
Chapter 228 - Which Group of Fans Got A Reality Check?

Chapter 228: Which Group of Fans Got A Reality Check?

“I heard that your father will find you a stepmother. Do you know what a stepmother is? She’s a very bad woman. If she’s with your father, she’ll beat you up and scold you. She’ll make you work but not give you food. How pitiful…

“Also, she will have other children with your father. By then, your father won’t want you anymore.

“I have a very good way to make your father not find a stepmother and treat you well. Do you want to hear it?

“Don’t let your father work or film a show. Instead, make him accompany you at home. In that case, he can’t get acquainted with the bad women outside, and he won’t be able to find a stepmother for you. Don’t you agree?

“Your father is always working, and he will meet many women. Look at that pretty sister who hugged you just now. You like her very much, right?


“That’s why I said that you’re young and ignorant. She deceived you.”

“She’s lying to me?”

“Of course! She’s a bad woman who was just pretending to be nice to you. She actually doesn’t like children at all. So, if your father gets together with such a bad woman, you’ll definitely not have a good life. She’ll snatch your father away!”


When the fans and the other normal people heard the entire recording, they were dumbfounded.

“D*mn! Is this Qin Feng’s voice? It is, right?”

“I think it is! His voice is easy to recognize.”

“How could he say such things to hurt a child?”

“Has Qin Feng lost his mind? Calling the great beauty An Yuan a bad woman? I’m going to f*cking strangle you!”

Qin Feng’s fans were in an uproar. This recording was like a slap on the faces of those fans who had scolded Su Shengjing so fiercely.

And what a harsh slap it was!

It stung so badly.

Although they didn’t want to admit it, these people, who were obsessed with Qin Feng, knew better than anyone else that this was their big brother’s voice!

No one was happier than Su Shengjing’s fans. After all the injustice he suffered, his name was finally cleared! They wanted to cry with happiness.

They had watched and waited for Su Shengjing to post an explanation about the situation on Weibo to no avail. However, just as time was running out, this recording was leaked. The timing couldn’t have been better!

“Hahahahaha, did some fans get a reality check?”

“This is the brother you’re so desperately defending? Tsk tsk! What a terrible person he actually is.”

“Oh, what a huge hypocrite he turned out to be! This is so funny!”

An Yuan’s fans were also angry at Qin Feng. After all, he had mentioned An Yuan in the recording and said that she was a liar and a bad woman. So, her fans joined forces with Su Shengjing’s fans and scolded Qin Feng, as well as his fans.

Qin Feng’s fans might not have been afraid of Su Shengjing’s fans, but they were very afraid of An Yuan’s fans!

A-list celebrities like An Yuan had a huge following of over 80 million fans, and these fans were an extremely organized and dedicated group. They had many different fan bases for each facet of the industry, and other fans really aspired to be like them.

Since they garnered the anger of An Yuan’s fans, the arrogant attitude of Qin Feng’s fans had been extinguished.

These bullies could only pick on the weak.


In the evening, Su Shengjing made dinner for his daughter. As he watched her happily eat, he was suddenly reminded of his problems.

He had forgotten to make a statement about the situation.

Sheng Tianci is going to call me again, isn’t he?

Sure enough, as he thought that, Sheng Tianci called him.

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