
Chapter 144 - (144) Through The Eyes Of Albus (Part 1)

Albus raised both of his hands to his forehead. His fingers pressed together to form the shape of a diamond.

Traces of Mana seeped in from the area around them, pulling into Albus\' hands as if he were holding a small funnel. Geth looked on curiously while a thin stream of light filtered out from Albus\' head and mixed with the Mana.

The old man sat this way for a few moments as Geth watched on. One second, he was looking at Albus. 

The next...


"Darling, do you really think that we should take those threats so seriously?"

Geth was startled by the sudden voice. He tried to look around but couldn\'t seem to control his own body.

His eyes slowly opened. Geth found himself lying down, a stunning woman leaning over him.

The smell of jasmine filled his senses. The feel of velvet sheets brushed against his exposed skin.

The woman\'s green hair dangled loosely around his face as he looked up into her eyes. Her pale blue skin seemed to give off a faint glow that filled the gap between them.

Luminous green eyes stared down into his. The concern on her face was evident.

"Yes, Ren. The Demons have encroached too far into our territory. The citizens have been filled with unease since their first attacks."

Geth felt himself speaking, but the words weren\'t his own. He instantly recognized the voice as Albus, though it wasn\'t as aged.

He reached up and pushed some of Ren\'s fallen hair out of her face. Geth was quick to notice the pointed ears hiding behind her hair.

The woman seemed to blush, her cheeks turning a slightly deeper shade of blue. He felt himself wrap his arms around her shoulders and pull her to.

Her bare chest pressed against his. Her skin felt cool. He could feel himself shiver slightly in her embrace. 

Geth realized that he was experiencing Albus\' memories. 

\'Was this his wife? She\'s beautiful!\' He couldn\'t help but admire her.

Their bodies unexpectedly rolled in the sheets, Albus winding up on top and looking down at the blue beauty.

"Are you two already starting this morning?"

Geth heard a yawning voice coming from his side. Albus looked to his right, his eyes landing upon another gorgeous woman.

She was petite, her body having no outstanding features. Even so, her face radiated a natural beauty that could make any man stop and stare.

Her blonde hair was pushed up wildly around her. She rubbed her eyes sleepily while pouting at Albus and Ren.

"Hahaha! Don\'t bother, Tori. You know how those two are!" 

Albus turned his head. Geth found yet another beauty lying at the foot of the bed and watching them in amusement.

He could see that she was an elf. Her pale-white skin shone with a dim light.

Much to Geth\'s disappointment, the woman\'s long silver hair covered her naked chest. She was almost as tall as Albus and had one of the most voluptuous bodies he had seen.

\'Damn, Albus. You had it going on.\' Geth couldn\'t help but admire each of the women.

"Don\'t be that way, Mara. You can always join in the fun!" Albus let out in his usual merry voice.

Mara\'s piercing blue eyes looked pointedly at Albus. She had a slight look of discontent on her face.

"As much as you know I would love to, we have things to do today." The elf snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, Geth found that all four individuals in the room were fully dressed. Albus turned his head back towards Ren and felt himself wink at her.

"We can continue this later." He teased her neck with his fingers.

Ren giggled and pushed Albus off of her, sending him to the foot of the bed. Mara pushed him onto the floor and laughed at his discomfort.

"You\'re definitely going to get it later," Albus complained as he stood and rubbed his shoulder.

The group stood and left the room. Geth noticed that none of them were dressed in armors.

They were each wearing a robe of unique design, a hood sewn onto the back of each. Hundreds of Runic designs patterned the fabric.

Albus walked in the lead, looking around as they headed down the corridor. Geth felt as if they were in some kind of modern-day castle.

Small orbs lined the stone walls, each giving off a glow similar to a lightbulb. The walls themselves were filled with Runes and Formations.

Each bulb was somehow tied into the markings. The markings ran across every corridor surface, including the floor and ceiling.

\'It looks almost like circuitry.\' The patterns almost mimicked some control board designs from computers and other equipment.

\'Can Mana be used to bring back technology?\' Geth found himself wondering as the group reached their destination.

A vast set of double doors opened on their own as the group came close. Geth didn\'t miss the lines from the Formations connecting with the doorframe and hinges.

\'That\'s odd. These Formations are almost all linear.\'

Geth had a sudden sense of familiarity as the group stepped into the room. The room was shaped like a massive dome.

As Albus looked around, Geth could see tens of thousands of Runes and Formations etched into the walls. A blue marble bridge ran under them and extended into the center of the room.

Below the bridge, liquid Mana filled the entire room. The size was incredible!

The size of the room was akin to that of a large pond. The diameter was at least a few miles.

\'Why does this room look so much like a mental sphere?\' Geth\'s questions were slowly piling up during this venture.

Albus and the women continued across the long bridge. Albus looked down into the pond a few times, allowing Geth to see his face.

It was the same as he remembered it. The only difference was the age.

Albus\' hair was just beginning to turn white. The wrinkled laugh lines were only just beginning to show, unlike the profound ones that Geth was used to.

It didn\'t take long for the group to reach their destination. They stood on a large platform in the center of the pond.

A single familiar pillar protruded from the center.

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