
Chapter 217 - Return Of Jafar

Right after the incident that caused Seeker to blast the Empress from the sky, Cliff and Gardo received confirmation that the other team members were now together. The sudden end of the battle in the heavens and how a tornado and a large Armor dove towards the Kraken created more chaos.

The Tornado\'s movement has grown more reckless as it merged with the other tornado. As for the large Armor, the pilot shocked the soldiers that tried to destroy it. None of their attacks could hit the large size as it continued on a series of peculiar movements.

Because of these eye-catching battles, Tyler had met up with Gardo\'s team and the triune drug dealer and the other two soldiers. They began the next phase of their attack, and that was to infiltrate the Kraken.

Still, their entry was difficult, unlike Sammy and the two liars who have journeyed deep into the Kraken.

All that was left for Cliff to do was ensure that the feral werewolf that ran around the Kraken would be hard-pressed to enter and infiltrate the Kraken.

The plan that Gardo and Cliff did was simple. 

Cliff would drive out the enemies and fly out in a flashy way to make the enemies be drawn towards them.

The issue that they faced was the werewolf\'s speed. A single jump would cause it to leap for a kilometer. As such, Cliff had to once again use the endless tricks that Lowengren gave.

"EX-PLOSION!" Cliff suddenly declared while being chased and attacked by various enemies.

A small explosion erupted on a distant structure.

Cliff would then hastily travel towards the platform.

The soldiers that were attacking Cliff had noticed that Cliff kept attacking the nearby platforms. As such, they realized that Cliff was trying to enter the Kraken. Several commands were made by the Commanders in the Kraken as they created barricades and countermeasures to prevent Cliff from entering.

Every time Cliff called out an unusual attack name that caused an explosion somewhere, soldiers would immediately rush to defend it.

This prevented Cliff from entering.

"Ballettänzer Flare!" Cliff called out once more, and another explosion would occur.

Back to the time when Cliff had spent long hours watching Lowengren, a strange period occurred where Lowengren kept calling out random attack names.


"Zeus Lightning Bolt!"

"Atlantis Strike!"

"Burning Flare!"

"Volt Tackle!"

"Eternal Flame!"

"Mega Punch!"

"Return of Jafar!"

"What\'s the return of Jafar?"

"I don\'t know. It\'s some old straight-to-video movie, which was part two of a classic film. It has a nice ring to it so, why not make it an attack?" Lowengren shrugged.

"So how do I erm… use these attacks again?"

"What else? It\'s used to deceive enemies. Let\'s say you have Richie\'s sound grenade, or let\'s say Lennox is around. You can use these lies to surprise or make the enemy retreat. Just call out a name that fits the kind of attack you will use."

"So like…Psycho Crusher?"

"That\'s… Just research every attack I mention. If you use an incorrect lie, it won\'t work." Lowengren replied in exasperation.

"But we\'ve been doing this for hours. Don\'t you think it\'s enough?"

"No. I don\'t know who we will meet in the future. What if the very people near you would have abilities that we didn\'t expect. Hence, we are listing a lot of lies for you."

"So… Return of Jafar?"

"Whatever fits the context, Cliff," Lowengren explained before resuming another pose and delivered another lie.

The lies that Lowengren gave were beneficial. Each attack somehow caused the soldiers to move in anticipation, but what was interesting was the mysterious explosions. The Intel team of the Kraken also scrambled to analyze the nature of each attack. Various reports and analyses of the attacks were immediately reported and cascaded.

But Cliff kept using various attacks with strange names confusing the soldiers. As such, all that became the focus was to ensure that whichever area was an attack, must be heavily defended immediately to prevent Cliff from entering.

Gardo kept an eye on the werewolf\'s movements. Whenever it would suddenly shift its position, Gardo would use his powers to create an explosion before running out again. Whenever an explosion would occur, Cliff would immediately move as fast as he could. The sudden movements would cause everyone to shift their attention from the exploded area. All that matters was where it happened. And because of that, they were unable to detect Gardo, who would flee to another position.

They kept running and running, adjusting their position to place themselves right in front of the approaching monster\'s route.

The raging monster outside finally lost his patience. After circling around them for too long, he decided to attack. For some strange reason, the water was denser and more solidified and did not cause him to sink.

Finally, he jumped up high and moved backward. As he landed in the water, he didn\'t sink, but the water around him almost had an elastic reaction. And with a final pounce, the creature ran towards the Origin force field.

A howling cry echoed throughout the area. It could even be heard on the other end of the Kraken.

The howl of a wolf roared as the figure slashed on the shield.

There were no exaggerated sounds, no terrifying shockwaves from the impact. But instead, a powerful ripping sound could be heard as the slash ripped apart the powerful shield.

The shield parted ways and flickered until it disappeared. The terrifying force of the wolf\'s attack managed to cut the guard in an instant. The large cut that was created was too much, and finally, the Origin shield that protected the Kraken slowly vanished.

Cliff and Gardo were stunned that they gazed at the vanishing shield.

The werewolf landed on the ground.

It had a bulky frame and stood over seven feet tall. It gave a mighty howl that brought petrifying fear to all who heard it.

"A modified version? No… It\'s like it\'s a different breed." Cliff compared the petrifying sounds to the sounds that Richie could make.

Gardo was visibly shaken from the roar. It was so painful that it even caused Gardo to stop moving. 

Several Exoskeletons could be seen falling down.

Several lights at the center of the Kraken lit up. A horde of small Golems immediately rushed towards the wolf.

Cliff dashed towards Gardo before it was too late.

Several Armors began to shoot at the werewolf, but the passing blur of the werewolf immediately vanished.

It was already standing near the Armor with extreme speed as it gave a powerful swipe with its paws.


The sound of screeching metal could be heard as the entire Armor was split in half.

Witnessing the slash, Gardo realized that all the plans, the preparations that he and Cliff had prepared in combating the werewolf all become nothing.

Cliff appeared next to Gardo.

"Um… We should retreat." Gardo gave a soft suggestion.

"Way ahead of you! Let\'s move!" Cliff held Gardo and blasted off towards another area.

As they moved, the werewolf suddenly roared angrily as it chased Gardo and Cliff.

Cliff couldn\'t see it, but Gardo, who was being carried away, felt his entire body tremble.

Immediately Gardo sent out a series of gunshots with his specialized weapons. With his Unlocking, his attacks became more precise and deadly. 

Several bullets struck the blurring figure of the wolf right on the chest.

The werewolf tumbled over but then roared as it ran faster.

"Keep shooting him!" Cliff shouted as he used the jet-propelling gears to blast him further. His left arm carried Gardo as he continued to dash up and down.

The werewolf approached faster and faster. Gardo\'s attacks were not hitting the enemy, and the wolf was getting closer.

Gardo stopped shooting and took a deep breath.

"Remember that moment!" Gardo shouted to himself.

He waited and waited as death became imminent. Soon the falling claws of the werewolf were only a few meters from them.

It was there that time slowed down even more in Gardo\'s perspective.

"Gotcha!" Gardo smirked as he suddenly shot at the Wolf.


Two bullets struck the at the head of the werewolf and caused the slash to miss. His figure fell back due to the impact.

The wolf howled angrily and ran to catch up to the two that continued to fly towards various chaotic battlegrounds.

But each time the wolf managed to draw close enough to slash, Gardo, who would always be able to hit him at the right moment.

"SWIPER NO SWIPING! SWIPER NO SWIPING!" Gardo kept chanting as he shot at the werewolf on those death-defying moments. The moment the wolf drew near them, the bullets that had always missed would hit at a critical place and timing that would make the wolf miss.

The wolf howled once more as it jumped to attack.

Gardo was paralyzed, but Cliff could move. He made a faint which made it look like he was falling but then discreetly threw two Balls of Thunder.


Crushed in between the two exploding sound bombs, the wolf was once more thrown off the trail.

Cliff fell to the ground and recovered his balance to fly. Although the sound didn\'t perfectly paralyze him, he still was affected by the strange screech. The pair jumped off and dashed once more.

The figure of the wolf had now stood up. It gave an angry howl and chased once more.

The sudden screech forced Cliff to readjust his flight, and the distance that was made was once more shortened.

The werewolf jumped up once more, and even though it was still a distance from Cliff and Gardo, it made a powerful slash. A bluish blink could be seen on one of the devices that the werewolf wore on its hind-legs. 

"Evasion!" Gardo reacted as the air around them gathered and created several sharp knives that shot out towards them.

Cliff sensed it and threw Gardo upwards to evade, but he had to stop boosting to get Gardo again.

In this small gap, the Wolf ran faster and delivered an angrily slash towards Cliff.

But right as the wolf\'s figure neared Cliff, Gardo boosted from the skies as his legs gave a powerful explosion to propel him downwards.

With both hands clasped together, he smashed both towards the wolf as if using a baseball bat.

"Red Robin!" Gardo shouted as he swung his two fists towards the werewolf\'s head.


A powerful explosion sent the werewolf flying backward.

"Let\'s go!" Cliff activated his boosters and immediately carried Gardo.

Gardo gave an extremely relieved sigh and used another explosion from his legs to send him further.

"Look\'s like Team Warfreakz is blasting off again!" Gardo laughed.

"Red Robin? What a stupid name for your attack."

"Oh, quit whining! It worked! Like you could make cool names!" Gardo berated.

"Boom Box, Explosive Fist, Red Hawk-"

"Hey! It\'s not worthy enough to be a Red Hawk. What?!" Gardo then noticed it. 

They had already traveled quite a distance and even passed through several terrifying battlefields, yet the werewolf was rushing straight towards them!

"What\'s going on! We should have lost him!" Gardo cursed.

"It\'s our smell!" Cliff realized it.

"Damn, this dog!" Gardo began shooting once more. 

"Can you change your scent?" Cliff asked Gardo.

"What kind of a stupid question is that?"

"We should have trained with that up there! Unbecomings can easily do that by manipulating how their metabolism happens!"

"I can fart!"

"That won\'t do anything!"

"Really? I ate some spicy cuisines while we were-"u

Wait! You can raise your body temp! It should change your smell! Go at about twice the heat of an average human! But wait for my timing! Do it as soon as we enter that massive smog!" Cliff then dashed with all his might as he flew towards a smoking area.

Suddenly. Gardo caught sight of the werewolf. The strange light on its hind-legs continued to blink. But what was scary was that the wolf was stepping on air, and it even allowed him to burst forwards breaking past the speed of sound.

Without hesitation, Gardo slapped Cliff\'s arm, causing Cliff to let go.

Cliff knew what this meant and immediately shifted his position to aid Cliff. As he turned, he saw a familiar figure approaching.

Gardo was midway from throwing a punch that made his arm glow bright yellow.

The werewolf took another step, and his speed burst faster and made a strong thrust towards Gardo.

"Piercing Arrow!" Cliff called out a strange attack from the back.

The thrust of the wolf was met with an invisible needle that attempted to pierce through his palm.

As such, the attack that should have killed Gardo was delayed.

"Red Robin!" Gardo shouted as his fist exploded out and sent the wolf flying once more.

As the wolf flew back, a net-like invisible force caught the wolf, and using the rebounding power of the net, he shot once more towards Cliff.

"Thorn Road!" Cliff called the attack.

The wolf slammed against several sharp invisible needles. His body was pierced, and blood splashed out, but the Wolf simply roared and slashed the invisible needles and broke through it.

Cliff had already pulled Gardo back and dashed back towards the smog.

The wolf began to run on its four legs and gave a mightily leap. As it flew to the air at incredible speed, it began to throw a series of slashes that created deadly energy blades that operated in the air.

"Return of Jafar!" Cliff extended his arms as if to make a powerful attack.

The wolf stopped slashing and prepared for whichever mysterious attack would strike him.

Nothing appeared.

The wolf was falling down and angrily stomped off in mid-air. The lights on its hind legs continued to blink as the air around its feet compressed and created a foothold.

The wolf dove towards the smog, but then something approached it on it\'s left side.

A gigantic arm was rocketing towards his location.

The wolf gave a powerful slash towards the arm, but his energy blades met something invisible and as if a thick layer of glass broke away. The robotic arm continued to shoot towards him undamaged.

At the last second, the wolf smashed his two arms towards the fist.


The robot rocket arm was actually thrown back from the impact, and the wolf was also thrown backward.

Then out of the thick smog, another large robot arm emerged. Soon the gigantic Armor of Suit appeared as it punched the flying wolf.


The wolf was sent flying out once more.

Cliff and Gardo stood next to Typical, who had a pale expression. Blood trickled out of his mouth.

The energy he had to use to expend was too much.

"Young master!" The two Fangs arrived next to him and glanced at him worriedly.

"It\'s fine. I overexerted myself." He shrugged it off.

"Thanks for the assist." Cliff gave a relieved sigh.

"Let\'s just hope I am enough. I fought Hermes alone and couldn\'t even wound him. Now, this…" Typical sighed.

"That was a nice hit… but I think we made a booboo." Gardo frowned."

"What?" Cliff wondered.

Typical gave Gardo a strange look.

"A young Ranked Hero in the making… Impressive."

"No! I\'m serious, guys! We shouldn\'t have taken our eyes off him! It was good when he was chasing us. But it\'s even worse if we let him go!"

"How come?"

"He\'s a werewolf!" Gardo gave a dreadful warning.

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