
Chapter 186 186 Alley

"I-I-I\'m very sorry, I didn\'t...I didn\'t know you, I\'m very sorry" Arya said as she now her head down.

Now the eyes of other people in the eatery were on Melissa and Arya, Alex could see that Arya was really scared.

"Melissa, what are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"I was hungry so I came to eat, the meals at the eatery are too expensive" she spoke.

"Expensive for you?"

"I wanted to walk around so I thought I should use the opportunity to get something to eat outside, I enjoyed the food here so I came back, I thought you were going to the potion shop?"

"I already went, the potions are going to be ready by tomorrow morning" Alex replied as Melissa took a seat.

Arya was still standing there staring at them, she would have left but she was afraid of Melissa and she was surprised Alex wasn\'t.

"What did you order"

"Potatoes, though I don\'t know if it\'s good or not, I just wanted to try it," Alex said.

"Okay, can I have the potatoes too?" Melissa said to Arya.

"I\'m already done with work today, there are... don\'t mind, I\'ll bring it to you," Arya said and dashed away as Melissa stared at her.

"Why is she so scared of you?" Alex asked.

"NPC S-rank adventurers are really scary, they trained really hard to attain the S-rank so they usually look down on weak people, I came across one once, he got on my nerves so I killed him, though it wasn\'t easy but the XP was worth it then" Melissa explained.

"Wow, it seems you are really worthy of being an S-rank, what about the rest of the top players, I forgot to tell you but do you have any idea where to find them, we\'ll need their power to defeat the demon Lord"

"Is it really up to us to defeat the demon Lord?"

"If we don\'t do it then someone else will, and we have to get out of this fucking world as quick as possible, the sixth told me the demon Lord can create armies so we should stop him before he gets out of control" Alex spoke.

"Demon armies, we still have no idea what demons look like, what if they look like humans and can blend into cities, or what if their bite can turn a human into a demon?"

"I\'m not sure that\'s possible, from what I know about demons, they hate humans and kill them on sight, and they are not vampires"

"From what you know, that means from movies or games, we don\'t know how the demons of this world work" Melissa sighed and lean back on her chair.

"We still have time to find out, first thing tomorrow we\'ll leave for Zenith City, then the other city then the Silver Continent"

"Seems like a plan, when we get to the Silver Continent, I have a quest in mind, last time I was there I was weak and afraid of dying"

"A quest, what quest?"

"A dungeon, though I can\'t force you guys if you don\'t want to, but I\'m surely going to raid the dungeon, do you know magical beast crystal can be used to enhance weapons?"

"I know they are used to make magical weapons but I don\'t know about enhancing," Alex said.

"If you kill a magic beast with affinity to fire and obtain the crystal, a good blacksmith can fine-tune your weapon into a magical weapon with affinity to fire"

"Really...so there are magical beasts in the dungeon?" Alex asked.

"Yes, they are different beasts in the dungeon and more importantly magical beasts, I\'ve been looking for a particular beast and I\'m sure it would be there" Melissa spoke.

"What\'s the name?"

"Flame Salamander..."

"Flame salamander, from the name alone you ought to know it\'s a really powerful beast" Alex muttered.

"Yes, but apart from that, the body of the salamander is covered in flames so you can\'t actually touch it or come close to it, and that makes it perfect for me, one good shot to the head ought to end its life" Melissa smirked.

"Your S-rank side is showing itself" Alex mumbled.


"You get too excited about killing, this isn\'t a game anymore so you can\'t afford to make mistakes, if it\'s too risky you don\'t have to do it just to gain more power," Alex said.I think you should take a look at

"I know it\'s not a game, but I\'m not killing humans so it\'s okay"

"You should save that feeling when we come across demons"

Arya returned with two bowls filled with food, the boy who took Alex\'s order came with two cups filled with water and placed them beside the food.

Both of them stared at the food in surprise, it looked like potatoes but the potatoes were covered with white sticky substances and a spoon was placed in the bowl.

"E-Enjoy..." Arya muttered as she walked away.

"This looks gross but it might actually be tasty," Alex said as he took the spoon and cut a part of the potatoes, and ate it.

"Delicious, wow..." Alex mumbled as he took another bite and another bite, Melissa also took her spoon and took a bite.

"I need to tell Max about this meal, I\'m sure he\'ll be surprised to taste something like this," Alex said.

"Are you heading back to the inn or somewhere else?" Melissa asked.

"To the inn," Alex said as he stood up, both of them paid for their meals and walked back to the inn.

The moon shone brightly giving little light, while crystals were hung outside of each house to provide light, most of the people were already in their homes but few were still walking around, especially players who didn\'t have a place to stay in.

"I think we are being followed" Melissa mumbled to Alex.

"Yeah I know, let\'s go through this alley it\'s really dark" Alex mumbled back with a smile on his face.

"What are you..."

"Hey Melissa, let\'s go through this alley, it\'s a shortcut to the inn, it\'ll save us lots of time" Alex shouted so the people following them could hear.

"You don\'t know which class they belong to, what if they are part of the shooter class?" Melissa asked as they walked towards the alley.

"They can\'t shoot a gun cause it\'ll raise attention, and if they are archers then they are lucky," Alex said.

"Do you want to kill them, they are players right?" Melissa asked.

"We won\'t kill them, just need to show them they shouldn\'t mess with everyone they find on the streets, I think four were on our tale but they are only two now, both of them are level 16"

"The other two must have gone to the other entrance of the alley so we won\'t escape" Melissa chuckled.

"They are going to be the ones escaping," Alex said as they finally reached the alley.

"Hey guys wait, hey guys" a voice called, and both of them turned around and saw two of the guys following them.

"Is something wrong?" Melissa asked.

"Yes, something is wrong, surrender all your coins and valuables or die, your choice" one of the guy said.

"What are you guys doing, this is wrong, we are both players so you are not supposed to be..."


The guy slapped Melissa and she stumbled backwards, even she was surprised and the slap was quite painful.

"Surrender all your valuables" the guys said as he brought out a sword from his inventory.

"Finally they brought out weapons, I really thought they were from other classes, tanks are the most popular class to choose from" Alex said.

"His slap was quite painful, it seems he put most of his stats in his strength, I could have dodge it but I didn\'t" Melissa said.

"What are you bastards talking about, I said surrender your...huh!! where did he go to!!" the one in front of Alex shouted as Alex vanished right in front of him.

"He does that all the time so no worries, but you should worry about the men you sent to block the other entrance" Melissa said as she brought out her bow.

"You knew we were following you, wait...you led us here on purpose" they mumbled as they stepped back.

"You figured it out, but it\'s too late" Melissa spoke as she brought out two arrows.

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