
Chapter 33 - Usual Interrogation

«How many people did you talk with today?» Jaden inquired as soon as they sat in the car.

Lara chuckled, shaking her head. Judging from her reaction, it wasn\'t the first time the pups inquired about her meetings with other people.

Nate hid a grin. If they asked, he didn\'t need to sound too possessive. Which was a great thing since he had no real reason to act like that. They weren\'t even dating for the moment.

«Hmm... Four, five? I think four.»

«Four people?» Jaden repeated. «Who are they?»

«My colleagues,» Lara replied.

She turned back to talk with her cubs.

«I don\'t know their names, though. It\'s too soon, I guess. Except for Samantha.»

«A girl?»

«Yes. I told you about Samantha already. She\'s my age, and she looks friendly. A little scary sometimes, but she\'s very competent.»

«Samantha?» Nate repeated.

«Yes. Do you know her?»

«Yes, I do.»

His head stopped wondering about how much the brats in sales were close to his mate. His question changed form.

«So, you\'re in sales?»

«Yes, I am,» Lara said.

«That place is no good,» he replied before controlling himself. «You should never lower your guard!»

«They are a little scary, but... like... They seem like nice guys.»

«Do not lower your guard. Come looking for me if someone makes trouble or is too insistent. I\'ll tell them a word or two, and they\'ll stop annoying you.»

«No one annoyed me,» she chuckled.

«Why were you anxious when you got out, then?»

«They startled me,» she said. «I wasn\'t expecting them to actually talk with the new copy girl.»

«I guess they\'re curious.»

«I don\'t know,» she sighed.

A thrill crossed her back when she remembered how they looked at her for the first time.

«What\'s the matter?» Nate inquired.

«Nothing, really...»

The kids had turned silent, listening to the exchange between the adults. They weren\'t expecting their mommy to tell her problems to anyone. She was so strong and dependable!

«Shall I talk with them?» Nate sighed. «I can find out what happened. I work there as well.»

«Oh, don\'t bother! They just watched me as if I was a... I don\'t even know. They had a weird expression... that\'s all.»

«I will put them back in place,» he murmured.

«There\'s no need, Nate. Don\'t get involved with things happening in another department. Also, Samantha told me to tell her if something real happens, so it\'s not like I\'m alone there. She\'s also a girl, and she\'s doing so fine in the department! I can do it as well.»

«Still...» he started, but then he realised.

The looks were because of him.

He had insisted that Lara spent the night at his home, taking a shower there and all so that she would carry his scent with her. His nature pushed him to make it clear to the others not to mess with her.

Yet, something like that out of the blue must have confused the other wolves. Their Alpha never had a lover, not even for a short period. Then, all of a sudden, a human woman appeared and even started working in the company!

It was understandable they were surprised.

«If anyone says something inappropriate, just tell me, okay? Then, I\'ll deal with them. Anyone at all.»

«Don\'t risk your job for me, Nate. I know how to defend myself. I\'ve done so for years, you know?»

«Yes, sure... I was just worried, sorry.»

Alone, for years... His heart sank. How many times has she needed to be strong and defend herself and the pups without anyone to lean on? He couldn\'t let that happen again.

At the same time, it was difficult to offer help to a woman that didn\'t feel the need to ask for it.

He was always afraid she would run away again if he was too fierce or insisted too much. For that reason, he needed the pups on his side. Even if for their own gain, he didn\'t mind.

«Where are we going, by the way?» Lara asked, noticing they weren\'t directed home nor to Nate\'s place.

«I know a restaurant,» Nate said.

«The kids...»

«Do not worry,» he chuckled. «I spent half a day with them, and no one started running in fear. It will be fine.»

She sighed out of worry.

«Also, you can\'t keep them locked at home for the whole time. Am I wrong?»

«You think... You think it was a mistake?»

Lara opened her eyes wide, with the same expression Scarlet had when she was confused or uncertain.

«No,» Nate denied before causing any distress. «I didn\'t mean it like this... You were right about keeping them hidden: it was the best course of action! But now they\'re grown up, and you\'re not alone. You can risk letting them see other people. It\'s time they find some friends and live their life like every other person! Like this, they\'ll be completely lost when they start elementary school.»

«Elementary school?» she mumbled.

«You were planning to make them skip school, right?» he inquired.

«Just for the first period. Also, they were very difficult to manage when they were little. Now it\'s a little better, but still...»

«I understand your worries, Lara. And I repeat it: you made the right decisions. But now, I might have resources you didn\'t, so the situation is different.»

«I\'m still too afraid for them.»

«There\'s a kindergarten in the company. And, also, an elementary school.»

«Wait...» she murmured. «What if anyone notices? Gossip runs fast in workplaces.»

«Lara, LY Corp is run by wolves. LY-Corp. Do you get it?»

«Ah?» she mumbled. So, there indeed was a reason if there were a few in the same place.

«Also, Bass... I mean, Manager Cooper\'s kids also go to school there. It\'ll be fine: he never complained.»

Lara blinked, still surprised by the first news to imagine someone as scary as Manager Cooper walking his kids to the kindergarten.

«Wo-wolves?» she stuttered. «There are many?»

Nate sighed.

«Yes, many,» he said in the end.

«But don\'t the human employees notice anything amiss?»

«Clients and suppliers are human, and they never noticed,» Nate murmured. As for the employees... The only human working there didn\'t notice.. Except she did find things weird.

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