
Chapter 94 Defects

Finishing singing, Christian discovered that, in only 3 minutes, Leslie fell asleep, while a peaceful expression was seen on her face.

Smiling softly, Christian kissed her forehead and whispered "Sweet dreams."

Moving carefully, Christian gets off the bed and grabs a blanket, then moves over to Leslie and covers her up.

Looking down at the woman with a soft smile, Christian turns off the light and slowly walks down the long hallways of his home, unfazed by all the darkness in the place.

Carefully walking down the stairs, Christian winces in pain and mutters "We should put in an elevator, maybe use the bathroom space...I don\'t understand why the fuck we have so many bathrooms."

Reaching the second floor, Christian walks to his mother\'s favorite place and frowns when he doesn\'t hear her playing drums like he\'s supposed to.

Entering the game room, Christian finds his mother sitting on the couch with a bottle of Rum next to her as she looks dazedly towards the coffee table.

"*Sigh*" Walking over to his mother, Christian climbs over her legs and looks her straight in the eyes "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing..." Murmured Eva "I was just tired."

Looking into her empty eyes, Christian looks at her with an angry expression "Why are you doing this to yourself? You know if you\'re sad or upset about something you can talk to me about it."

"I\'m fine..."

Holding his mother\'s cheeks with some force, Christian frowns "Don\'t lie to my face mom, you know I hate it."


"*Sigh*" Knowing the woman won\'t say anything, Christian looks into her eyes, then reaches up and kisses her forehead "I don\'t know what\'s wrong with you, but I want you to know that you\'re the best mother I could ever wish for."

Kissing her eyes, Christian continues "You are loving and caring."

Kissing her nose, Christian speaks "You\'re cute and strong."

Kissing her cheeks, Christian murmurs "You\'re the one who always supports me and encourages me in everything"

Looking directly into her eyes, Christian smiles softly "You are my reason for overcoming, because of you I always strive and get ahead..."

With a smile, Christian gently kisses his mother\'s lips, then looks at her again and speaks "You are my reason for happiness and I tell you that every day... it hurts me to know that you don\'t trust me enough to tell me your sorrows."

"..." Looking at her child in a daze, Eva bit her lips and murmured "I\'m sorry... I... I was just sad about everything... I can\'t help but feel guilty... I\'m a lousy mother...if I hadn\'t hired that man-"

With another quick kiss on the lips, Christian shushes the woman, then smiles and speaks "You are many things, but you will never be a lousy mother."


"You may stink of alcohol, you may also never wax because you have a strange sense of femininity, always saying that real women have a lot of hair and those who cut it are stupid... you also have a strange taste for animal hunting documentaries, your expressions are creepy when you see the tiger grabbed its prey.. it is also very rare that you take the drumsticks with your whole hand, even more when I told you that it is only with a third of your hand... you even stink sometimes, you are not a big fan of showers... also your cooking is usually very varied, sometimes you use a lot of salt and other times you forget it, I even had to eat eggs with sugar a few days ago... I also don\'t understand your taste towards onion, I find it disgusting, and what to say about garlic, it\'s so repulsive that I can\'t stand the smell, I don\'t understand how you like it... you are also very messy, you don\'t make your bed, you leave your clothes all over the place, you can\'t get dressed properly and I always have to correct you... but as if all that wasn\'t enough, you never cut your nails, if it wasn\'t for me cutting them, you would have claws instead of nails... you are very rare and most of the time you act like a child."

"..." With a blank stare, Eva silently listened to it all.

"But despite that, you are an amazing mother, always giving your all for your children... my love and affection for you is so much that sometimes I can\'t get it all out of my system with simple cuddles or caresses, it\'s like I have the need to squeeze you" Smiling while showing his teeth, Christian reaches over and bites her shoulder a little harder "Or bite you... it\'s kind of amazing and frustrating for some reason."

Looking at her child in a daze, Eva brings her hand to Christian\'s face "My boy..."

"Should I say more things I find weird about you?"

"No!" Eva exclaimed quickly, then smiled and hugged him against her chest "I feel better already, much better."

"You are stressful woman, you worry me every day."

"Says who, the boy who can\'t make it through a day without causing chaos or getting hurt"

"I surrender"

"I don\'t accept surrender" Taking the child in her arms, Eva gently puts him down and lays him on the couch "I too have things I find strange about you, I will not take your words without responding"

"Mother, I\'m sleepy, good night" Closing his eyes quickly, Christian turns his head and snorts softly.

"You are very fussy, always with your tidiness problems, you are even able to come down from the third floor because you saw out of the corner of your eye a pencil that is not straight"


"I always see you eating my chocolates that you buy me yourself and then you blame Alan."


"Whenever you make a mistake you play dumb and try to make sure no one notices your mistake"


"You can\'t sit still for 5 minutes without annoying someone"..."


"I don\'t have anything more to say..." Pursing her lips, Eva mutters "How is it possible that you have no faults?"

Looking at the boy, Eva approaches him and moves her hand in front of his face "Did he really fall asleep?"

"Christian, do you want to play with my breasts?"


"He fell asleep..." Nodding, Eva stares at the boy, then caresses his face and murmurs "You\'re growing up so fast... and you\'re getting cuter every day."

"You make your bed, you get good grades, you\'re good at sports, smart, loving, caring, attentive..." Muttering lower and lower, Eva frowns "That\'s dangerous... you\'re already 12 and you have all those qualities... you even know how to cook and sing... if those bitches find out about that when you\'re older..."

Biting her lips, Eva continued to ramble "Now he\'ll be entering high school... the bitches are starting to get hormonally out of control... my boy will be the first target... should I put him in a boys\' school?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Eva smiles with excitement "Damn, what a good idea, so I won\'t have to worry every day."


Tuesday, May 15, 2012.

Slowly opening his eyes in a daze, Christian yawned and looked to the side, finding his mother asleep on the floor.

She had a big smile on her face, she had her limbs stretched out and saliva was coming out of the edge of her mouth, causing Christian to smile slightly.

Slowly getting up from the couch, Christian looks down at his body and arches his eyebrows "The pain is gone..."

Stretching his muscles, Christian yawns and stands up "Nice..."

Looking towards the door, Christian smiles and speaks "Leslie, get me a marker."

Leslie who was up as early as ever, looks at the boy and nods, only to have him return 3 minutes later with a permanent marker in his hands.

"Thank you Leslie, and good morning, you look much better today."

"I slept well" Smiling slightly, Leslie again stood still and quiet even by the door.

"I\'m glad~" Smiling softly, Christian bends down and uncovers the pen "You made a grave mistake mother..."

With an odd glint, Christian begins by drawing a Hitler style mustache on his mother, then brings his two eyebrows together and draws glasses on the woman\'s face.

Rubbing his chin at the sight of his artwork, Christian purses his lips and draws horns on her forehead, then draws a scar on her cheek and nods "Beautiful."

"..." Looking down at the boy, Leslie only smiled slightly.

"Ok, Leslie, bring me my laptop, I\'ll go check out the piano on the second floor, since I bought it I\'ve never used it..... also bring me my cell phone" Fixing the wrinkled pajamas, Christian smiles and walks out of the room as he speaks.

"Right away."

Arriving on the second floor, Christian reaches the main room and looks at the beautiful piano in front of the big window "2 months with me and I never touch you, don\'t worry precious, today I feel encouraged."

Gently caressing the dark wood of the piano, Christian nodded "It\'s worth the 100 thousand dollars...handmade grand piano, this beauty would only be seen at the big classical music events."

Sitting down, Christian looks at each key and presses them one by one gently, then smiling and sighing "Nice."

"Let\'s see... I feel encouraged, I don\'t want anything sad".

Thinking for a few minutes, Christian couldn\'t think of any tunes that came close to his mood, so he sighed and turned to see Leslie who was standing next to him "Leslie, record me and send the video to Elisa."

Nodding, Leslie puts the computer aside and unlocks the cell phone, then starts recording.

"Elisa, I understand that having to live with Sarah must be a horror to your mental health, so I\'ll dedicate a tune called \'Fur Elisa\' to you so you can say, \'It\'s not all so bad, at least I have a tune\'"

Taking a deep breath, Christian begins to play the melody known worldwide in his old world, dedicating heart and soul to each key, moving his torso rhythmically to the tune.

After a few minutes, Christian plays the last key and sighs, then turns his gaze to the cell phone and smiles "Good morning~"

Nodding towards Leslie to finish the video, Christian looks back to the piano "Send it to Elisa, then start recording me again... I want to leave a memory of this moment..."

Taking a deep breath, Christian started playing another tune, starting with the complete Beethoven-Claro de Luna sonata, spending 40 minutes of the morning on that pure melody, then suddenly stopping and sighing "I feel like it\'s making my day bitter... I better sing-"

Suddenly turning his head, Christian finds an older woman standing to the side of Leslie, looking at the boy with a smile as in her hand she held a cake.

"Aria, good morning, I feel like I haven\'t seen you in ages," Smiling, Christian speaks.

"I\'m glad you\'ve recovered young man, my husband baked you a cake late last night when he found out you were coming home."

"You didn\'t have to bother, but I appreciate the gesture" Smiling gratefully, Christian looks at the cake and smiles "Give me a few minutes to finish up here and let\'s eat together, Leslie you too"

"I\'d like that" Aria smiled, standing silently with the cake in her hand.

Going over all the songs in his mind, Christian remembers one in particular and starts to play the melody, then takes a deep breath and sings, Imagine by John Lennon

"♪ Imagine there\'s no heaven

It\'s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us, only sky ♪"

Singing calmly, Christian just exuded happiness in the moment, slightly stunning the two women beside him for his voice and song.

"♪ You may say I\'m a dreamer

But I\'m not the only one

I hope someday you\'ll join us

And the world will live as one~♪"

Finishing singing, Christian sighed with satisfaction and stretched, then closed the piano and stood up "Let\'s eat."

Nodding at the same time, the two women looked at the boy gently.

Arriving in the kitchen, Christian began pulling out plates and cups to help set the table, while Leslie began chopping fruit and Aria prepared eggs.

"Aria, we need a person to take care of my siblings while Mom is gone, with what happened she won\'t trust anyone and will get self-conscious about the job. Do you know anyone who can do that job?"

"I can do it myself."

"You don\'t have to overexert yourself Aria, you already have a lot of work to do at home and I don\'t want to burden you."

Thinking for a few seconds, Aria ended up sighing and shaking her head "I don\'t know anyone I trust who can do the job, I\'m not very sociable outside of work, but... no, nothing."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asks "But?"

"I thought about my husband, but he doesn\'t have schooling or anything that would accredit him for babysitting."

"No need, I just need him to watch Hailie and Alan, he could also cook if he can" Sighing, Christian spoke "Do you think he would like to work with us? We just need him to be there on the days mom goes out to work, it would be 1 to 2 days a week."

"..." With a momentary silence, Aria spoke "I\'ll ask him, can I let you know in the afternoon?"

"No problem, you let me know what decision he makes."

"Thank you" Aria nodded.

"Aria, come to think of it... how much did we pay you?"


"A week?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked.

"A month."

Freezing as he set a plate on the table, Christian frowns "That contract you had with the old owners?"

"Yes, it\'s good pay" Aria nodded.

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