
Chapter 126 - Volume 4.1 Unknown Island 1

  \'There were two surprising things when I opened my eyes. First, the sky is clear, well that was not the surprising thing, it was that I kept motioning my hands up and down against the sand, already forming angel wings. And no, that is still not the surprising thing. The surprising thing is, as I did this stupid thing, both of my feet were tied with a rope and I was dragged along by someone.\' Malaya glanced to the man, wearing native clothing, his tunic had a colorful zigzag pattern of brown and red. And he was wearing a white loincloth. 

"That\'s one hell of an ass," Malaya said as she was being dragged.

"Have you no sense of shame, speaking such things." A grumpy voice sounded beside her.

\'The second surprising thing was, this guy was with her. Ah, that guy if you guessed it right, it was no other than Kayden. Unlike Malaya, both his feet and hands were bound by rope as well. And he too was being dragged alongside Malaya. And all of his things were carried by the man in front.

How did such things happen? 

Malaya didn\'t know. After she was able to talk with the priestess and the shadow, when she opened her eyes, she was already in this situation. All of her things were carried by the man that was dragging them. And she was surprised to see Kayden being with her as well.

She asked the man, what he was doing here and the latter simply didn\'t respond with any of her questions.

"What shameful thing?" Malaya feigned ignorance. "One hell of an ass?" 

Kayden just scowled and ignored her once again. 

Malaya just sighed. She was getting bored now in this situation. When she woke up, the sun was just still rising and now it was at its highest peak in the sky. 

"I want cold mango juice, ice cream, cold strawberry juice…" She continued mumbling every cold drink and dessert she could think of. Since the intensity of the heat she was feeling right now was no joke. Added to that feeling was the sand that went inside her clothing and hair. And some that got mixed with her sweat, making her icky all over her body. 

"I also want a nice bath." She kept mumbling like a child. But no one really bothered with her. Malaya just sighed. \'Ah, Great Spirit of Fire, why of all places, you will bring me back to some unknown island. You should have just brought me back to my ship. It is already chapter 125 and yet I am still not able to have a proper voyage. Defeating the Demon Lord is not definitely one of my plans.\'

"Why? Why? Why?" Malaya kept mumbling out of frustration.

Another four hours passed and the three were finally able to reach a village before the setting of the sun…

Malaya just glumly looked at the scene in front of her. Though she usually just smile at everything, or even just for the sake of facade, she didn\'t do anything of that. And just looked grumpily in front of her.

They were surrounded by native people wearing funny masks with colorful feathers. They were dancing with some strange dance. They jumped up and down and at the same time, they also raised their arms up and down. There was the single sound of a drum beating in the quarter note every ten seconds. In each beat, that\'s where they move,

If one continued to watch this for almost an hour now, they would be really bored out of their minds.

And added to that was the ickiness Malaya felt all over her body. 

Another hour passed...

"Where are we?" 

Malaya glanced back to her side. "Ah, so you\'re finally awake. I can\'t believe that the seemingly Mr. Perfect will have the tenacity to sleep in this kind of situation." Malaya said with a strained smile and her voice sounded completely displeased. "It seems we are in their village tribe." She still answered in the end.

After that Malaya didn\'t receive any response again. Now as she looked at their selves, they\'re both tied now in a chair made of bamboo and they had a crown made of hay.

The music finally stopped and they all turned towards Malaya and Kayden. 

"Is this the time that we are going to be eaten or sacrificed?" Malaya asked out of the blue. Although she was not sure whether they understand her since the time she went here, they were not speaking a single thing or even with each other.

"Eaten and Sacrifice?" 

"That voice," Malaya glanced up. The group of native people split in the middle and it revealed someone she didn\'t expect to see. Ah well, if she thought about it, there was a possibility that he could be here as well. 

"You do really love to sacrifice, people. And you gained new followers as well." Malaya grinned. Though inside she was panicking. \'Don\'t tell me this is really my end now.\'

Oliver simply laughed at what Malaya said. "Yes, what else is your purpose for being here?" A sinister smile escaped his lips. "Now that both of you fell into my hands, I needed to reenact my revenge." Oliver gestured towards the native people and they started to walk towards Malaya and Kayden. They brought out huge knives behind their backs.

\'Ah. Seriously. Just one thing after another.\' Malaya sighed. \'I thought this is all over. I just hope that priestess and shadow will revive me or use some sort of their power to keep me alive.\'

Malaya closed her eyes, but a few moments later, nothing happened. 

{"Don\'t be a fool, if you die, there is nothing we could do about that. We can only bring your soul here but we can\'t resurrect the dead. Open your eyes now or you will die really."}

Malaya\'s eyes opened up when she heard the deep voice of the Shadow Figure. But before it could register to her, she noticed that ropes that were binding her were all cut off. And the native people were a meter distance away from her. 

"Eh?" She glanced at Oliver confused. 

"Don\'t think, I will give you an easy death like that," Oliver said, something sinister passed his golden eyes.

\'Ah seriously.\' Malaya grunted inside her mind. \'Why do I always end up with this male leads with mind and attitude problems. Just give me a break.\'

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Extra Scene:

An hour ago...

After being dragged for long hours, Malaya could see some huts already. \'Ah, finally there is some sight of civilization now.\'

The man that was dragging them stopped walking in front of a wooden post. For a few moments, Malaya saw that there were men who were wearing the same tunic approaching him. She observed and listened carefully to what language they would use since it might give her a clue to where she was. But all they did was nod at each other.

The first man, nodded his head once then he looked at Malaya and Kayden. Then the one who was dragging them, also just nodded twice. They did that all the time until Malaya and Kayden were now carried by other men. Malaya didn\'t struggle while being carried like a sack since she knew it would be futile. Without her weapons and their huge number, they were at a huge disadvantage.

Malaya glanced back at Kayden only to find him sleeping peacefully. \'Ah, how nice of him.\' she sighed inwardly.

They put her in a wooden chair and put a crown on her head. She was shocked when she heard a loud gong sound coming from a single huge drum. But she became even surprised when the people who carried her, started to form a circle and danced at each beat of the drum.

\'What on earth is happening?\' Malaya continued to observe her surrounding until twenty minutes had passed already. Her eyelids were growing heavy now but she refused to sleep. \'They are doing the same thing all over again and again for a long time now. Is this some kind of ritual?\'

The sky had already become completely dark as well. There were torches of fire that were now surrounding them as well. It was already half an hour and they were steadily doing their dance. Malaya started to doze off. Each beat of the drum felt like a lullaby to her.

In order for her to not fall asleep, she just started counting the beat of the drum while watching the same motion of the folks in front of her.

\'One, up and down, Two, up and down.\' She already reached twenty but her sleepiness only got worst. She shook her head to fight it until her gaze fell to the person who was beside her.

Under the light of the torch that was beside him, his face looked like shining. Thick brows, long eyelashes, sharp nose, and prominent jaw and those lips.  \'He looked like an angel, Nah, that was already a cliche to compare at, maybe the moon prince. Although mostly the moon was described for women, I think it would be the perfect thing to describe him. His beauty was like the moon, it was beautiful but it would be hard for anyone to reach.\'

\'But I\'m already contented with just looking. Hmm... Why did I not just gaze at his sleeping face from start? Now all of my sleepiness was gone. Is this what that statement, \'you can really just stare at a gorgeous face all day, or is it I can do this all day?\'

Just then, Malaya noticed a movement with his eyes. She immediately diverted her gaze back at the native people.

"Where are we?" Kayden\'s usual cold voice resounded.

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