
Chapter 330 - The Sermon Before The Kings (1)

Before the great thrones of the Emperors and Empresses, a preacher stood and glanced at them not with the usual amiable smile that he gives when he preaches but a serious look that contained disdain or contempt.

"I know of you, Pastor Eagle. While it\'s shocking that you also have such powers, a sermon is the last thing we need to hear-"

The Emperor couldn\'t finish what he said as a powerful force crashed down on him. Gravity surged to an extreme, and the Emperor felt like a large rock was crushing him.

"Who made man\'s mouth? Was it not God? Yet you have misused this gift by speaking false promises, uttering curses, and blaspheming the Name! Emperors and Empresses, tell me, by what technology am I doing this?" Eagle challenged as he withheld the power from affecting the Emperor.

The Emperor had a look of terror. Unlike the first one, which Seeker knocked unconscious, he had already activated his barrier techs. Yet that shield of protection was useless in the face of Eagle\'s power.

"You can\'t even detect by what means I am accomplishing all these! The Aragarians have shown their technology to be something hundreds and possibly thousands of years ahead of what we have. And yet, here you are, seated on your Throne. You still think you are the kings of this world, but this teenager behind me can probably kill all of you should he want it to. His purpose in coming here is to gather more allies. And you, who have been entrusted as the Progenitor\'s seeds, are the best allies." Eagle continued.

"But pride comes before the downfall. The problem that may arise is that you lot have long been used in being the kings and queens of the earth, will choose not to bow or acknowledge the leadership of Seeker. Your arrogance may lead you to demand from us the very things that we have." Eagle explained.

Seeker also nodded. This was his concern. And so, he decided to give this talk to the Everhiss clan personally. It was necessary that everyone would side with them. Any single Emperor or Empress that disagreed could betray them. These were people of great power, and therefore, the people most likely to betray them.

"And don\'t take this personally. One of the greatest kings that the Bible itself honors is King David. He was called a man after God\'s own heart. Yet it was this same man who committed adultery and even murder. The very things that you wouldn\'t expect a man of God to do. Power corrupts even the purest of hearts. So with you being used to be kings, this meeting would be a very critical moment for Seeker. His powerful display and how he unhesitatingly attacked an Emperor and knocked him unconscious is evidence of this." Eagle motioned at the unconscious Emperor floating next to him.

The Emperor began to awaken as he looked and saw what was going on.

"Be at ease, young man." Eagle smiled, to which the Emperor began to float back to his throne. The Emperor looked around with a frightened expression and wanted to ask others what had happened, but no one paid heed. Everyone\'s eyes were locked at Eagle.

"Seeker would probably use force and blackmail to convince you. But the problem is, you lot are very problematic. It was wise for the Progenitor to keep you all divided while bestowing each of your power and forbid you to seek each other. This way, your arrogance would be limited. For if all of you knew that someone as strong as yourself existed, you wouldn\'t go around the world doing whatever you want. And yet, here you are. You are calling yourselves Emperors and Empresses! Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! Without us, you have become kings! And would that you did reign so that we might share the rule with you!" Eagle cried out.

Seeker recognized that Eagle was quoting from 1 Corinthians 4 and couldn\'t help but sigh.

"So he\'s really going to use this time to preach?" Seeker cursed.

"Don\'t be so down. This is the best result. They are the hardest group to convince. But now, with Eagle here, these people should be able to direct the rest of the WGP to war against the rising Babel cities." The adult urged.

"You knew he would be here? How did you send him a message?"

"I didn\'t. I know that you didn\'t share this faith and would do everything to avoid Eagle. You had my memories, but you rejected my conviction believing it to be some form of brainwashing."

"You hoped for the crazy promises the Bible spoke off. It\'s only natural that I would avoid it. Eagle would find it easy to convince me." Seeker shook his head.

"I wanted to thread on his Path. But if I believe, I wouldn\'t be able to do that."

"Says who? I didn\'t send Eagle a message. I had faith. You should too. For someone wanting everyone to have faith in you, you sure don\'t put faith in others. You need this to grow, Kid. I didn\'t speak of it before, but you know, right? To win the coming war, you have to trust others."

Seeker was silent. He could not help but recall the many images of the deaths and the nightmares of the deaths of his friends that somehow could bypass his Unlocking.

"This is your heart, demon. If you want to be stronger, you have to hope." The adult explained.

"In the hopeless world to come, that will be your greatest weapon. After all, it was mine."

Eagle had already begun to preach, and everyone was listening to him attentively.

"You say that a sermon is the least things that you need, but the truth is, the one thing that I believe can convince is the Word of God! In light of everything that we have seen, we are slowly starting to realize the one thing critics often asked about the Bible. Why didn\'t the Bible teach us amazing techs? If God exists, why hadn\'t he granted us techs from the start?" Eagle asked.

"Classic apologetics. He didn\'t immediately dive into preaching but adjusted his into how distant these people are." The adult Seeker analyzed.

"So he\'s first convincing them to the probability that God exists before diving into a sermon."

"Yes. And honestly, with a Path using Gravity, it won\'t be difficult to pull that off. Harnessing Gravity is clearly a power that breaches the fourth dimension."

"True..." Seeker gazed at Eagle.

"Here I stand, having a technology that none of you can defend against!"

A powerful surge of power could be felt, and the Emperors and Empresses were doing what they can to stop being sucked in an invisible vortex around Eagle.

Seeker quickly held on to Emperor Phoenix Everhiss, who would have been sucked into the vortex as he was the only Emperor who was defenseless as part of his sincerity to meet with Seeker.

The Emperors and Empresses were using everything they could to keep themselves from being affected by this. Many Rules closed up to protect those seated on them, but even this proved useless as the Emperors and Empresses would smash into the enclosed walls of their Rules. It was as if a large magnet was pulling them that their rule\'s walls could not prevent the attraction force.

"Shall I thread the Winepress now to show you its might?" Eagle laughed.

Seeker couldn\'t help but feel a sense of fear.

In his previous timeline, Eagle was the one who shocked the entire world when he showed the fullness of his power. The Winepress of God was trodden upon, and Seeker could never forget that scene. It was said that even the satellites who didn\'t have any powerful zooming technology of various nations could see how the terrain was bathed in blood from the number of people killed that day.

"As expected. This guy has been so silent. I even made sure that this guy was the last to receive all our scientific findings, and yet this monster can already do this? Was he already stronger than Meng when I sent Richie to meet him?!" Seeker cursed.

"Men and Women of the WGP! You prided yourself on technology and made great advances in it! But you have made the same mistake that the Aragarians made! Even now, these Aragarians hold technology far stronger than what you have, but the Lost Primordial, our Progenitor, set in the seeds to produce a technology that vastly surpasses the Aragarians! And what is this tech? A glorified body! The body of angels, of Seraphims and Cherubims! A body that would have been granted to Adam and Eve had they not eaten from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil! Let me tell you why the Bible doesn\'t talk about technology or teach us secret science because, since the beginning, we would have gotten the fullness of this science simply by believing in God! Cellphones? Laptops and computers? Lennox Humphrey has shown us that it is possible to be that! He has found a means to make our heads run programs without any devices! Seeker can run Supra-Modern Crysis in his head!"

"No, I can\'t." Seeker sighed at the side.

"Piercing: Bullet?"

"Didn\'t even dare to try."

"Civilizations: Void Years?"

"Not possible."

"Skyrim with mods?"

"Very laggy."

"HE CAN RUN SKYRIM WITH MODS!" Eagle declared with great confidence.

Seeker facepalmed.

"What use are all these techs if we would have acquired something greater! Why would God give us cents of His Knowledge in science and technology? It would only distract us from spending time with Him! Even the best Christians lost themselves in Idolatry when the cellphones were invented! God allowed the world to continue to build and harness what they can so He can show them what He can do and be glorified!" Eagle declared.

"It\'s all about proving to us how weak, and useless, and dumb we are! And He has to do it, least someone in heaven will claim that they could make something far better than what God has to offer! This is why God allows society to fail in aspects! He has to allow the world to suffer so that when He comes, people know what pain is and delight in peace! He has to create hell and allow many to fall into sin so that He can show what it means to love! Do people ask how a loving God can create hell? It\'s because Grace and Mercy cannot be exemplified if Wrath did not exist! In the same way, God allowed us to thinker with whatever scientific advancements we can accomplish only to show that these things equate to how primitive cave people discovered the wheel! That\'s the limit of our so-called knowledge!

Eagle then turned towards Seeker.

"Seeker, show us your power!" Eagle smiled.

"The radiation level would-"

"Have faith, young Seeker. It should be time for that to happen.

Seeker\'s expression changed as he realized it was about exactly when Cliff\'s attack against the submarine would happen.

Seeker nodded and immediately began to reveal the power that he displayed when he fought with Lynd.

The radiation energy appeared once more as Seeker began to harness the energy.


Several powerful explosions could be heard on the distance. This fortress was also underwater. They could feel the shock waves rocking the entire sea.

The Emperors and Empresses were watching in awe at Seeker\'s power.

This was Seeker\'s ace to convince the Everhiss clan. But now, with Eagle\'s leading, it seemed to be more effective.

"See? With Eagle here, it\'s going to be easy to convince them." The adult laughed.

"This is the Kingdom body that Christ promised! This is the quark of His technology! The Glorified Body that does not rot does not die and isn\'t made through whatever experiments but only made through faith! This is why Christ did give an elaborate answer of what the Truth of this world is! He simply said I AM the Truth! And see before you, the Truth!" Eagle motioned grandly at Seeker, who now had radiation that could kill people.

For some strange reason, Eagle, who was nearest to Seeker, wasn\'t even affected.

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