
Chapter 379 Karma’s a Bitch, And So Am I

I turned around and looked up just in time to see a splash as another body entered the water. It was one of the Sea Dragons coming in after me but without his gear or oxygen tank. The poor bastard probably got caught by one of my guys and was tossed into the water.

\'All yours,\' I said to Beta, pointing to the man that was currently treading water. Not my fault he was a dick. There was a burst of speed beside me and a zombie shot out of the murky darkness of the East Sea. It wrapped a hand around the ankle of the unsuspecting man and dragged him under the waves, leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake.

The sweet zombie then swam toward me, carrying its prize. The Sea Dragon fought as hard as he could. Going so far as actually to slice the zombie a few times on the arm. However, if he thought that was going to help him. Well, he had another thing coming.

I watched as he continued to kick and slash as best he could, his cheeks puffed out with air as he tried to hold his breath. The zombie stopped with his prize right in front of me, and the Sea Dragon got to see me for the first time since he pushed me in. His eyes went wide, and I wiggled my fingers in a sarcastic wave.

Yeah, Karma was a bitch, and so was I.

I looked at the zombie and nodded my head. Realizing that I had just signed his death warrant, the Sea Dragon looked at me with rage and turned his knife away from the zombie and toward me. Unfortunately for him, the zombie moved faster than he did, and he was dragged down to the bottom of the ocean floor.

There were more splashes on the surface, and I motioned for the zombies to disappear for right now. I didn\'t want to show my cards so early and give my prey time to escape. \'Have a few of your men guard the boat. I don\'t want to take the chance that it leaves us here,\' I said to Beta.

\'And if it does?\'

\'Everyone on board will be dead at some point in time today. If they try to leave… enjoy your food,\' I said. Something told me that boats were soon going to be like basements to me. I would always need someone I trusted in them just to make sure that they didn\'t disappear.

My men quickly swam towards me, and I saw Chen Zi Han looking around as if trying to find someone. Grabbing his attention, I made a quick slash across my throat. Well, that answered that question as to who tossed the body over the boat. He nodded his understanding, and we waited for the three Sea Dragons that were supposed to be offering us their protection to finally get in the water.

I don\'t know if they were testing the waters to see if we would be killed as soon as we got in or what, but it was a good three to four minutes before we saw them.

Ha! Testing the waters! I get jokes.

thought that I would be so grateful to have a zombie around, let alone keep an eye on me. It was 09:49

amazing how much could change in a lifetime.

They swam over to us and proceeded to point down. No shit Sherlock.

I rolled my eyes, and the seven of us started to descend to the bottom. \'Anything interesting on the floor?\' I asked Beta, the silence beginning to drive me insane. I would invent a mask that played music while you dove. It\'s not like you would hear anything coming up behind you anyways. Might as well listen to some tunes.

\'Ship,\' replied Beta. I could see him swimming parallel to me out of the corner of my eyes. I never thought that I would be so grateful to have a zombie around, let alone keep an eye on me. It was amazing how much could change in a lifetime.


\'Ship with people inside,\' he clarified. Oh, shit. What the Hell were we getting ourselves into?!?

\'Guys,\' I said, using my link with the guys to be able to share that critical bit of information.

\'Yeah?\' answered Liu Yu Zeng.

\'Everything okay?\' asked Chen Zi Han.

\'I\'m here, Sweetheart,\' added Liu Wei.

\'According to Beta, we are heading down towards a submarine with people still inside of it,\' I said as I looked at the three men around me. \'Do you think they knew that fact before they sent us down?\'

\'No,\' said Liu Wei. \'It would have been a rescue mission, not a retrieval. Chances are they assumed that there are no survivors.\'

\'Well, according to Beta, there are. How else would he know that there were people inside if they weren\'t walking around making noise? And how the Hell are we going to get into a sub with people inside?\'

This was not part of my six-step plan. And I was not happy to have to deviate. If everyone weren\'t already going to die, then I would say people were going to die; however, now it just seems redundant.

\'I hate to stress anyone out more, but are we sure that they are even humans in here? I mean, could they have all become zombies?\' asked Liu Yu Zeng, putting that cheery thought into my head.

\'Beta, are they humans or zombies?\' I asked, turning to the only person here that might have the answer. And yes, I was using the term person very loosely.

\'Humans; can hear talking,\' answered Beta, and I didn\'t know if he just made the situation better or worse.

\'Beta says humans. He can hear them talking,\' I said, passing on his message.

\'Fuck,\' said Chen Zi Han under his breath, and I could see him reaching for the knife he always kept close.

\'Agreed,\' came Liu Wei\'s voice over the link.

\'What the fuck did we just sign up for?\' asked Liu Yu Zeng, looking at his brother.

\'No idea,\' I answered. \'But we are going to be finding out really soon.\'


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