (take into account?) the cost for infrastructure and other miscellaneous expenses. This is because those expenses should really be paid by the governing body.

On the other hand, taxes imposed on those given autonomy do include the cost for infrastructure and other expenses. The self-autonomous cities can’t afford to spend on those things so they are put in with the one tax. [2]

Well in the case of many of the cities and villages that were not granted autonomy... they are doing fine economically speaking.

Though, I suppose that is also true for many cities and villages that were given autonomy.

Most likely, the place that had the least burdensome tax for commoners is that third-most populous city. The tax rate there on the commoners themselves was 1%. [3]

For reference, the tax rate in the lands directly under my control is 30%. I intend to lower this to 20% in the future.

”That’s the Belvedere Army isn’t it. I\'d say they number about 8,000 don’t you think? A bit excessive if you ask me.” (Almus?)

”Well we also number 8,000. The battle will be between an equal amount of soldiers. Should they lose, they can just shut themselves behind their ramparts. Should we lose though, it’s over. Strategically speaking, we are at a disadvantage.” (Alexios?)

Should we have prioritized finishing off Rozel instead of Belvedere and gone to assist Bartolo that way?

There is also Muzio’s reinforcements...

No, it’s pointless to be thinking about this now. I just have to think about how I should win this.

”Sir Alexios, do you have any ideas?” (Almus)

You should leave a baker to bake the cake. I am no genius when it comes to military tactics anyways.

In times like these, it’s best to just politely ask for help from a professional.

”Since we’re about equal in terms of soldier count, I think it’d be better if we not try any fancy trick. If we attack head on could we win... but there is no reason for them to come out and fight us is there.” (Alexios)

You know I’ve been thinking, you really beat around the bushes don’t you?

Just get to the point.

Seeing the annoyed look on my face, Alexios quickly spoke.

”Actually, there is this tactic that I’ve been proposing to do for a while now...” (Alexios)

Alexios told me what his proposed tactic was.

It was a terrible plan that could only be thought by a person with bad taste.

This plan is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Oh, I am just complimenting him?

”Tch, those damned traitors... if I just had one more day, I could have mobilized 2,000 more soldiers...” (King Belvedere)

King Belvedere looks upon the enemy soldiers equal to his with a furrowed brow.

The Belvedere Army was made up of 8,000 infantry and 200 cavalry.

Meanwhile, the Coalition Army is reported to be 7,000 infantry strong with 600 to 700 cavalry.

The cavalry is mostly made up of Lezzad’s Germanis Cavalry. They far exceed Aldernian Cavalry in terms of skill.

In any case, with this many soldiers, it can be said that the Belvedere side has the advantage.

We also have succeeded in gaining the high ground. [4]

The Belvedere Army is superior strategically speaking as well as tactically speaking.

That being said, it is possible for the tables to be turned as there is not too much of a difference between the two armies themselves.

In a battle between armies of equal value, the difference will show in the quality of the commanders.

Between the Belvedere Army and the Coalition Army, there’s no doubt that the Coalition Army is superior in terms of quality of their commanders.

Especially, since the Rosyth Army have been experiencing a string of victories.

It was the Coalition Army who made the first move.

In response, the Belvedere Army adjusted their formation.

Since the Belvedere Army was able to secure the high ground and make full use of it, they have a much better advantage.

In contrast, the Coalition Army would have to walk up the slope if they hoped to engage the Belvedere Army. Doing this will make it difficult to maintain morale and fatigue will easily increase.

The Belvedere Army held a locational advantage.

The two armies face directly each other.

Here in the Great Plains one would not be able to carry out an ambush. Traps such are pitfalls were not feasible either.

Thus this is going to be a fairly by-the-book battle.

The common military tactic in the Aldernian Peninsula was to begin with a skirmish phase. Light infantry will attack first slinging rocks and shooting arrows. Then the use of javelins would be employed to disrupt the enemy formation. Finally, the heavy infantry comes in to finish the battle.

The heavy infantry would go in to attack together with the cavalry on each side while the light infantry assist the cavalry.

Cavalry in the Aldernian Peninsula were not very strong so it was rare for them to be able to pierce through heavy infantry.

It almost always ends up with the two opposing heavy infantry regiments clashing. Therefore, the battle is heavily dependent on which side has the numerical advantage and better quality of soldiers.

At the moment, the Coalition Army has more than twice the cavalry the Belvedere Army has and they know this.

The Belvedere Army have set up their light infantry to cover the sides of their cavalry for this reason.

However, the Coalition Army has to battle uphill and are unable to make full use of their cavalry’s mobility because of this.

Therefore, it is not likely that the battle will depend on who wins the cavalry battle but instead will likely be determined by the heavy infantry as is usually the case.

The bulk of both army’s heavy infantry is made up of conscripted Aldernian peasants.

The quality and morale of the Coalition Army was better, but that advantage zeros out when accounting for fatigue.

This will truly be an even fight. It would not be strange if suddenly the battle turns in favor for one side or the other.

After glaring at each other for a while, the battle begins with the light infantry marching ahead.

Both sides hold throwing stones and bows as well as javelins in hand.

The initial skirmish phase of the battle begins...

”Hmm?” (King Belvedere)

King Belvedere tilts his head in confusion.

There are soldiers within the Coalition Army’s light infantry that are unarmed. For some reason, those unarmed soldiers step forward ahead of the rest and shout something.

”Hey you, what are they saying?” (King Belvedere)

”This is serious!! They say they are soldiers who come from towns and villages that surrendered... It seems they are announcing those towns and villages have switched sides.” (Belvedere Soldier)

”What!?” (King Belvedere)

King Belvedere stares ahead.

This is not encouraging. It seems that this is mostly likely a recommendation for surrender.

If let as it is, this is going to affect morale.

”Should we fire projectiles at them sir?” (Belvedere Soldier)

”You imbecile!! If we did that, our army would fall apart!!” (King Belvedere)

King Belvedere quickly halts his men’s advance.

He rides his horse to the frontlines. This is to bolster the morale of his men.

At the moment, in front of me are 20 people from the surrendered villages and towns who were yelling at us.

Many of them have tears in their eyes.

The expressions of sorrow on their faces is making the soldiers feel sympathetic to them.

”My village brethren!! Do you hear me? You do not have to fight!! It is fortunate, for King Rosyth has promised to grant us autonomy!” (Rebel Villager)

”That’s right!! Mark! My dear son!! Are you listening? Even if a battle begins just sit it out!! His majesty King Rosyth has said that those who do not fight will be taken in as prisoners of war and afterwards will be granted freedom!!” (Rebel Mother)

”There is no need for blood to be pointlessly spilt!! Please, Kane!! Please do not leave your father behind!!” (Some Rebel)

”Tory! We promised that once this war was over we’d get married right? Please!! Please surrender!! If you do that you can live!! I’m begging you!!” (Rebel Fiancé) [5]

In a nutshell, Alexios’ proposed strategy psychological warfare.

Moreover, we are exploiting familial love and the kindred felt from people from the same villages against our enemy.

Even if the the people named Mark, Kane, or Tory are not here, there’s no doubt that many of the soldiers here are thinking about the family and loved ones they have left back home.

Their family and loved ones are safe now. There is no need for further violence.

As a side note, the people yelling are real; they are yelling their hearts out to the other side.

When I told them I would do everything I could to save their brethren, they became overcome with joy and cried with great emotion, which lead to them yelling like this.

... My conscience is making me feel a bit guilty though.

”Please, King Rosyth, it is your turn.” (Alexios)

”Right... you’re looking lively.” (Almus)

Alexios just smiles. This guy, it seems he doesn’t feel bad about it this at all.

I can’t really blame anyone if their conscience starts acting up a little by this. That being said how can the father of a child come up with a plan to use the love felt between people as a weapon?

”What do you mean? I could come up with this because I know what love is.” (Alexios)

Ah, okay alright. Looks like it’s my fault for having different expectations.

”Gentlemen!!” (Almus)

I move in front of the line of light infantry, riding on my favorite horse Sakura.

It’s a little dangerous but trying to persuade them won’t work if I have people shielding me while I’m doing it.

Well, at this distance no arrow wouldn’t be able to reach me unless they were fired by someone like Gram. Besides, I have Divine Protection of the Great King so I won’t die that easily. If would be an instant death should it hit me in the head though.

”I have no reason to kill those who are not enemies. What I want is for there to be peace... We are all brethren who live in the same Aldernia. It would be a mistake to kill each other! The true enemy are the Gallians, the Rozel Kingdom! However, rather than allying us to fight against the Rozel king, he instead chooses to ally with King Rozel and fight us instead. In which of us lies justice? I repeat. I do not want to fight against my brethren!!” (Almus)

To be frank, it is still a mystery as to whether or not Belvedere and Rozel have allied or not.

I do think some exchange of letters took place but... I do not think they had made an official alliance. The Belvedere Kingdom are just being opportunistic thieves.

There should feel some sense of duty.

Aldernians are a people who strongly uphold duty and honor. At least, that’s the general attitude among Aldernians.

”I believe everyone knows by now. I give to cities and villages who surrender autonomy and all ask is a small tax. This tax is not to be used to line my own pockets and abuse my authority. It is war funds for the country’s safety, a country of which you are newly a part of. I wish for peace. And I want those who, like myself, wish for peace to drop their weapons.” (Almus)

Well, I’m not really deceiving anyone here. I really do live a fairly frugal life... well “practical” would be a better word to describe it.

The only extravagant thing I have is the hot spring.

The other patricians probably have much more excessive lifestyles.

”I implore you gentlemen! My purpose here is to crush those cowards who would make allies with the Gallians and sell out their fellow Aldernians!!” (Almus)

”Don’t be fooled!!” (Voice) [6]

A voice that was not mine reverberated across the battlefield.

One man came forward riding on his horse. He was... King Belvedere.

It’s pretty surprising he’d come out in the battlefield.

”This man is fighting Rozel because he is going to receive land as a reward!! Have you forgotten? His country killed King Ferrum, and he is the man who robbed the DeMorgal Kingdom of its land!!” (Almus)

Those were defensive wars though...

In the first place, King Ferrum was planning on killing my father-in-law, the father of my wife, and stole land by suddenly declaring independence...

That being said, it’s not like many of the soldiers of another country would even know the nuances of those events.

Many of the Belvedere soldiers return to their senses and begin to glare at me.

”What are you saying!! King Ferrum was a man who killed a vassal of my country and stole his land. We merely retook the land and saved its inhabitants. Where is the evil in that?! We had an unfortunate dispute with the DeMorgal Kingdom... however we now fight side-by-side!! Between us and the DeMorgal Kingdom there was only winner and loser, invader and the invaded. But now we fight as allies against the Gallian invaders. We have come to an understanding!!” (Almus)

I shout loudly.

King Belvedere takes a moment to think. He’s trying to think of a rebuttal.

However, the battle between words has already been lost. Even if the argument I made were incoherent, even if it were inconsistent, even if they were to take the opposing opinion, I’ve still won!!

I press for an answer.

”I ask of you gentlemen, why do you think these people have surrendered to me? Why have the towns and villages under King Belvedere defected... answer me!!” (Almus)

I signaled to the men from the cities that surrendered.

It was part of the script for them to show up but what they say is what they honestly think.

”King Belvedere only left a hundred soldiers to protect my hometown!! In the end, they used up the entire storehouse of wheat!! For 300 years since becoming part of the Belvedere Kingdom’s territory we have shown nothing but loyalty. And yet...!!” (Rebel Man)

”My village has given 10 young men to serve as soldiers!! Despite that King Belvedere did not protect my village. On the contrary, they robbed us of our wheat storehouse and burned whatever they could not carry!!” (Rebel Villager #1)

”They poisoned mah village’s well!!”(Rebel Villager #2)

Well, strategically speaking I believe he made the correct choices.

Scorched earth tactics is a fundamental strategy after all. Perhaps even Raymond is employing this on the Eville Kingdom.

Though if scorched earth is employed, we do evacuate the people and try to carry as much food as possible and try not to burn much. We also don’t throw poison into the wells.

Well, near our border with the Eville Kingdom there are many small rivers, so it would be pointless to even try to poison the wells in the first place.

The Belvedere Kingdom had planned only to invade our country. Because of this, they didn’t have a plan in the event they were invaded.

There would have been no way to evacuate the people because of this... is the excuse they would give.

It wasn’t a problem that they couldn’t do it.

King Belvedere gives a sour look.

Seems he can’t think of a rebuttal.

My talking down of King Belvedere has caused agitation to run through the Belvedere Army. As human I cannot overlook what their king has done.

”Have you seen it?! This the truth. That man is a weakling who command strong soldiers to toss food aside like a coward. His head must drop as soon as possible. Men, get into formation!!” (Almus)

My light infantry begin their attack on my order.

Stone, arrow, javelins, and bomb spears arc over to the enemy. By the way, the bomb spears are weaker versions than the ones we normally use. I want to conserve the use of gunpowder.

”Kuh, damn bastard...” (King Belvedere)

King Belvedere shields his body and slowly begins to fall back behind the ranks.

”I won’t let you run!!”

The person who said Gram who approached next to me.

Gram draws his longbow as far as he can and sends an arrow flying to King Belvedere. The arrow hits King Belvedere’s horse causing him to fall off of it.

The impact from falling from his horse causes King Belvedere to lose his shield.

Gram had intended this to happen.

Gram draws his longbow again and releases an arrow aimed between King Belvedere’s brows.

”Watch out!!” (Random Belvedere Soldier)

A Belvedere soldier manages to grab King Belvedere’s shield and block the arrow aimed for the king’s head.

The arrow released from the longbow pierces through the soldier’s armor, killing him.

It is apparent that King Belvedere has disappeared to another part of the battlefield.

Gram clicks his tongue in annoyance and switches his target to the commanding enemy centurion.

One after another Gram launches arrows at enemies who wear helmets with plumes that look the comb on a rooster. As always, he is adept at precision shooting.

”It’s impressive as always.” (Almus)

”Please stop... you’re making me embarrassed...” (Gram)

Gram blushes a little while scratching his cheek.

From the start, the enemy’s heavy infantry’s formation has collapsed due to unrest we caused earlier. There is also the fact the king has fled.

The enemy light infantry have just begun their attack but it is already too late.

”To me men!! Charge!!” (Almus)

I kick my horse Sakura and manage to climb the hill in one go.

Our heavy infantry and cavalry make it to the fight.

”Haaaaa!!” (Almus)

With my Dragon Damascus steel sword, I cut through enemies like butter.

The enemy has begun to take notice and fear my strength. I am very strong you know; even if I forget that every now and then!!

”Die!! Rosyth King!!” (Random Belvedere Soldier)

”I won’t let you.” (Ron)

Coming from behind me, Ron cuts down the enemy soldier.

”Leader... I mean, my King. You stick out too much from the front lines, as usual.” (Ron)

”Sorry, I just thought that it’s been a while since I’ve gone out to the front lines... but I did think you would follow me though?” (Almus)

Saying this Ron blushed. Hey, don’t get flustered now. I’m embarrassed saying it.

”I will protect your majesty’s back!!” (Ron)

”Right!! l leave it to you!!” (Almus)

Ron and I proceed to cut down enemies together. I did my best to target the people who were the most flashy in the battle.

As I thought, fighting against an enemy army with the high ground makes it difficult to maintain control. The enemy stalling to tire us out.

Normally, we’d be able to steadily push back the enemy until they got into an unfavorable position.

However, the pace they are falling back at is really bad for them.

To begin with, heavy infantry are supposed to be strong at defending their hometown, companions, and country.

When they fight side-by-side with their allies they are strong and can give a powerful assault.

But now, that cooperation is falling apart.

In any case, in the army are some people who had previously surrendered and were released.

I think there are some people who don’t really want to fight us. On the other hand, there are those who would begin to doubt their comrades who would go easy on the enemy. [7]

That hint of doubt and being slightly out of synch with each other overlapping would prove fatal.

Left, right, and center, the Belvedere Army began to collapse simultaneously on the battlefield.

And so, once the heavy infantry regiment collapsed, there was no recovering the damage dealt.

”Give pursuit men!!” (Almus)

At once, I run up ahead through the battlefield.

Before I realized it, Roswald was right next to me.

”My King. Pardon me but I’m going ahead. Virgar!! We must not lose out to the Lezzad cavalry!” (Roswald)

”Understood, captain!!” (Virgar)

The two rush past me side as they talk.

Hey, you’re leaving behind the rest of the cavalry you know?

Well, I suppose it’s good that they still have this much energy...

In this war, the Coalition Army had 300 casualties.

Meanwhile the Belvedere Army had a casualty count of 1,000. There were also 4,000 prisoners of war taken along with 1,000 deserters.

King Belvedere still has 2,000 men and is holed up behind the castle gates of the royal capital.

Author’s note:

Next chapter will be the end of Belvedere.

Translator’s note:

Sorry for how late this one was. It took a lot longer than I thought because I suddenly became busy with some things. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out faster than this one. At the very least, even when I’m busy, I’ll try to release a translation once a week. Otherwise I hope you enjoyed this.

[1] When Almus says that they resist, I think he means not surrendering soon after attacking the city/village like the previous third scenario he mentioned. He explains what he does in that scenario soon. ↑

[2] Trying to figure out Almus’ tax policy was a bit hard to decipher. The language that was used was a bit difficult to understand for me. Let me know if I made a mistake anywhere. ↑

[3] The tax rate is still 2% percent there. I assume the difference is made up by the upper class. Surprisingly makes sense considering what I read about ancient Greek tax systems. ↑

[4] “It’s over Almus! I have the high ground!” (King Belvedere probably) ↑

[5] On a side note, the original name was Thor but I’m 99.9% percent sure that this is alternate Italy and Thor is a north Germanic name (i.e. Scandinavia and the area of Germany near that). I decided to just go with Tory since it derives from Terrentius, a Roman name. It’s a one-off name so it’s not like it matters too much so I just went ahead and changed that bit. Also that would have been a death flag (the promise to marry part) for Tory lol. ↑

[6] This isn’t a mistake. I know who’s speaking here in case you were wondering. Though I will say sometimes it isn’t 100% clear who\'s talking in other dialogue. ↑

[7] This was odd for me to translate:


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