
Chapter 131 Stress

"Hello C-christian!" After a few seconds, a sultry but shy voice came from the other side, causing Christian to raise his eyebrows as he sensed the change in the girl\'s voice.

"Emily... I see you\'ve grown; you have a beautiful voice" Christian said smiling softly.

"Th-thank you... I\'m all grown up" Emily replied with obvious nervousness in her voice.

"Have you been well? Do you get your 10 hours of sleep a day?"


"*Sigh* You disappear from my sight for a few years and you go off the rails"

"S-sorry..." In a depressed voice, Emily whispered.

"Are you at least eating right?"

"Yes, I also exercise every day!" Emily exclaimed quickly "And now I\'m so big, the planes will see me now and I won\'t be left downstairs!"

"I\'m so glad" Leaning back in the chair, Christian remembered the little blonde girl who followed him everywhere at school "Have you made any other friends?"

"I have a friend..."

"That\'s quite an accomplishment, I\'m even more glad" Knowing that the little girl doesn\'t like to chat with people, Christian nodded, then smiled and continued "I\'ve grown up a lot too, but I guess you already know that, don\'t you?"


"What are you spying on? The camera in my room? Or the one in the whole prison?" smiling playfully, Christian asked.

"T-the whole prison"

"..." Staring at the cell phone, Christian looked at it bored as he thought \'I was just kidding... really spying on me?\'

"*Sigh* Your mother led you astray, tell her if I find her, I\'ll beat her"


"I don\'t like that shy voice, have you already disowned me after all this time?"

"No!" Emily exclaimed quickly "I-I haven\'t seen you in a while and I\'m-that\'s why I\'m excited to talk to you..."

"I\'m happy to hear from you too, but you don\'t need to be shy, I\'m still your longtime friend" Smiled Christian softly.


"Christian, ready, I already told your aunt" Suddenly interrupted Eva, causing Christian to pursed his lips knowing that he won\'t be able to talk to Emily anymore.

"Well, afterwards you can pass it on to your workers so they can start seeing how it\'s going"

"That\'s the idea"

"Mom, by the way...how did you find out they had signed on, isn\'t it secret?"

"Actually... Hailie is also streaming, and they tried to take her too, she told me about it and I did some research"

"Hailie!?" In disbelief, Christian exclaimed "But isn\'t she only 15!?"

"Yeah, but people like what she does... she\'s really good at video games, plus I gave her a little help by promoting her channel over others, but don\'t tell her"

"..." Remembering the little girl, Christian smiled fondly "She must be happy, she always dreamed of doing something like this"

"Yes, and she\'s doing very well. She has approximately 2 million followers"

"She has a future in it"

"Yes, every day it goes up a lot more"

"Mother, now that we are talking, I want to buy an island and build a mansion there, is it possible?"

"Of course, you can, but which island?"

"I was looking around and Lanai Island in Hawaii is for sale, it has a lot of space"

"How much is it?"

"450 million dollars"

"Do you want something specific on the island?"

"Yes, soccer field, tennis court, basketball court, diving equipment and an equipped mansion, I would also like it to have a heliport, a dock for some yacht, and it wouldn\'t be bad to have a runway for a private jet. The island looks pretty big... also build some simpler mansions and several normal cottage-style houses. In the future maybe build some laboratory on it, it\'s over 360 square kilometers, so it\'s pretty big"

"Whatever you want honey. I\'ll tell your uncle Jayden to do everything and buy the island, don\'t you want anything else?"

"How about buying two private jets? You could add the last name Grey in big letters on the Jet, it would be nice".

"Of course it would be" With a soft voice, Eva replied.

"The Airbus ACJ320 neo Melody is one I like; it has room for over 20 people and even has a galley and bed"

"Then those we\'ll buy"

"Yes, you choose the color"

"Don\'t you want to do it yourself?"


"I love you"

"Me too mom"



In what appears to be a metal bunker, a beautiful woman exclaimed in frustration.

"Did something happen?" asked another woman a few feet away.

"What the fuck do you care!?" Shouted the first woman, then hugging her legs with one hand and biting her nails on the other hand while muttering "He told me I had a nice voice..."

Out of nowhere, all her frustration left as she smiled foolishly "Hehe~"

"What a crazy woman" Shaking her head, the second woman continued typing on her computer while muttering "If she wasn\'t the boss\'s daughter, I would have killed her already..."

"I want to talk to him..." Glancing at the overhead screens, Emily muttered "But mom said it\'s not time yet..."


Hands behind his back, Christian walked with a neutral face, only to open a door and silently watch the women who were already dressed as they stared him.

Nodding with satisfaction, Christian walked around the place and frowned at the sight of a sleeping woman, then sighed wearily.

Approaching, Christian stood beside her and shouted loudly "LUST, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF BED!!!"

Rising quickly, Lust put her hand to her forehead and shouted "I\'m awake!"

Frowning at the sight of the naked woman, Christian said "I had told you more than 10 times that you need to start sleeping in your clothes..."

With vacant eyes, Christian suddenly lowered his gaze, observing the woman\'s naked crotch, then asked in a tired voice "Lust... can you explain to me why your pubic hair turned into my initials?"

"Because this is your special place sergeant!" The woman quickly exclaimed, while a satisfied smile was visible on her face.

"..." Looking up, Christian spoke coldly. "10 laps around the base naked, you start right now!"

Widely opening her eyes, Lust exclaimed "But it\'s cold!"

"Then run fast to warm up the body!"

At this point, Christian was really stressed with this woman.

He found her spying on him while showering 17 times, he found her rummaging through his clothes 20 times, and because they sleep in the same place, he woke up 10 times being hugged by the naked woman.

Christian\'s patience is really being tested every day!

Not to mention that the woman has an amazing body!

Her pussy is perfectly waxed leaving only the pubic hair on her pelvis the same color as the hair on her head, while he easily saw the plump lower lips with a beautiful pink color.

It is literally the most beautiful pussy she has ever seen in his life!

All this is added by amazing breasts with a beautiful pink halo.

But unfortunately, the woman is creepy, and Christian has no doubt that if he were a normal man of this world, he would have snapped by now from so much harassment.

Smiling suddenly, Lust nodded "I\'ll show you all that my pussy is the sergeant\'s property!"

Finishing her words, the woman ran out of the place with only socks on, causing Christian\'s expression to freeze.

"Hahaha~" Laughed Sloth on the bed next to him "That bitch did it again!"

During this month of training, the group became much closer, to the point where they already have the confidence to joke with each other, but really the one who suffered the most from this, is Christian, who was the target of all the teasing from Lust and Greed, who, apparently, made a bet of who would get in his pants first, something extremely irritating for Christian.

The training also bore fruit, as Christian managed to adapt to the sniper and can actually shoot without any problems, while all his girls, after a few tips from Christian, increased their skills considerably. That and the 10 hours a day of mandatory training.

Taking a deep breath, Christian looked at the other women with boredom "Anyone else want to run with her?"



"Good" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian said "Today is an important day, as you know, we have our first mission, so we will be all day going over the plan and resting to be at our peak state, today we won\'t train"

"*Sigh* What a relief" Laying down on the bed, Sloth smiled and closed his eyes.

"Sloth, are you interested in running?"

"Just kidding!" Sitting up quickly, Sloth replied.

"..." Taking a deep breath so as not to lose his patience, Christian watched his team carefully, then nodded with satisfaction at seeing Pride, Wrath, Gluttony and Envy so calm and focused.

As for Greed...

We\'d better not talk about her predatory stare at Christian.


Turning, Christian looks at the blushing Lust "Why are you here?"

"I ran a lap and broke my socks!" Stretching her leg to the max, Christian saw that her socks were indeed torn, but obviously the woman\'s intention was not that, but to show her entire crotch in full splendor.

"Lust... I\'ll really end up shotting" With a vein bulging in his forehead, Christian whispered.

"If that shot is milky and comes out of a certain place, I\'m really interested" Lust licked her lips and replied, smiling sensually.

"..." With an empty face, Christian reached between his clothes and pulled out his golden gun, then pointed it directly at Lust.




Smiling, Lust slowly walked towards Christian, sensually swaying her hips along the way, then standing in front of him and bringing the gun to her mouth "Come on handsome, do it"

Frowning, Christian didn\'t think twice and pulled the trigger, startling everyone in the place.

But when the click of the gun sounded, everyone sighed knowing it wasn\'t loaded.

"Next time, the gun will be really loaded, don\'t test my patience" Putting his gun away, Christian looked at all the women for a few seconds, then left the place "I\'ll wait for them in 30 minutes in the living room, I don\'t want any delays"

"..." Looking at Christian\'s back in a daze, Lust exclaimed when he was already out of sight "It\'s fucking hot, I\'m really getting wet!"

Frowning, Pride said, "Can\'t you be serious for at least a minute in your life?"

"Come on Pride, don\'t be so serious, I was just kidding" Waving her hand lazily, Lust walked towards her bed.

"You really pissed him off this time" Sloth sighed as she laid down.

"You screwed up masterfully" Smiled Greed with amusement.

"You really disgust me" Gluttony commented casually.

"..." Staring at Lust silently, Wrath simply huffed and began to get her things ready.

"Come on girls, don\'t look at me like that!" Lust exclaimed in disgust "We share showers, we see each other naked every day, I thought our bond would be stronger than this!"

"Don\'t you understand we have a fucking mission today?" Scowling, Pride walked up to Lust and stared her straight in the eyes "Behave like an adult for once fucking once and stop thinking with your fucking pussy!"

"It\'s no big deal either, we\'re just going to clean up Taliban around town" Rolling her eyes, Lust said.

"Did you even read the mission details?"


Shaking her head, Pride looked at her with disdain "If you keep this up, you\'ll end up dead, just make sure you don\'t drag us down with you"

"Is it a special mission?" Frowning, Lust asked, noticing the tension.

"58 Taliban positioned in a small town south of the city, what do you think?" replied Sloth.


"They are known to have machine guns, missile launchers and are armed to the teeth, we can\'t send helicopters because of the danger of missile launchers"

"They want to attack the city?"

"It seems so" Sloth nodded seriously "And the worst thing is that we are the only team that will take them on"

"..." Frowning even more, Lust looked at the woman standing in front of her who was still looking at her with disdain, then clicked his tongue and walked away to load up her things...


"Elimination mission. So far, we have 58 confirmed Taliban but there may be more. It is known that there are 53 people who were from the village, we don\'t know if they were part of the Taliban or are taken as hostages" Looking at the map in front of him, Christian turned his eyes and said "We have the disadvantage of the location, the village is in the highest area and we really don\'t have many places to enter without being detected, but there are also pros, the houses don\'t have closed rooms and none are two stories, so it is easy to protect yourself"

"Besides, the town is very small. We have a main street that connects to the road and several houses around it, while in the center there is a hospital which is the largest building" Drawing lines, Christian continued "We will enter through this place, it is the darkest and farthest of all, then we will enter through the house that is across the street and make our way to the vehicles"

"Crossing the street is dangerous, we would have to do it twice, once when we get to the house and once when we want to get to the hospital" Sloth commented.

"Yes, that\'s why we have to make our way there, according to intelligence, there is only one person left covering this corner, we would have to take her down and drag the body away"

"..." Silently, Sloth took a pencil and marked a circle "We will enter at night, so it doesn\'t matter much. The town has no electricity and they will only be able to light with flashlights if they have any, besides today we have no moon, so everything will be very dark... we could position Greed at this point and with the night vision of her sniper she\'ll have no problems. She would have a perfect vision covering more than half of the town"


Edited By: Joy_a

To make the rank system in the army easier, I have summarized them and will leave them here.

The army has many different ranks and they all vary by different branches of the army. So to make everything easier and to summarize them, I organized these ranks that I will use in the novel.










-Lieutenant Colonel


-Brigadier general

-Divisional General

-Lieutenant General


-General of the Army

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