
Chapter 61 - (61) Defense Buff

The brothers looked at him incredulously while Zolis rolled her eyes. He hadn\'t let his face slip much in this Dungeon. The other three didn\'t realize how little Geth cared about the situation. She knew that he felt like tanking the Boss would be the same as tanking the Hobgoblins.

Geth was quite satisfied. Before he had learned about the Class changes and reviewed his new Attributes, he was worried. Now, as long as everyone did their part, he believed he could give them a flawless victory.

"All right, everyone come and stand around me," Geth commanded as he moved to the center of the two tunnels.

Everyone gathered around Geth and he closed his eyes. His focus turned towards the small Rune indicating Defense as he cast Mass Blessing.

The Rune started to heat up in his mind as liquid waves from the Mana pool reached up to cool it. A large formation formed around him as a yellow mist surrounded the group.

Everyone\'s HP jumped up 250 points as their Defense rose by 25 and health regen went up by almost 0.5 per second. Hulk and the brothers were amazed, while even Zolis and Filthy were surprised by the effects.

"Alright, if we hurry to the room we will have just under 29 minutes of Blessing for the battle. Split up and don\'t waste any time. Once in position, move in on my signal." No one wasted any time in heeding Geth\'s orders.

Filthy, Harris, and Farris went down the right tunnel. Zolis, Hulk, and Geth took the left. Zolis grabbed Geth\'s hand while they were walking. She knew he was confident, but this still wouldn\'t be easy.

She thought of the kids and her eyes teared up slightly when she imagined them growing up without Geth or herself. Geth noticed this and smiled, he instantly knew what she was thinking about.

He placed his palm on her cheek and wiped away the small tear that had formed under her eye. "Don\'t worry so much, if we can\'t handle some simple Goblins how could we expect to give them a future?"

She stared as he let out one of his rarely seen smiles. It wasn\'t a part of his mask, he was genuinely happy that she cared so much for their children.

Zolis couldn\'t help but straighten her back up and smile back at him. Her excitement for the upcoming battle began to take over again. Looking at him, she felt that nothing would be able to stop them as long as she was by his side.

In turn, Geth knew that he wouldn\'t be able to proceed without her. In their previous life and now, he built how he lived with her in mind. If she wasn\'t there to support him, he would lose more than half of his capabilities.

They soon reached the end of the tunnel. Two hulking figures could be seen far into the center of the room. Both creatures\' backs were facing the entrances, their faces pointing towards the waterfall.

Geth could make out the other creature sitting in the pond. Four swords crossed each other in a star pattern, in front of the Goblin\'s muscular chest. It looked as if the monster had been built for fighting.

He glanced at the two beside him, both of them nodded in his direction. He then looked across the cavernous room and found that the others were watching him.

Geth raised his hand high into the air. Everyone\'s muscles tensed, all of them were ready to take action. He looked one more time, seeing that everyone was ready, he waved his hand hard towards the ground.

At once, everyone took off. It was time to fight.

Geth didn\'t have time to watch what the others were doing. He made a beeline straight for the Boss. As he\'d expected, it opened its eyes the moment the barriers locked the party in.

He was the closest one to the monster, instantly attracting its attention. Before long, Geth had sprinted over 150 yards, putting the creature within range of his Inspection Skill.

\'Filthy must have some kind of Talent that enhances his vision\' Geth thought.

:Chief Goblin Bane (Level 35); HP- 52500/52500:

Now that he\'d experienced a Class change, he was able to visibly see the HP and MP bars floating above the Boss\' head. He still wasn\'t able to see the numerical value of the enemy\'s MP.

\'Damn this will be way more convenient than trying to read in the middle of a battle. Albus, what do I need to do to see MP values?\' He asked.

\'The next Level of Inspection will offer that.\' It was a simple answer.

There wasn\'t much time for conversation, whenever Geth came within 50 yards of the pond Bane leaped from the small rock in the center. It landed at the edge and sprinted in Geth\'s direction.


Geth barely had time to block with his staff as two blades slammed down towards his head. The other two blades swung from opposite directions towards his chest.

While jumping back, he managed to dodge one of the blades but the other cut into his side.

:Geth (Level 26); HP- 1422/1460:

The wound was quickly closing, but if he were to take all four blades at once he would take over 120 damage. He needed to create some distance between the two of them and maintain it, holding aggro at the same time.

An opportunity soon presented itself. As the Chief Goblin was preparing for the next attack, the ground began shaking beneath their feet. The boss looked towards where the shaking had originated.

"Zolis," Geth muttered. She had unknowingly given him a chance.

He quickly cast State Change beneath one of the Boss\' legs, causing its foot to sink. The sudden loss of footing startled the Chief and it had to stab its swords into the ground to keep from stumbling.

Geth didn\'t waste any time circling the Boss and swinging his staff at the back of its head. At the same time, he cast Corruption Aura.


The Chief Goblin let out an angry yell, which sounded more like a pig squealing. First, he had smacked the Boss in the back of the head. Just after that, the tick of damage from his Aura caused it even more pain.

He\'d properly done his job in pissing it off.

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