
Chapter 87: Two Traitors

Chapter 87: Two Traitors

Translated by SoundOfDestiny

Edited by Zil

“……what on earth are you talking about?”

It was only a few seconds before Macbeth was lost in thought. The cunning old man quickly regained his bearings and nodded his head as if he had no idea what she was talking about.

“I have been in the service of the kingdom since the time of the last king. There is no way I could have been a spy for the Empire now.”

“Yes, it is. No one doubts your loyalty, not even the King himself. Even my father,……Prime Minister Lockwood Marcell, did not doubt that you were a loyal subject like himself.”

“I am most flattered by the confidence of the Prime Minister. But then, you are not here on your father’s orders, are you?”

He had thought that Mertina had been sent here on the orders of her father, Lockwood. But Macbeth was mistaken.

“Yes, it is the will of His Royal Highness ‘King’ Raidorl that I have come here.”

“King Raidorl you say…?”

Macbeth frowned doubtfully.

It is true that Mertina was captured because of her disrespect for Raidorl, and after that she was supposed to be held captive in his domain, the frontier city.

It’s not surprising that Mertina was freed by Raidorl’s order.

“Does that mean that it is His Highness Prince Raidorl who suspects me of being a traitor?”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Well, then you are mistaken. I haven’t spoken to His Highness since he was exiled. If, by any chance, I were in league with the empire, there is no way that your highness would be aware of it.”

“It seems that His Highness has become too paranoid after living in frontier life. I will forget about today, so please go home as it is.”

“I don’t think so, my dear. Evidence is better than argument. Take a look at this.”


A woman in a maid’s uniform who was standing behind Mertina came forward and silently laid out the papers on the table.

Macbeth looked down at the papers doubtfully, but then his face contorted in astonishment.

“It’s….. you idiot! Why do you have this?”

The mask of a good-natured old man has come off in surprise.

On the table are documents that should never have been brought out. It is the document that will lead to Macbeth’s downfall, hidden away in a hidden room in the house.

“I had no idea that Lord Justice Macbeth had been feeding information to the Empire. And not just recently, but for decades…….”

(TL:Advocate or Justice, please choose)

“Ugh, ……, no, this is ……!”

Macbeth tried to make up for it, but it was too late.

It is clear from Macbeth’s demeanor that the document is genuine.

“Then you built a hidden room in the basement of your house and locked it, and when the door was broken open, the magic you’ve set up beforehand will be triggered and all the documents inside will be burned. This is how cautious you are, It is no wonder that you have been able to deceive my father and the whole court. Only a legendary witch would be able to pull off such a trick.”


Macbeth’s deeply wrinkled face was contorted, and he shook his fists in silence.

The old man bites his lip until it turns white, but then he slumps his shoulders in resignation.

It is not difficult to get rid of Mertina here. But if Raidorl is backing her, there’s no way he can remove her.

“…… How on earth did you discover that I was an informer?”

“I did not discover it, my dear. I knew that there was at least one traitor among the Court officials, so I searched their houses one by one. I didn’t suspect you in the slightest, so you were last in line, but it took me a lot longer than it should have.”

“…… I see. But if there is one thing that needs to be corrected, it is that I am not a traitor. I’ve been on the side of the Empire from the start.”


Macbeth sniffs at Mertina, who rolls her eyes in puzzlement.

“You know my history, don’t you? In the past, I was a traveling adventurer who happened to stumble upon the daughter of the Macbeths, a lower class noble family, being attacked by thugs.”

“Yes. You were not of noble birth and had a very difficult time in your youth, I understand?”

“That’s where it all began. From the very beginning, I was a spy for the Empire, and I went undercover in the kingdom.”

“…..Ah! I See!”

Mertina could not help admiring the situation.

Perhaps the thugs who attacked Lady Macbeth were also from the Imperial side.

He must have entered the kingdom of Zain as the son-in-law of a lowly nobleman, and has been working all his life to the advantage of the empire.

“Is that why you went from being a lowly nobleman to being Lord Justice? How much trouble did you go through……”

“It’s all for the sake of my country. It is only natural that I should devote myself to the service of my country. The daughter of the Lockwoods, who are the most loyal people in the kingdom, can understand this, can’t she?

“…… I’m speechless. It’s really brilliant.”

“…… I am glad to hear your last compliment.”

Macbeth smiled to himself at Meltina’s honest admiration.

“…… Is this the end of a long, long mission? It’s a shame I won’t see the end of this kingdom, but it’s a relief to have a bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders.”

He didn’t know how she got the documents, but he wasn’t going to make any excuses for it once the evidence had been uncovered.

Macbeth honestly admitted his defeat and held up his hands.

“I’m not sure what to do now…….Am I to be taken to the palace, or am I to commit suicide here and now?”

“Neither, my Lord Macbeth.”

However, Mertina smiled serenely at Macbeth’s declaration of defeat.

Macbeth blinks repeatedly at the expression, which is too unsuitable for pursuing a traitor.

“Hmm? You mean you’re going to spare me?? What’s in it for you ……”

“Lord Macbeth, I would like you to work for His Highness King Raidorl from now on. I would like you to continue to serve King Granard as Lord Justice, while laying the groundwork for the nobles of the palace to side with His Royal Highness Raidorl.”


Macbeth’s eyes widened at the unbelievable words he heard.

It is not an unreasonable request to side with Raidorl, since Mertina is here on Raydor’s orders.

However: this was Mertina Marcell, daughter of Lockwood Marcell, who spoke those words.

The daughter of one of the most loyal subjects in the kingdom is acting in favor of his royal brother over King Granard.

This shocked Macbeth as if the earth had been turned upside down.

“That’s very unlike you, Lady Mertina. What has happened to you in the last few months?”

“….. It would be tactless of you to ask. Lord Macbeth.”

Mertina puts her hand to her cheek and sighs.

Her skin is peachy and she exhales, her face glowing like a refined lady. Even Macbeth, whose sexual appetite was already exhausted, was charmed by it.

“I have not betrayed the kingdom, even though I have disobeyed the will of my father and King Granard. I have decided to work for His Highness because I believe that it is truly in the best interest of this country that His Highness Raidorl should become the new king.”


“His Highness does not intend to fight with the Empire, and in some cases he is willing to work together for it. I think it is in the interests of the Empire to take advantage of His Highness, don’t you?”


Macbeth listened to Mertina’s words in silence.

The old man, who had been working for the Empire for many years, kept his eyes downcast and pondered for a moment, but then, as if making up his mind, he spoke up.

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