
Chapter 774 - Thyme

Chapter 774 - Thyme

Translator: Iris, Editor: Choufleur

The maid shuddered, her voice trembled as she explained, “But… But Her Ladyship, the Side Consort, is having abdominal pains.”

“What did you say?”

“She had just finished her meal and said she wasn’t feeling well. Right after that, her stomach began to ache so badly that she broke out in cold sweat. We have already sent someone to fetch a doctor, but her Ladyship told me to inform Your Highness that she would like to see you.”

Ugh! The child inside Chen Xiang was his son, his future crown prince! Nothing can happen to that child. Jing Yi lifted his robes and stood up, then rushed out of the room, making a beeline for the West Garden. The maid sobbed as she trailed after him. Wen Shisan watched Jing Yi leave anxiously and disappeared into the corridors, his expression sombre and his eyes narrowed.

At the same time, the messenger sent by the official-in-charge of the execution had arrived at the palace and had reported the happenings at the execution grounds to the stunned Qizhen Emperor. “What?! Prince Rong sent someone to intercept and stop the execution?”

The messenger from the Ministry of Justice replied, “Yes, this was why Lord Jiang immediately sent me to report to Your Majesty. What do you wish to do, Your Majesty?”

“Did he explain why he stopped the execution?”

“According to Prince Rong’s men, His Highness has found new evidence that proved Zhang Daqi is innocent of murder. Therefore, he implores Your Majesty to reexamine the case and conduct a second trial so that they may find the real murderer.”

“New evidence?” Qizhen Emperor frowned as he pondered. “That means there’s still something to be uncovered in this case. But Jing Yi’s case report was solid, even the criminal himself confessed to his crimes, what could possibly have gone wrong?”

“This is what Lord Jiang would like to know. Should we continue with the execution? Or should we return the criminal to the prisons and await further investigation? We wait patiently for Your Majesty’s decision.”

Qizhen Emperor sank into deep thought as he thought of the possible scenarios and outcomes of his decision. The frowns on his forehead were slowly turning into tiny valleys. Zhang Quan, who stood next to the Emperor, bowed and said, “Your Majesty, this case involves many individuals. Since Prince Rong has found more evidence, a new trial would not be a bad idea.”

Of course the Emperor wanted to hold another trial. Because, if Jing Rong won, it would be exactly what he wished for. But he responded with worry, “The criminal had already admitted to his crimes and signed his confession. I’m worried the evidence Jing Rong found would not be enough.”

“But Your Majesty, since Prince Rong has stopped the execution, he must have ensured that his evidence was sufficient.”

“Hm, that does make sense.” Qizhen Emperor paused, then said to the messenger, “By my decree, the criminal is to be imprisoned in the Ministry of Justice and a new trial would be held.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The messenger received his orders and left.

Qizhen Emperor took a deep breath. He had been thoroughly exhausted by the many proposals and issues brought up in the royal court, both big and small. His complexion seemed to have paled as well and he coughed vigorously.

Zhang Quan asked, “Your Majesty, are you alright? I will send for an Imperial Physician at once.”

“No need,” the Emperor caught his breath. Suddenly, he told Zhang Quan, “Go prepare a set of robes for me.”

“Your Majesty, what would they be for?”

“I want to go to the Ministry of Justice in person.”

“Then, I would send the word.”

“Wait.” Qizhen Emperor raised his hand and stopped him. “I don’t want to attract attention. Your accompaniment would suffice, we’ll go in secret.”

Zhang Quan froze for a moment, and said anxiously, “But, outside the palace, there would be all sorts of people, I’m afraid…”

“Then arrange for a pair of imperial guards to come along as well, but don’t spread the information.”

“Yes.” Zhang Quan left to prepare for the Emperor’s visit.


Jing Yi charged to the West Garden. Even before he entered, he saw Chen Xiang’s many servants coming in and out of the building. Either they were carrying basins of water, or they were bringing in bowls of medicine. All of them were nervous and terrified. If anything happened to the young heir inside Chen Xiang, based on Prince Yi’s temper, all of the servants would join the child in the grave.

Jing Yi entered the building just in time to hear a painful scream from the inner chamber. He hurried inside and was greeted with the sight of Chen Xiang lying on her bed, curled up in agony as she clutched her stomach with one hand and grabbed her sheets with another as she sweated profusely. “It hurts. My baby, my baby…”

Beside her was the physician, who was preparing his acupuncture needle, heating it over a candle flame. Jing Yi hurried to her bedside and called with concern, “Xiang’er.”

Tears sprang from her eyes the moment she saw the prince, as if she saw her saviour. She grabbed his large sleeves and bawled, “Your Highness, my belly hurts, it hurts so much! Our child, our baby…”

“I would never let anything happen to our heir.”

“It hurts…”

Jing Yi’s veins were about to pop out from his forehead. He turned to the physician. “What’s happening to the Side Consort?”

The physician set down his silver needle and replied, “Your Highness, the Side Consort is having abdominal pains because she had ingested some thyme [1] by accident.”


“Thyme is a profoundly chilly substance [2]. If ingested by pregnant people, it may…”

“May cause? Spit it out!”

“It may cause a miscarriage.”

What, miscarriage? Jing Yi felt as though he had been struck by a stray bolt of lightning.

Chen Xiang heard the physician as well. Her jaw dropped as her large eyes widened as if she had seen the grim reaper himself, she let out another scream, “My baby, my baby! No, no…” Then, she fainted.

“Xiang’er?” Jing Yi yelled, but she did not respond.

In a split second, he grabbed the physician by the collar and growled, “Listen, nothing can happen to this Prince’s heir.”

The physician answered with a tremble in his voice, “The Side Consort had only ingested a small amount. I can apply acupuncture for her and it should keep the young heir safe.”

“If not, I will have your head.” Jing Yi released the physician with a shove, who dropped to his knees and shivered as the prince got up and left the chamber.

Outside, all of the servants of the West Garden kneeled on the ground without a squeak. The prince flipped a table in rage, scattering ceramic across the floor as they clattered to the ground.

“Why did the Side Consort ingest thyme?” He demanded loudly.

Chen Xiang’s personal maid quickly answered, “We don’t know. The thyme was added into her winter melon soup. The Side Consort started having pains right after she ate that.”

It was added to her winter melon soup. Could it be that someone tried to poison her?

Jing Yi questioned further, fury burning in his eyes, “Why was there thyme in her soup?”

All of the servants knew what thyme could do. It would cause vomiting and diarrhoea when eaten by normal people. And it would cause miscarriages when consumed by pregnant women. “We… we don’t know…”

“You don’t know?”

“It was sent from the kitchen, Matron Zhang personally prepared it.”

Matron Zhang, who knelt at the side, quickly defended herself, “I did prepare that winter melon soup, but I would never add thyme to it!”

The instant she finished her sentence, Jing Yi marched up to her and kicked her right in her shoulder. “Useless old thing. If I lose my heir, I will have your head.”

Matron Zhang was sent flying by that kick, but she quickly returned to her knees and kowtowed repeatedly as she sobbed, “It wasn’t this old servant… this old servant wouldn’t dare. Your Highness, please investigate.”

Jing Yi’s expression was filled with killing intent.

Just then, Dou Quan rushed into the West Garden and whispered to Jing Yi. “Your Highness, His Majesty has ordered Zhang Daqi to be imprisoned in the Ministry of Justice’s Prison and a new trial is to be held. Prince Rong is already on his way to the Ministry of Justice.”

Dammit! Everything’s gone wrong at the same time! He glanced at the door leading to the inner chamber. On one hand, his unborn heir’s life hung dangerously in the balance. On the other hand, his own path to glory and power was at risk of being cut off. Both were important to him.

He hesitated, then grit his teeth. He scanned the group of servants kneeling before him and declared sternly, “All of you, listen closely, if anything happens to the Side Consort and the young heir, every single one of you will pay with your life.”

Soon after, he shook his large sleeves and left the estate. His destination? The Ministry of Justice.

[1] This is legit - eating large amounts of thyme or thyme extract really can induce miscarriage/contractions.

[2] In TCM, foods can be classed in range of chilly to neutral/warming to heaty.

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