
Chapter 259 Murders

"My little girl..." Gently stroking Helen\'s hair, Christian whispered softly, while his eyes sparkled with affection and love.

\'Helene... if what she is going through were to happen to me\' Biting his lips, Christian put himself in the place of the woman who lost her children, causing his heart to ache instantly just by imagining it.

"I will never let anything happen to you...no matter what I have to do" Whispering inaudibly, Christian\'s hands trembled slightly just from the fear of something happening to his little girl.

"You woke up honey?" entering the room with a tray of food, Elisa smiled sweetly and walked over to Christian "I made you breakfast."

"Thank you sweetie" Smiling softly, Christian calmed his thoughts and sat down on the bed, then picked up the little girl who was staring at him and sat her on his lap "I\'ve already made her angry".

"Angry?" Raising her eyebrows with a smile, Elisa sat down next to Christian and handed him the tray, then looked at Helen\'s expressionless face and continued, "I don\'t see her angry."

"Heh, just look at her, her facial muscles are contracted, her cheeks are puffier and her gaze is no longer so calm."

"Yes?" Finding no difference, Elisa sighed with a bittersweet smile and gently squeezed Helen\'s cheek "And why is she angry my pretty girl?"

"Most likely she\'s angry because you came" Taking a sip of coffee, Christian looked at his little girl and smiled "You earned her hatred."

"..." Blinking in a daze, Elisa looked at the little girl and asked "You got mad at me?"

"Daddy..." Hugging Christian\'s neck, Helen buried her face in her father\'s chest and refused to look at Elisa, causing the woman to not know whether to laugh or cry.

"My little girl is already throwing tantrums, she\'s so big" Wiping away a fake tear, Elisa laughed lightly and hugged Christian\'s free arm "Honey, it\'s a mess outside."

"It\'s raining"

"Yeah, but those crazy people don\'t want to leave."

"Let them get wet" Shrugging, Christian looked down at his tray and smiled "You made a face at me with the fried egg and bacon"

"You like it?"

"I love it" Turning his face, Christian kisses Elisa softly and sighs contentedly, then looks sideways and asks "And Sarah?"

"Playing your video games, your mother went to work and Emily and Leslie are having breakfast at the table."

"Nice" Taking another sip of coffee, Christian looked down at his little girl and murmured "I\'m not going out today, I\'ll be wearing my piggy pajamas all day with my little girl."

"Then I\'ll change my clothes anyway."

"Mn, we\'ll be the piggy family."

Smiling, Christian took another sip of coffee and closed his eyes contentedly, enjoying every second of this warm moment he loved so much.

The morning passed quickly and Christian didn\'t even bother to think about going out to work or anything like that. He grabbed his pajamas, took a shower and devoted himself to pleasing his little girl throughout the morning, something that included nothing more than cuddling and a few caresses.

Standing by the window, Christian looked at the large number of people outside his building and chuckled lightly "At least 100 people crammed together for what? Ask me to go back to hell?"

"You showed off quite a bit yesterday, today all the media is talking about how they found the kids thanks to you, but obviously the controversial thing is your identity as \'Lucifer\'" Smiling, Emily replied.

"What do you think will happen if I throw a bomb?"

"It would be a pretty interesting sight considering the person who dropped it is wearing piggy pajamas."

"Aren\'t you wearing one too?" smiling with amusement, Christian turned his gaze to his intimate friend and scanned her body with interest "It looks pretty good on you, I\'d fuck you in those pajamas."


"I\'ll think about it for the future" Turning his gaze to her, Christian looked to the couch in the distance and watched his little girl, causing him to chuckle slightly as he watched her look at him unblinkingly "I guess my little girl got bored of television."

"You didn\'t enjoy television either, she\'s just like her father."

"As long as she doesn\'t think potato is a number, it\'s all good."


Laughing, Christian gives her one last look toward the protest against him and walks over to the couch, then picks up little Helen and sits down on the rug.

"Honey, it\'s time for you to walk" Taking her by the sides, Christian carefully stands her up and stares into her face "Daddy will help you and won\'t let you fall, so experiment as you wish."

Staring at Christian\'s face silently, Helen steadies herself from Christian\'s arms and looks down at her little legs, then begins to wiggle them awkwardly.

"That\'s it sweetie, Daddy will never let you fall" Smiling warmly, Christian looked down at Helen\'s wobbly legs and continued "Step by step"

Walking slowly, Helen managed to get in front of Christian after about 5 steps and looked up, then let go of Christian\'s arms and let herself fall on his chest "Daddy..."

"Alright sweetie, daddy is so proud" Smiling happily, Christian kisses Helen\'s cheeks softly and stares at her doll face "I love you so much my baby girl, never forget that."

"Daddy..." Muttering softly, Helen watches Christian\'s eyes for a few seconds in silence, then looks down and hides her face in Christian\'s neck.

"So shy~"


"*Sigh*" Rubbing her forehead, a woman in a suit looked at the various images in front of her and sighed "17 high profile murders, another 20 to medium profile people and about 50 to ordinary people...all in the same night"

"Chief, and why are we seeing all these cases ourselves? Each state is supposed to have its own investigation team" With clear annoyance on her face, a dark-skinned woman asked with annoyance.

"Because the first murder case with this symbolism was taken on by us...we were tasked with collaborating to find the killer."

"The killers, obviously it\'s a whole group" Looking at the numerous corpses, the dark-skinned woman continued "Although these weren\'t as vicious as the first murder..."

"Trixie... do you have any ideas?"

"Isn\'t it obvious? This Lucifer guy went on television, said he was going to take out his demons and suddenly, that same night, almost 100 people die... all with evidence of serious crimes... obviously this man is doing a cleansing."

"You\'re telling me he\'s out his so-called demons?"


"*Sigh* And now the demons use bullets, knives and bombs?"

"The technology is international..."

"Then what? We call the church to hunt demons?"

"Why don\'t we let them? I\'m glad those vermin are dead."

"Trixie, listen to me carefully because I don\'t want to repeat this again" Losing her smile, the woman looked at her companion and stared suborbined "The law exists for a reason, it is our duty to enforce it with all people, we must never judge someone prematurely and we can\'t offer impunity either, no matter if the other party is the lord of hell"

"So what shall we do? Pray to the goddess to come and take her unruly son away?"


"Not to mention that this Lucifer guy is the richest man in the world, the NYPD wanted to talk to him to find out how he knew about the kidnapping and someone in high command refused the request."


"Chief, the results of the crime scene examinations came in" Entering the office with more paperwork, a woman of about 32 spoke up quickly.

"So what\'s up?"

"Nothing, everything is clean... the bullets can\'t be traced, there are no fingerprints, we don\'t have any hair, no fluids, no witnesses, much less recordings... it\'s as if they appeared out of nowhere and just as quickly disappeared."

"*Sigh*" Leaning back in her seat, the woman stared at the images and asked "How\'s it going with the media?"

"Just like the first case, they all received multiple proofs of the crimes of the deceased people... the problem now that we have, is that 5 high profile victims were politicians of the Democrat party and now they are exalted by what happened... they are pressuring us."

"From bad to worse..."

"Chief, I have news" Rushing into the office, a woman of about 29 entered with a laptop in her hands "Check this out"

Frowning slightly, the woman received the laptop and looked at the web page displayed "What is this?"

"It opened suddenly 4 hours ago, it has all the crime evidence of the murdered people, they even added photos of the corpses."


"What are you waiting for!? Close the damn page!" Banging the table angrily, the woman shouted.

"We can\'t, we tried everything, even the pentagon got involved" Shaking her head with a bitter smile, the woman continued "It\'s impossible to pull the page, we tried to trace the servers but they seem to want to play jokes on us, because they constantly switch between the white house, the red house in Russia and several other state centers."


"Chief, do you want me to call an exorcist?"

"..." Looking at her partner, the woman sighed and shook her head "This is beyond us, give the case to homeland security."


"Don\'t you think you could have warned me earlier? I could have prepared myself."

Hearing the annoyed tone over the cell phone, Christian laughed and commented "But I\'m also helping you honey, I killed people who opposed you".

"But you also added a lot of burden on the presidency" Sighing wearily, Lila continued "This tarnishes our image."

"Relax honey, you know you don\'t need that vain power to achieve your goal."

"*Sigh* I already said you\'d be my downfall?"

"The same day I fuck you~" Leaning back in his seat, Christian turned the seat back and looked at the city in front of him "When are you free? I have some breakthroughs to upgrade my quantum computer and I have to go to my island, we could start with genetic research."

"I was thinking about that... I would say that in 2 months at the most I would have everything ready".

"Works for me, shall we travel together? You don\'t know how much I miss that ass of yours~"

"I\'m no better off than you" Answering with a heated tone, Lila whispered "Did you get my flowers?"

"I have my whole house surrounded by flowers, mom is losing her patience, you should stop" Turning his gaze to the bouquet of flowers on his desk, Christian thought \'If I hadn\'t withheld Lila\'s information about Jarvis, Mom would have killed her by now.\'

"Then I\'ll prepare a better gift for you for when we leave for the island."

"Just get that ass hole of yours ready because I can\'t wait to taste it~"

"Fuck, you know you\'re just torturing me by telling me that, don\'t you?"

"That\'s the idea, don\'t stop thinking about me~"

"Fucking incubus..." With a happy voice, Lila continues "What will you do during this time?"

"If you ask about the murders, they will continue for a while, but don\'t worry, in a while they will go to another country."

"I\'m not talking about that, I\'m talking about you."

"Oh... I\'m going to Russia in a week or so, it\'s time to meet mother Russia and fight bears"

"Be careful with those people, you can\'t trust the Russians."

"Heh, this is the woman who admitted to coming from an offspring that worked with Napoleon and Hitler."

"And I say this to the one who claims to be Lucifer, the lord of evil."


"*Sigh* I\'ll hang up the call for now, talk to me if you need help with anything."

"Understood, take care of yourself and don\'t you dare have another man on you, don\'t you forget that nothing escapes my sight~"

"Who would want those inferior beings?" with disdain in her voice, Lila continued "See you, I\'ll be sure to prepare something you\'ll like"

"I\'m looking forward to it, see you~" Hanging up the call, Christian chuckled lightly and looked around the city silently "Russia, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, Japan.... that\'s my international tour I have to do."

"*Sigh* The more goals I achieve, the farther away the end seems to be." Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Christian leans back in the seat and mutters "But I need to complete this phase of my plan... the union of the big mafias and cartels... I will create the first international syndicate of big mafias"

"All under my banner..."



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