
Chapter 393 - The Tide King's Plans

In the south where the Cerulean Serpent\'s Lake was, the Southern Tower and the Tide King\'s base were on opposite sides. Within, the Tide King, Hai Zhu, inspected the grounds where a large group of demons stood weakly in front of him. Cuffed and chained to each other, they were none other but the Varuna Clan and various other clans, looking at Hai Zhu with hatred. 

But they said nothing, only eyeing him viciously. 

He looked at them all with a blank expression. His bulging black eyes only stared, they didn\'t seem to move, not even to blink. 

Then the Tide King spoke, his voice was flat, emotionless. 

"The humans on the other side seem to be preparing another mining trip. We\'re going to go and attack them when such a thing happens. Perhaps kidnap or even destroy it, I hope that none of you hold back on your attacks. If so, your children will be punished and you will watch. Do you understand?"

None of them responded, they could only grit their teeth and stay silent. 


He then turned and left, leaving the many demons to just stand there. They all looked to each other, anger and helplessness strewn across their faces. 

"Damn it, how much longer can we do this?"

"A water demon, why would he do this to us? We are like kin."

"My children, my poor children."

All of them echoed these very thoughts amongst each other, feeling despair for all that has happened. Then a group of demons returned, dragging a child across the dirt. Walking through the chained- up prisoners, one of them recognized the child, the young Varuna boy. 

"Long\'er! My son! What happened? Where\'s my daughter? Where\'s my daughter?!"

A man shouted out, his body covered in the same ivory markings. His body was thin and his face gaunt, but he shouted out with a burst of energy for his children. 

The demons stopped and looked at him. The one carrying the child walked forward before tossing him onto the ground, in front of the father. He dropped to his knees, caring for his son before noticing all of the bruises and cuts on his body. 

"My son, why would you do this?" he asked. 

The demon smirked and laughed. 

"This is your child? Hah, he was a nuisance to catch but I disciplined him well! As for your daughter, she might be dead by now!"

He then stepped forward and yanked the child away, laughing as he left. 

And the father knelt on the ground, tears began to form. 

"Long\'er, Shen\'er, please, survive, for your mother\'s sake and for mine"

He muttered underneath his breath, trying to hold back the tears. The others looked at him, trying to help him up. 

"Please clan head, we will be free soon. It will come, it will come."

Within the inner regions of the demon\'s base, Hai Zhu entered his tent and sat behind his desk. There were no papers or documents here, just a map with various pieces representing their locations. On that very table was also a box filled with various wooden pieces, each one symbolizing a different thing. 

Even on a scale, the distance between here and the Southern Tower was immense, placed on opposite sides of the table and separated only by the Cerulean Serpent\'s Lake. 

The demon stared at the table for a long time, perhaps devising a plan or some tactics. 

"Obtaining total control of the lake... I suppose that is the best choice."

Putting his hand into the box, he then took out a few pieces and scattered them across the part of the lake closest to the Southern Towers. They were shaped strangely resembling spiked balls but they certainly weren\'t any ordinary weapons. 

This time there was a slight smile on his face. 

"Nearly there, once all of their ships have been tagged, it will be time to attack and the lake will be fully under our control."

Whatever his plan was, it would come to fruition soon. Perhaps on this next mining trip, maybe the next, it was too difficult to tell. 

Meanwhile, far from the lake, Ming Yue\'s group quietly made their way through the Demon Continent, finding themselves in a field of tall grass. 

"Hm, I wonder how large this field is, anyone could get lost here. It\'s a good thing I have Xiao Yin to help guide me", the cultivator thought. 

Indeed, this place was all grass. there was no road and trying to even navigate this area was difficult. But with Xiao Yin, it wasn\'t terrible. After all, the Star Owl was best at scouting and quite intelligent, with it guiding them, it was not as difficult as it would\'ve been without. 

Ming Yue turned back, checking on Shen Varuna. The little girl was certainly not as frail as before. After being properly fed by Ming Yue, the color on her face returned and her body had grown less scrawny. But above all things, she seemed much happier now. 

She followed her savior, staying close to her. Despite moving quickly, the demon was able to match Ming Yue\'s speed. 

"How long until we get there?" Shen Varuna asked. 

"It shouldn\'t be more than a month."

Ming Yue replied before stopping soon after for the sun had set and night came. 

Taking out her sword, she cut down the grass around them, making a small clearing before using that grass to create little fire. While eating their meal and watching the fire, Shen Varuna looked at Ming Yue with shy eyes before building up her courage.

"Can you teach me?" she asked.


Ming Yue was taken aback by the question. 

"Teach you? Teach you what?" 

"To fight, you know, with your sword. Can you teach me a little bit?" 

Shen Varuna looked at her with expectant eyes, hoping for a good answer. 

"Where did this come from?" 

Ming Yue asked the young girl, curious as to when she took an interest in her swordsmanship. 

"When I saw you practicing, you always wake up early to do it. Sometimes, I wake up and watch you. It\'s really pretty so I wanted to ask if I could learn it."

The child spoke innocently, explaining her motivation. 

"Pretty? That\'s what you would describe it? Of all the things?"

The cultivator couldn\'t help but find it strange that her style of fighting was "pretty". Still, hearing that gave her a sense of delight. 

"That was the first time someone\'s ever called it that", she thought, "Usually it\'s just screams or silence..."

She then looked at the demon. 

"What makes you think it\'s so pretty?" she asked. 

Shen Varuna furrowed her brows, trying to find a way to explain. 

"When- when you move, it\'s very elegant and graceful. You vanish and appear like a fairy and when you swing your sword, it sort of glows. Sometimes it\'s quick like lightning and other times you make a crescent moon. It\'s all really pretty... are you going to say no?"

While saying such things, her eyes began to grow larger and teary as she looked pitiful to Ming Yue. 

"I won\'t say no but... I\'ve never taught someone before. If you really want to learn, I can only teach you through sparring. Even then, my style of fighting might not be right for you", she explained. 

"Oh, I see."

The little girl looked down with dejection, seeing as her request was denied.

"I mean, I can\'t teach you my specific style but I can help you with creating your own."

Ming Yue quickly spoke, trying to appease the child, who looked more than happy.

"Really?! Thank you, Ming Yue!" she nearly squealed in happiness

Then Xiao Yin flew down onto Ming Yue\'s shoulder, giving a cautious squawk. Immediately, she blew out the little fire and took Shen Varuna by the hand. 

"Come, it isn\'t safe here anymore."

Suddenly, the happy atmosphere had become tense as they entered the tall grass, hiding under the night. 

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