
Chapter 287 Travel

Although all this may sound fantastic and impossible, it is theoretically possible.

But this is not only based on having infinite energy, but this theory could open up the universe for mankind.

There is another theory where space travel using ZPE as an energy source.

Only by using the zero point energy as a central column as a source of energy the spacecraft would achieve such an amount of momentum, that it could deform and compress spacetime in a straight line.

If this could be achieved, the spacecraft could even exceed the speed of light.

But the big question that many will have is the following.

If this is so great, why don\'t they try to do it?

The real reasons are simple, lack of vision and fear.

The lack of vision refers to the lack of funding that this project was able to raise.

Although their theory is great, no one believed in it. But undoubtedly what killed the poor woman\'s idea is the fear of third parties. It is not a fear that the energy companies will go bankrupt or anything similar, but the great risk of this woman\'s theory is that if everything gets out of control, the most probable thing is that a black hole will form in the world and cause the fall of the whole galaxy.

[A/N: The truth is that this theory does exist and several scientists support it because it is theoretically viable, but the risks, as I have already explained, are quite high].

A quite reasonable fear for anyone, except for Christian.

It would not be too much to say that this type of energy is the vital foundation of Christian\'s plans.

He knows perfectly well that in 2027 this theory became more famous and before he died everything indicated that the future would change thanks to this.

If he could have unlimited energy, the world would be at his feet.

Plasma weapons, force fields, miniature nuclear reactors, spaceships, nothing would be impossible with this infinite energy.

It may be impossible for today\'s world, but he has the necessary tool to work with it.

The quantum computer.

"Did you send the order to the group?" Losing his smile, Christian looked at Emily seriously and asked.

"The scientist is already in our hands, she\'s being transferred from Japan right now" Nodding with a small smile, Emily continued "She should be in Malibu tomorrow".

"Good" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian looked down at his daughter and continued "I have several prototypes to improve the quantum computer, when we get to Malibu we will enter the workshop to start looking at the feasibility, it\'s still not enough with our current power"


Moving closer to Emily, Christian lifts Helen up to her face level and moves her to stare at her "Look honey, it\'s your Aunt Emily."

"Hi Helen~" Smiling sweetly, Emily reaches out and gently squeezes Helen\'s cheek.

"Daddy..." Turning around awkwardly, Helen hugs Christian\'s neck and hides her face instantly, causing Emily to smile bitterly at another failed attempt.

"*Sigh* My little girl just loves Daddy" Shaking his head and letting out a \'bitter\' sigh, Christian mumbled, but no one could wipe the big smile off his face.

Rolling her eyes, Emily commented "Are you ready for your performance on Vikings?"

"Honey, I was born ready" Winking at Emily, Christian kissed Helen\'s cheek and walked over to the couch, then lay down and placed Helen on his chest "It\'s time for your nap~"


"Mn?" Pulling out his cell phone, Christian reads the notification and smiles "All home, ready to rest."

"Did you make arrangements at your place?" sitting down on the couch across from Christian, Emily settles in with boredom and asks.

"Yes, I took some empty rooms and made a room for painting, I also built a small dock on my private beach and my private boat should be parked by now."

"Private boat?"

"A simple one, it\'s for 5 people and has nothing to hang out like beds or kitchen, just to sit in the middle of the sea."

"Not bad" Pursing her lips, Emily continued "I\'ve never been your house"

"It\'s never too late, it\'s quite beautiful and it has a little forest to hang out in."


"Squirrels, fish, a pond with fish and a little bridge with a roof across it, we can easily sit while we watch the fish."

"Sounds nice."


"Also increase security" Looking gently at the girl above him, Christian continued "We have 50 armed women guarding the area, including the bluff that connects to the sea. We also have another 20 living around the area ready for anything."

"So much security?"

"I have a bad feeling lately" Frowning slightly, Christian sighed "The Chinese are acting weird, the old families too. This is really weird, I showed them my teeth but no one has contacted me or tried to attack me."

"Do you think they will attack you in Malibu?"

"Maybe, in the Grey building it\'s very unlikely. We are in the heart of the city, full of people and with security on every floor, not to mention they wouldn\'t be able to get on these floors without our private card. So they\'re likely to attack me in Malibu if they want to."

"Then wouldn\'t it be better to stay here?"

"Not necessarily. In Malibu we have a panic room and plenty of security, I also have several decent weapons and I can safely say that as long as I don\'t have to worry about my people, I can take out anyone."

"But what about your family?"

"I already have people guarding Alan and Hailie, but also leave a few more guarding their surroundings in case of emergency. Mom will stay with Leslie so I don\'t worry, she can handle it just fine" Turning his gaze to Emily, Christian thinks a bit and asks "Emily, can I charge you with a favor?"

"Anything you want."

"Could you go to my island and enter the vault? I want you to bring me the dark sword I stole from the church. When the plane leaves us in Malibu, it will be on its way to the island."

"No problem."

"Mmmm..." Frowning slightly as he remembered how he found the sword, Christian continued "I have the sword stored in a box, don\'t take it out for anything in the world and be careful when you move it, because it is very sharp and could go through wood without problems".



"See you my boy, I\'ll come to visit you next week so wait for me" Kissing Christian\'s forehead softly, Eva caressed his face lovingly and smiled "Hailie also said she would come to visit you together with Alan next week, so you\'ll have to serve us as a home owner"

Rolling his eyes, Christian nodded "I have several squirrels to grill.""

"Sounds delicious" Chuckling, Eva turned her gaze back to the plane and sighed "I won\'t keep you any longer, goodbye."

Knowing that there are several eyes around him, Christian sighed knowing that he couldn\'t leave with a juicy goodbye kiss, so grabbing his bags, Christian took one last look at Leslie and Eva and continued on his way, being greeted instantly by the flight attendants.

Entering his plane, Christian stretched his body and walked towards the main lounge, finding Sarah lying on the most comfortable sofa with her typical lazy look, while Helen was on the carpet on the floor together with Elisa, looking with a great curiosity in her eyes at everything around her.

"I don\'t think it will be easy to put her back to sleep" Sitting close to Sarah, Emily observed the little girl and commented.

"Nonsense" Lying down next to Helen, Christian takes her in his arms and sits her on his chest, then smiles softly and squeezes his little girl\'s chubby cheeks "My little girl will sleep like a good girl, yes~?"

"Daddy..." Suddenly lying down on top of Christian, Helen hugged his neck and murmured softly, causing Elisa to roll her eyes while Sarah watched the scene out of the corner of her eye with annoyance on her face.

Turning his gaze to Elisa, Christian asked curiously, "Where\'s Lilith and Kitty?"

"I left them in the continuous room, they should be asleep by now."

Yes, Christian took his pets out again.

In the building they used to roam wherever they wanted, Lilith and Kitty had their own rooms fully equipped for them, with the necessary climate to keep them cool.

Although the big snake and the big tiger may be visibly frightening to anyone who doesn\'t know them, to the Grey family they became as common as a dog.

Lilith is a sweetheart who has an uncanny intelligence that surprises anyone, even the person in charge of maintaining her vaccinations and feeding her praises her daily. But unlike Lilith, Kitty is quite rebellious when she is active, although she is generally quite lazy.

She tears up sofas, is often found asleep on beds, and the amount of expenses is quite considerable. She has at least $25,000 a month in her account just for food and a caretaker who keeps her clean and healthy.

But even though they live relatively well in the building, Christian doesn\'t forget that they are animals that need space, especially Kitty, who should run around a bit.

Although Christian would like to leave them on the island and let them have all the space they want, he knows perfectly well that these little pets of his are quite resentful and don\'t like to be alone.

It may seem comical or impossible, but Christian really has to talk nice to them every time he leaves them alone for too long to appease their anger.

"I see..." Crawling slightly, Christian reaches Elisa\'s legs and rests his head on her thighs, then turns his gaze to Sarah and Emily and asks "Emily and the bitch next door, do you want something to eat?"

"Mmmm, I want cake"

"Fuck you kid" Holding up her middle finger to Christian, Sarah continued "But I want meat, the same kind we had the other day."

"And you honey?" chuckling, Christian looked up at his favorite redhead and continued "Do you want something to eat?"

"Do they have truffles?"

"Yes, do you want them with something else?"

"Mmmm... With meat?"

"If that\'s what you want" Nodding, Christian turns his gaze back to Emily and speaks "Emily, could you press the button with the microphone sign next to it? Place the order, I want sautéed shrimp with chapiñones and wagyu beef."


"Elisa, I want a kiss" Pursing his lips as he looks happily at the woman, Christian murmurs.

Smiling softly with a warm gaze, Elisa tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and slowly lowered her face, then gently kissed Christian\'s lips.

Parting her lips, Elisa continued up and kissed Christian\'s nose, then kissed his eyes and finished with her forehead "Many kisses to you~"

Closing his eyes with a happy smile, Christian gently caressed Helen\'s back and murmured "You take advantage that my little girl is asleep to harass me, you sly woman~"


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown

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