
Chapter 98 - (98) Glass

Geth was sitting in the catacombs waiting for Filthy to arrive. He had already emptied the half-full barrels of liquid Mana that morning.

Closing his eyes, he focused on the Rune for "Gather" that was etched on the upper wall of his Mana pool. There was no way that it was a simple dream.

Mana was constantly pulling in through the spiral. As the Mana slipped in, it condensed into a liquid. The liquid fell gradually into the lake below.

His mind also played scenes of a dream he\'d had a month or more back. The sudden expansion of the Earth and the appearance of hundreds of different creatures.

It all seemed to have happened at some point. One thing that Geth didn\'t understand was the difference in size. 

In his current situation, the world had expanded about ten times over. In the apocalyptic nightmare, the Earth had grown at least one hundred times in size.

There was nothing he could do with this information. Albus hadn\'t spoken to him all morning, as if something was on his mind.

Geth had his suspicions, but it wouldn\'t make a difference anyway. Albus knew everything that he did.

At the moment, he was looking at the two women sprawled across his covers. His beautiful wife and the young Alise really were eye-catching... Particularly in their current state.

The three had talked the night before. Zolis was elated that Alise wanted to be with them, and she had shown her joy the night before.

Geth was still on the fence about it. It wasn\'t that he hadn\'t started to develop feelings for Alise as well.

He was simply worried that she was using them to overcome her recent trauma. Zolis would grow attached quickly. Geth didn\'t want her to be hurt if the younger woman suddenly changed her mind.


It was then that a light pounding could be heard on his door. He stood and headed out into the hallway.

A disheveled-looking Farris was waiting for him. The man looked like he had skipped a night\'s sleep.

"Boss, I found a new Dungeon southwest from here. It seems that the creatures there are the Zombie types that you told me to look out for."

Geth raised his brow, "Could you tell what Level the creatures were?"

Harris shook his head, "I\'m sorry, but I couldn\'t get close. The Zombies were swarming the place."

He thought for a moment and added, "They seem to have a long-range of smell, too."

"The information that I\'ve read on them say that they can detect living beings within 50 yards. Also, they aren\'t faster than a normal human, but they have an obscene amount of Strength." Geth replied.

Farris just nodded in agreement. "The few Zombies that did chase after me were already in the high Level 20\'s. There\'s no telling how strong those in the Dungeon are."

"The only thing we can do is handle it wh-" Geth stopped when he heard the sound of someone approaching.

He turned his head to see that Hulk was walking his way. "Geth! Filthy made it back!"

"Hmm? It\'s still a bit early. I wasn\'t expecting him to until the afternoon." Geth responded. He gestured to the others to follow. They headed out into the Graveyard.

Filthy was sitting on top of one of the gravestones waiting for him. Geth was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face standing beside him.

A short, shirtless man with large muscles was grinning towards him. His tanned body was covered with tattoos. Hanging from his face was a thinned beard that reminded Geth of something you would see on a goat.

The short man flipped him the bird and yelled at him, "Good to see you haven\'t been skewered yet, you fat bastard!"

"Hah! I didn\'t know that dwarves were brought here too, you short prick!" Geth yelled back at him, returning his gesture. "Filthy, where\'d you find this guy?"

Filthy hopped onto his feet before responding, "Bailed him out of some trouble. I recognized him and brought him along.

Five people decided to make the trip over, including the glassmaker. It should be enough to keep this place operational."

Geth nodded at the news. He then proceeded to look over those that were present. The three men and two women were looking around the place curiously.

He was pleased to see that none of them had been freaked out by the location. It would take a unique mindset to stay here and keep your sanity.

As he stepped closer, the wandering eyes stopped. Everyone looked towards him. They had already witnessed his power, two of them experiencing it personally.

Harris stepped forward to introduce the group, "This is Glass. He\'s the man that you healed. This here is his wife, Pharma."

Geth raised his eyebrows as the couple rushed to explain. The wife was the quickest to answer.

"We chose our names based on our jobs. We weren\'t sure what else to put." She gave an embarrassed smile, "So, my name is Pharmacist01."

"I simply put down GlassMaker." The man extended his hand. "I greatly appreciate you helping me, even after my wife was so rude to you."

Geth shook the man\'s hand and nodded. "I\'m sorry that I had to make an example of you. I have to make sure that I can trust those following me."

"I understand completely," Glass responded. "So, I was told that you needed my assistance with work here? I\'ll help in any way that I can!"

Geth reached into his satchel and pulled out one of the health potions. He held the vial out for the man to inspect.

"We need thousands of these crafted. They must be sturdy and have the capacity to hold 2 ounces of liquid," Geth explained. 

"As far as the Runes that are etched onto the glass to make breaking it difficult, I will be teaching those to you and your colleagues."

Glass took the strange vial and looked into it, "What exactly does this liquid do?"

"It will heal you or others when I\'m not around to do so."

A look of understanding dawned on the man\'s face as he nodded vigorously. He handed the bottle back to Geth.

"I heard there was a Library? Let me have a pen and pad.. I can draw the equipment that I\'ll need. We can get started right away!"

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