
Chapter 463 - A Treasure Against The Hundun

The spirit looked at them both with curiosity and concern. It was then that Ming Yue explained what had happened between them and the Hundun Clan. By the end of the story, all of the Nuwa Clan members as well as the spirit herself, were before her, listening on with widened eyes. 

Evidently, they did not realize that such things were happening. Rather, for them to not detect this was not possible. 

The spirit furrowed her brows and rubbed her chin. 

"How strange. For the Idol of Chaos to come this far... I had assumed that we would have known about its movements. That is strange.." 

She thought carefully before her eyes widened and she looked up.

"Is that how it is?" she muttered.

Evidently, the spirit must\'ve thought of a reason. 

"You say that the one they used to create their champion was originally a human. Someone who escaped their mortal body and used a puppet body, right?"

Ming Yue nodded.

"Yes, his name was Dai Mian and he escaped into these lands with his body nearly destroyed."

"I see, then that would make sense. The Idol of Chaos that you have witnessed was an incomplete form. Hence, even if it moved, the Nuwa Clan would not have noticed", the spirit explained. 

"Wait, that was just an incomplete form?!" Xuan Yin yelled out, "If that was incomplete, what would a complete one look like?"

The spirit paused for a moment before answering the archer, speaking with a grave tone. 

"A complete one would have full control over the Primordial Lightning. With a single finger, it could shatter the lands. It is the full strength of the Hundun Clan, essentially a clone of its Primordial Ancestor. But for an incomplete one to reveal itself... Could it be due to the cycle?"

"A clone of its Primordial Ancestor?"

Ming Yue and Xuan Yin looked at each other as they repeated those words. It was already difficult enough trying to take down one that is incomplete. How would they far against a real one?

And then, there was a second point that caught their ears.

"The cycle? What do you mean by that?" Ming Yue asked. 

The spirit looked at them both then answered her question. 

"As I have stated before, the Nuwa Clan and the World Serpent are tasked with rebuilding the world after every destruction of it. From the end of the Primordials to now, there have been a total of eight completed cycles and we are now at the ninth."

"Then... what happens at the end of the ninth cycle?" 

"... At the end of the ninth one, the world will be overcome with drastic change. Just as how the Primordials perished and transformed into clans and races, we will perish and transform as well. A remaking of the world so to speak." 

"A remaking."

"Yes, but that should not come just yet, at least not for several more centuries. For you humans who have short lifespans, there is no need to care for it. Not unless you live until then." 

The both of them just looked at each other weirdly. 

"Doesn\'t exactly make it any easier to know", Xuan Yin muttered. 

"In any case, since their Idol of Chaos has been lost, they will surely come for you and your brethren."

The spirit raised her arm again, causing roots to come out from the ground and form a small wooden cage. In the middle of it was a bell made from leaves with a clapper made from a glowing piece of jade. 

The roots then bent towards Ming Yue who grabbed the cage, snapping it off. 

She looked at it as Xuan Yin leaned in to study the bell as well. 

"Whoa, what is this?" the archer asked.

They looked at the spirit who promptly explained. 

"This Mending Heaven\'s Bell is one of the few treasures of the Nuwa Clan. By ringing it, it will produce a sound that will ward the Hundun Clan off. This would buy you enough time for us to arrive and fight them back. Without it, you would be helpless against defeating them."

"Helpless?" said Ming Yue.

"Unlike the Idol of Chaos, you cannot directly harm or destroy the Hundun Clan. Their bodies have become one with the world and are primarily composed of Primordial Lightning. Your attacks will only go through their bodies. In order to even be able to touch them, you must either have an incredible talent for the Lightening Dao or the Wood Dao."

The spirit then looked at Ming Yue specifically. 

"I can see your affinity for lightning and that you\'ve gained control over it. You even have traces of Primordial Lightning in it but the level you are at is not high enough."

Her eyes widened at the sudden comment as if not expecting the spirit to have known. But in the end, Ming Yue knew that the spirit was right. She had only just started merging the Lightning Dao to her techniques. Her proficiency in it was nothing compared to her proficiency in the Wind Dao. Not to mention, she had yet to combine the two Daos and transform them into a True Dao. 

She gave the bell another glance before placing it into her Spatial Ring.

"I understand." 

The spirit smiled and nodded. 

"Alright then, once the exchange is complete, we will send you out of our realm. That little tree should have gotten over its little tantrum by then", she said. 

Several hours passed by as Ming Yue and Xuan Yin continued to harvest and organize the herbs. They couldn\'t help but be surprised at what came out. Certainly many of them were of a lower rank but the quality was nearly impeccable. Not to mention, some of them happened to be incredible rare, not only for healing but for one\'s cultivation too!

Neither of them could help themselves, pocketing a few for their own use.

Meanwhile, the three beasts of theirs were busy playing with the fairies, chasing after each other with excited yips and chirps. The spirit herself, reverted back into roots, leaving just the tree which was pulsing with energy, harnessing the power of the Eternal Heart Ring. 

As soon as the last leaf or berry was plucked from the bush, it wilted back into the ground. The tree itself, hummed with power, spitting the wooden ring out from its body. 

Ming Yue walked to pick it up and put it back on before glancing over to Xuan Yin, who nodded. 

"Our rings are practically full", the archer said. 

"There\'s enough to last at least half a year."

Ming Yue then looked back at the tree, cupping her fists and bowing.

"Thank you for your help."

The spirit chuckled. 

"You should gather yourselves, I\'ll be sending you all back to where you were earlier", she said. 

They nodded and went off to retrieve the three beasts, all of whom were still busy playing with the fairies. There was a sad look on their faces, knowing that they might not ever meet again.

Surprisingly, it was Xiao Yin who was the saddest, looking at the fairies every now and then. Among the three of them, the Star Owl seemed to have been most fond of them. 

"Alright then, I bid you all farewell. Should you ring that bell, the Nuwa Clan will arrive within a day."

The spirit spoke these last words before sending them off. Fairies gathered around them before glowing, releasing a shining light that blinded them. Soon enough the light was gone and when everyone opened their eyes, they were all within the Primeval Forest again. 

In fact, they were standing at the very place the fairies had taken them away from. It was quiet as they all quickly looked around. 

"Phew, looks like that monster forgot about us, let\'s go!"

Xuan Yin spoke with a relieved tone as she walked off.

But then, they heard a furious roar!

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