
Chapter 73 - Volume 2.25 End Of This Farce

"Let\'s end this farce once and for all," Charrio declared with a booming voice.  His appearance started to morph to that headless horseman. A body of a huge black horse materialized in front of him. And his once dark robes change into black plate armor. His red bloodshot eyes gaze at Rein, Nicholas, and Elred. His gaze was like he was piercing right through their souls. He gestured his hands towards the barrier of cards of Nicholas.


*pah! pah!*

One shadow blade flew towards it then the second, third until it became thousands. Cracks started to appear on Nicholas\' cards.

"Once those barriers are destroyed, be ready," Nicholas smirked not the very least bothered by Charrio\'s attacks. "The real fight will begin."

Both Rein and Elred nodded their heads, reading their swords with them. Nicholas dropped his hands and quickly held the control wheel of the ship.

"I\'ll leave the rest to the both of you," Nicholas said as he quickly turn the control wheel to the left. Rein immediately jumped up cutting the blades that were going to hit the ship.

"Make sure none of their attacks will hit the ship! Or it would be an additional repair expense to all of you!" Nicholas shouted.

"I thought you are going to fight!" Rein shouted as he slashed more shadow blades.

"I can\'t fight and drive this ship at the same time, right?" Nicholas shouted back.

Elred who was silent all the time also kept slashing the shadow blades directed to them. "We can\'t go on like this forever." He finally spoke.

"I needed to go nearer to them," Rein said as he leaped once again in the air, but that was a wrong move. When he felt a strong gust of wind, he used his sword to block the incoming attack. Callan\'s fist, hit Rein\'s sword creating an energy blast between them.

"Where is Nesha?" Callan coldly asked as both of them landed on the ship. 

"Make a guess." Rein smirked.

"Bastard, just because I fall to your trick back there. Don\'t think that you\'ll be able to defeat me this time again." Callan gritted his teeth even more.

"Both of you did peacefully slept," And Rein\'s grin grew wider. "Be thankful that I have given the both of you enough time to rest."


"Hah. You could only get her, over my corpse." Rein said as he started raining Callan with his sword attacks.

Elred quickly glanced at both of them. Then his gaze returned to Charrio. \'So I guess this guy would be my opponent. A black mage huh. No, he is already malice. But for malice to still have a mind of his own...Just how did Malaya and the others encounter such being.\'

  Violet lifa covered Elred\'s sword. He leaped towards Charrio who was already planning to attack behind Rein.

"I\'m your opponent," Elred said. Multiple shadow blades blocked his sword. Charrio looked at him gloomily. "Another pest appeared." 

"And this pest will be the one to end you." A burst of blue light emerged from Elred\'s sword.

"This!" Charrio\'s eyes widened with surprise. If both Iris and Malaya saw this reaction of his, they would surely cough up blood from shock since none of them was able to surprise this dark creature.

However, Charrio\'s surprise quickly changed to amusement. "And here I thought, only her remained of your kind." 

Elred\'s eyes narrowed hearing Charrio\'s amused voice.

"What are you talking about?" He landed back on the ship. And Charrio seized his attacks as well as he hovered above Elred. "It\'s too bad that we couldn\'t get Nesha back."

"Callan, we will take our leave," Charrio said which caught Callan\'s attention. He released a huge force of the wind that made Rein step a few steps away. Then he quickly went beside Charrio.

"What are you talking, father?" Callan said with anguish. "Nesha is not with us yet."

"Callan, let\'s give up for her now." 

"Why father?!" 

"Nesha will be finer on their side," Charrio said with a touch of melancholy in his voice. "Let\'s leave now."

Callan wasn\'t able to answer. His father was right, since that explosion, he found a lot of things and his life would never be the same as before.

"Take care of my daughter," Charrio said looking directly towards Rein. "When we see each other again, it would only be death would await to each side of us." Dark shadows started to cover both him and Callan. "Be strong enough to defeat me back then."

Before they completely vanished, Charrio gave Elred a small bow and disappeared.

A heavy silence filled the air. To Rein, it was like that fight that happened was just a mere dream to him.

"Everyone! Surrender now or we will destroy the ship!" 

The three were interrupted with their silence when they heard multiple voices surrounding them. As they looked ahead, ships with the Aravan flag were heading their way.

"This is what I\'m going to ask earlier," Nicholas said as he started changing the course of the ship. "I wonder with all the ruckus you guys caused, why are there no authorities of Aravan reprimanding all of you."

"Let\'s get out of here." Rein simply stated. "We couldn\'t let the authorities catch us." He gave a sidelong glance at Elred. 

"Yes, that could be a better idea," Elred said back with his usual nonchalant smile. But his thought rang with Charrio\'s words earlier. \'Does he know something about me? Just who is that guy?\'

"Stop!" The navy\'s shouts just fell deaf to the three as they made their escape from the area. Though they were all tired their minds were active with different thoughts they had, particularly Rein.

\'I don\'t know whether this is a good thing or not for us. But it seems we wouldn\'t be able to see those two for a while.\'


"One, two, three, four, the knight fell down." A beautiful singing voice of a woman was heard.

(A/N: Her song was in the tune of twinkle twinkle little star.)

"He lost his kingdom and everyone he loves."

"The only thing that remains is his anger and rage."

"To take revenge on the enemy, he lost." The singing stopped and the woman glanced to her side when two figures appeared.

"Is it still the case now, Charrio?" The witch\'s scalded mouth raised a sinister smile.

"Yes, my queen." Charrio bowed down along with Callan on his side.

"Then why have you not reported anything back these days?" 

"I have been settling another matter." 

"Settling another matter, you say?" The witch slowly rose to her seat and walked towards Charrio. She cupped his face all of a sudden and her long sharp black nails dug to his cheeks.

"You know I hated any delays." 

"I apologize, my queen, this won\'t happen again." Charrio simply stated.

"The rebirth of the new demon king will come soon, therefore let\'s make sure that everything is perfect." The witch let go of Charrio. "And let the empire taste what they had given us! Hahaha!"

Evil laughter echoed like a rumble of thunder to the whole place.

\'Nesha...father was right.\' Callan clenched his fist as he looked at the laughing horrendous woman in front of him. "You and I live on different worlds.. I shouldn\'t have met you again in the first place.\'

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