
Chapter 48 - 48-Terran Boars

The Golden Bright Sun fully rose from the Horizon. Its Bright Sunlight illuminated the World. The Blue Azure Skies revealed itself with the Giant Flying Islands within the Heavens. The White Fluffy Clouds got carried by the Breeze of Wind within the Heavens. The Leaves of the Giant Trees that pierced through the Heavens rustled as the same Wind passed through the Earth. It was Early in the Morning. It was the Second Day of the Visitor in the Realm of Piksyon.

Within the Forest in the Western Region of Piksyon. There was a Bush that slightly rustled. In the Bush was a White Serpent that looked upon the Herd of Giant Boars in front of it. While the White Serpent looked at the Herd of Giant Boars through the Bush. There was a Small Eagle with a Dark Grey Color. The Eagle had Golden Amber Eyes that were the same as the White Serpent\'s Eyes. The Dark Ashen Eagle was Ego. The White Serpent\'s Partner.

\'Ego, do you have any information about the Giant Boars?\' The White Serpent asked as it was curious if Ego had Information about the Creatures they would meet in the Realm of Piksyon. The Dark Ashen Eagle focused its eyes on the Giant Boars and observed it within the Heavens. Ego\'s Monotone Voice then echoed within the White Serpent\'s Mind.

<According to its Current Image, Size, Color, and Nature. There is One Creature within the Archive that resembles the Giant Boar.> Ego answered the White Serpent\'s Answer. The White Serpent nodded in satisfaction as the Books within its Soul was useful for gaining information about the Realm of Piksyon. The White Serpent then realized one thing that made sense. \'The Ancient Race probably studied this Realm.\'

<That Possibility is High, The Ancient Race that built the Ancient Temple should be researching the Realm of Piksyon. Their Observations and the Information written on their Books resembled the Realm of Piksyon.> Ego agreed at the White Serpent\'s thoughts. There was a High Possibility that the Ancient Race was studying the Realm of Piksyon. If what the White Serpent thought was correct, then gaining information through the Books within its Soul should be one of the priorities.

\'What kind of Creature is the Giant Boar?\' The White Serpent wanted to know more about the Giant Boars before hunting them. The White Serpent needed a clear image about its Enemy before charging towards its Food. Ego then answered the White Serpent\'s Question with her Monotone Voice.

<The Herd of Giant Boars are called Terran Boars. They are strong Mythical Beast within the Realm of Piksyon as their Skill is hard. They also have good resistance to Physical, Elemental, and Toxin Damage. Their Main Weapon is their Ability to use the Element of Earth. They are quite dangerous as their Ability to use Earth makes them difficult to handle.> Ego began explaining the Information about the Terran Boars. The White Serpent nodded in understanding after Ego finish explaining the Information of the Terran Boars.

\'Hmm... Handling them shouldn\'t be hard. Elemental Damage is something that isn\'t a danger to me. Since their Danger resides in their ability to use the Earth Element, I should use them to gain more Resistance Skills.\' The White Serpent was willing to get hurt as long as it could gain something from it. The Resistance Skills increased its Survival Rate so the White Serpent would be willing to get hurt.

<Does Sister want to gain Shock Absorption, Pierce Resistance, Fortress Defense, and Predator\'s Aura?> Ego asked as the White Serpent raised an Eyebrow. It was quite confused at what Ego asked. \'I can gain skills?\' The White Serpent was in a state of confusion. Ego was implying that it could gain Skills. The White Serpent knew that it could gain Skills, but how it could gain skills was a good question. It already had done numerous things, but it didn\'t gain skills from it.

<Sister can gain Skills from the Books Ego researched, but there are requirements for the Skills to get unlocked.> Ego said as the White Serpent nodded in understanding. \'I see... The Requirements are probably the reason why I couldn\'t gain skills.\' The White Serpent thought as a question passed through its mind. \'What are the requirements needed to complete?\'

<Shock Absorption requires Sister to get hit by something Blunt for a Thousand Times. Pierce Resistance requires Sister to get hit by something Sharp for a Thousand Times. Fortress Defense requires Sister to get hit by something about 10 Thousand Times. Predators Aura requires Sister to caused Fear and let the Fear spread throughout the Forest.> Ego explained every requirement needed to gain the Skills. The White Serpent sighed in disappointment after hearing Ego\'s words.

\'The Fact that I need to do this isn\'t a good thing. Who would want to get hit by a Blunt and Sharp thing a Thousand Times? Who would want to get hit by something 10 Thousand Times? Only Crazy people would do that... But if it really gains the Skills. Then I will gladly do it.\' The White Serpent thought as it hoped that it\'s Grand Regeneration and Grand Pain Resistance to keep up with the Pain and Damages.

\'How many Terran Boars are in the Area?\' The White Serpent asked before revealing itself to the Terran Herd. The Dark Ashen Eagle observed the Area numerous times to check the numbers of the Terran Boars. Ego then answered the White Serpent\'s question with its monotone Voice. The Numbers of the Terran Boars were quite larger than expected.

<There are over a Hundred Terran Boars within the Area.> The White Serpent didn\'t know what to feel after hearing the numbers of the Terran Boars. The Terran Boars had more Numbers and Sizes than the Almiraj. The White Serpent was a bit low on morale. It needed to withstand the power of the Terran Boars to gained the Skills it wanted. The White Serpent sighed as its Eyes glowed in determination.

\'Well... There is nothing I can do about it.\' The White Serpent thought as it slowly slithered out of the Bush. The Moment it slithered out of the Bush. All of the Terran Boars quickly noticed it and looked at the White Serpent. The White Serpent was a Nine Meter Snake but compared to the Boars. It was nothing. The Boars looked like Giant Trucks, and there were over a Hundred of them.

The Terran Boars continued eating their Food and ignored the White Serpent. It was the sign that the White Serpent wasn\'t a Creature that the Terran Boars took as a Predator. The White Serpent\'s Eyes turned Cold after seeing the Terran Boars ignored it. \'It seems that I need to kill some of them to let the Terran Boars think of me as a Predator.\'

\'I guess a punishment for underestimating me will be set...\' The White Serpent thought as a Black Droplet levitated right beside it. Just because the Terran Boar had a good resistance against Toxin. It doesn\'t mean they have complete nullification of it. With this in mind, The White Serpent ordered the Black Droplet to begin attacking the Terran Boars near it.

The Black Droplet of Death that levitated began charging towards the Terran Boars. It passed through their Mouths and Eyes. The Toxins began their effect and the Terran Boars dropped to the ground. The White Serpent bit one of them as the Terran Boars looked at the dropping Terran Boars. The Terran Boars around the White Serpent were dead. It was the sign that the White Serpent was a Dangerous Creature. A Predator...

\'Have you finally notice me?\' The White Serpent thought while smirking. The Terran Boars began activating their Bodies. The ground below them began slightly shaking. It was the sign that the Terran Boars were taking the White Serpent seriously. It was time for the Battle to begin. It would be a Hard Battle for the Terran Boars. The White Serpent was a tough creature to kill.

Numerous Sharp Rocks, Dust, and Boulders began levitating from the Air. It was the Combine Power of the Terran Boars Herd. They were Dangerous than the Almiraj as they focus most of their time on improving their Earth Ability. All of them had good coordination with each other, which makes them dangerous. The Levitating Rocks, Dust, and Boulders began charging towards the White Serpent.

*BANG!!!* *BOOM!!!* *PANG!!!*

Thunderous sounds echoed within the Forest as a Cloud of Dust slowly appeared within it. The Cloud of Dust slowly dispersed to the Heavens as a Crater appeared within it. Within the Crater was a White Serpent, but its Injuries were regenerating at an Extreme Speed. The White Serpent looked at the Boars and had a thought that passed through its mind. \'Was that all the things they could do?\'

The Terran Boars felt the White Serpent was mocking them. They activated their Elemental Earth Ability once again. It was Ten Times stronger than the last one. It seemed that they were angry with the White Serpent. A 50 Meter Bould levitated on top of the Crater. Cracks then began shaping within it as it broke apart. Numerous Boulder, Rocks, and Dust appeared once again. The numbers of Rocks and Boulders were quite larger than before.

The Boulders, Rocks, and Dust then fall towards the Crater with the White Serpent as the Center. Upon Impact was a Dust Cloud bigger than the last one. *BOOM!!!* A Thunderous Sound echoed within the Forest, and some Trees got shaken due to the Impact. Numerous Creatures within the Forest noticed a Slight Earthquake within the ground. They looked in the direction of the Terran Boars.

The Cloud of Dust dispersed once again, and the White Serpent stood within the Crater. It was alive and well. The Terran Boars noticed the White Serpent within the Crater lacking injuries. They understood that they needed to kill the White Serpent before the White Serpent tries to attack them. With this in mind, They once again fired a Barrage of Earth Elemental Attack towards the White Serpent. It was quite a scene to see as Boulders kept falling from the Heavens and caused numerous earthquakes.

The Terran Boars kept firing barrages of Earth Elemental Attack towards the White Serpent. They didn\'t stop and continued doing it. An Hour passed within the Forest as the Earth kept shaking numerous times. Creatures were avoiding the Forest. The Earthquakes within the Forest were bad news for them. They began running out of the Forest as the Terran Boars kept firing Boulders towards the White Serpent.

\'This is getting boring...\' The White Serpent thought while slithering out of the Giant Crater caused by the Terran Boars. It has been an Hour since the barrages of Elemental Attacks of the Terran Boars. It was quite a surprise that the Terran Boars had long stamina. The White Serpent looked at the Terran Boars with its Golden Amber Eyes that glowed.

While looking at the Terran Boars, Numerous Notifications kept ringing within the White Serpent\'s Mind. A Smirk slowly formed within the White Serpent\'s Face. The Boars near the White Serpent slowly back away from it. The White Serpent was like an Undying Creature. No matter how much they destroyed it. The White Serpent would always come back alive and well.

\'Isn\'t this a piece of good news.\' The White Serpent thought to itself as it began stretching its body. Why does letting creatures hit on it and having payback was its strategy? It was the only way to gain resistance and the stronger the creature. The more resistance the White Serpent could gain from it. Since the Notifications echoed within its mind, There was no use for the White Serpent to continue getting hit by the Terran Boars.

\'I should probably kill 50% of you and leave the 50% alive for the Predator Aura Skill.\' The White Serpent thought while smiling.. It slowly slithered towards the Terran Boars as their Reward for attacking it for an Hour would begin.

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