
Chapter 343 - Abusing Lanterk

Lanterk was amused.

He could clearly see it now. During the chaos of the war and the constant conflict of battles underwater, some last-minute changes were made in their arrangement and placement of allocated underwater people.

The families were complaining to have their groups together, and so right before the submarines began to gather, several rearrangements were made that placed some soldiers on different places.

Stranger still was the fact that these actions were done during transit. Which was far more dangerous considering the submarines of the three countries began to travel together.

On the outside, it appeared that Harker\'s forces gave in to the angry mob of the families, but Lanterk knew better.

"They are rearranging the members to accommodate me? Then I am right. Zeraphine is in contact with the Lost Primordial or the Progenitor. But who is it? And why did it garner the attention of those other Top-Tier freaks?" Lanterk wondered.

The first group to be moved out in the submarine they were was the Dalisay\'s Jane Moore, who the soldiers used in their submarine as a means to quiet the families. Jane was relatively silent during the entire commotion. As a reward for her \'good behavior,\' she was allowed to switch to the submarine on the second place in the formation and wouldn\'t ride the vanguard submarine for the trip.

But through Lanterk\'s access to the submarine, he knew that the pod that was said to have moved Jane never left. Stranger still, the Diamon family and the Novelty-Blastoise family that was in the very sub they were weren\'t offered the same reward for their apparent good behavior.

Lanterk turned to Zeraphine and even asked this.

"Why aren\'t we being offered the switch-sub treatment? The submarine I was in that was owned by Feyor had already sunk... So I don\'t want to lose another submarine and waste more energy to escape." Lanterk asked Zeraphine with a worried expression.

"What?" Zeraphine nearly cursed out loud.

"What do you mean, lose another sub?"

Lanterk then began to recount how he arrived at this submarine in the first place.

"... So I went here because I sensed your suit."

"You managed to ense my suit?! How?"

"I have a tech that can! One of my masters gift, of course! He gave it to me to always keep myself guarded from other Presiders." Lanterk boasted.

Zeraphine wanted to curse at Lanterk for his foolishness in meeting her by his childish and reckless thoughts. Not only did his impatience caused Feyor\'s entire submarine to sink, Lanterk even strolled around the ocean, making use of his tech!

But right before Zerahpine could get angry, she realized that Lanterk\'s tech could prove valuable.

"If Lanterk had the means to detect suit and even identify which Presider it would be, then I might have the means to uncover who the mysterious Progenitor! Lanterk\'s an idiot kid... But his random whim could have thrown in a wrench in the Progenitor\'s arrangement. Is this why this crazy submarine exchange happened?" Zeraphine realized what it was that might have caused this.

"Should I risk mind-controlling, someone? If Lanterk is here, I should be able to use that tech." Zeraphine began to consider using one of her power techs.

"Lanterk... Do you sense any other Presiders nearby?" Zeraphine asked.

"No. Why? Is there someone else?" Lanterk asked curiously.

"No..." Zeraphine sighed.

"Just being careful. The Progenitor and the Lost Primordial could be anywhere. They could be Presiders, after all. Remember that meeting we had when Crostfree died? There could be traitors among us." Zeraphine warned.

"Really? But you\'re the Daughter of a Prime, and I\'m the disciple of Principal Merrik! Why would anyone dare attack us?!" Lanterk was shocked.

"You must not think that way! Presiders back home wouldn\'t even care if you are sheltered by Primes and would secretly plot to kill you if you can get away from it. Don\'t think this place will be any different!" Zeraphine warned.

Lanterk pouted at Zeraphine.

"Whoever dares to harm me will face the wrath of my Master!" Lanterk declared.

Zeraphine shook her head and ignored Lanterk as she turned back and approached Charm, discussing things with family members.

As Zeraphine left, Lanterk began to curl his lip up as he turned around to hide from every camera.

"So I was right. There is a Presider currently holding this idiot Princess in some form of hostage or blackmail situation. Zeraphine\'s sudden out-of-character and disinterest in any Presider alliance happening proves this. Although... Aside from Garenjazz, it would be difficult for her to have any allies at all. Perhaps I can sell some info to Straviaa to make Zeraphine face secret attacks. I wonder... Will the Presider hiding protect her or kill her? If there is a Presider here that can devour suits, they won\'t be silent when Zeraphine is attacked. And maybe, at the right time, I can sneak and kill this devourer..." Lanterk turned around and sat down.

He had already noticed how one of the cameras in the submarine was casually passing back and forth from where he was. But this camera wasn\'t moving before. The other cameras in the chamber they were in weren\'t moving as well.

"Which Presider is this?"

It was then that doors were opened once more

Dozens of people were escorted to the chambers.

Most of them were from the family delegates that were now joined by some of the people who remained in the ship.

With them were Jane Moore and Eva.

Leading the group were several men, among which was Prince.

The three were among the top spies in-training of the Unlocked.

Eva was originally one of Harker\'s Programmed Slaves project that he intended to sell at a great price. But soon, she became part of Seeker\'s armies, and they were among the first to be experimented to becoming Unlocked.

While most of her peers failed to progress anymore beyond what the drugs provided, Eva was able to exceed it and was the few among the school who managed to show some potential and even was allowed to undergo the enhancements to help her become a spy.

Prince was a soldier in Harker\'s armies and was famous for his womanizing abilities. But among the armies of Harker, only he had shown potential and even reached Proficient without relying on the drugs. He was among the few expected to easily reach Inhuman.

But of the many Unlocked soldiers who showed potential, one of the most interesting ones to have reached greater heights was a member of the Dalisay Family.

Jane Moore, who was one of the few people outside of the clan to be taken in and trained to serve Gardo Dalisay, showed great potential. In a few weeks of training, she caught up to the many Unlocked gamer freaks.

On a one-on-one match, Jane Moore could best some lesser members of Warfreakz and even Git Godlike when they would battle online.

Careful study about her gave clues how it was possible for her to rise above the rest. She was driven with a powerful goal.

Ever since the disappearance of Gardo when he fought Cliff, Jane had been blaming herself for her inadequacies. She vowed that she won\'t ever lose sight of whatever it is she is protecting. She took in training to be a Scout and underwent various operations to be the Dalisay\'s family official scout.

This training and her previous disappointments, which she took to heart, created Faith. And that Faith became the spark for her tremendous growth.

When she heard that Gardo would be sent to the Caliphate region, she adamantly argued with many teams and insisted that she be sent along with Gardo.

Finally, a compromise was offered. She was required to pass the Unlocked Espionage group. Jane\'s drive allowed her to rise through the ranks quickly, and while she had not passed, the appearance of a secondary Presider prompted the group to use her, one of their best students in the Espionage division.

Her advantage was a skill she developed when training as a scout, Perfect Focus Vision.

Unlike others who can focus their sight on certain locations within their view, Jane had perfect focus over her vision and could see everything at once if she wanted to. Even the objects on her peripheral vision could be clearly seen. This was the perfect tool to be used against Lanterk.

The three found their target as they gave a casual look around the room.

"Lara Diamon." Jane smiled.

"Oh? Miss Jane? I thought they escorted you to another ship."

"We decided that it would be best if we were separated. While most families brought their own devices that can allow them to escape in case this submarine sinks, we believe that Harker\'s preparations are enough. So we retained this divided arrangement. Besides, that means if a sub sinks, there are still delegates that can reach the Trading Hub."

Lara was amazed at their decision.

Jane then turned to greet the other Diamon, Alexander.

She smiled.

"And of course, Alexander. The Enigma of the Diamon. We have little information about you. Miss Lara, I\'d like to talk to your nephew. Tell me something about yourself, Alexander." Jane didn\'t hide it this time.

Lara was stunned. Jane was more than direct this time. He turned around and gazed at \'Alexander\', who was also wearing a confused look.

"So this Jane Moore must be under the orders of the Presider? Or is she just a nosy little family?" Lanterk thought to himself. He was secretly annoyed at this as he would be forced to reveal some of the Pioneers or the organization he was with.

"I guess I\'ll just use Feyor\'s team." he secretly schemed.

Alexander wore a stuttering and confused boy who was immediately placed in the spotlight.

And as planned by the three Unlocked spies, it happened.

A beautiful Russian teenager tore through the crowd and pushed the unprepared \'Alexander.\'

"Out of the way, Brat!" Eva pushed the teen to the side.

Coincidentally, Prince saw his shoes were untied and gave a swift kneel as he stepped forward to tie it, but the sudden thrown Alexander collided with the knee of Prince.


The knee strike happened too quickly. Prince had also made his steps to be strong.

Alexander was on the floor clutching his head.

"Charm Novelty-Blastoise! Cliff is mine! You will- who is this stupid teenager? Get out of the way!"


Eve delivered an angry kick at the floored Alexander.

Cliff and Lynd were watching the scene on their computers.

"They used Jane\'s sudden question to throw Lanterk off his form, and just when his thoughts were elsewhere, he gets the duo push and knee strike followed by that kick. What if that Presider goes crazy and blows up everything?"

"If he does, it\'s our advantage. But I think he won\'t. This is a critical time for the Presiders. He knows that. And the strange arrangements we\'ve made will make him think that another Presider, the one secretly manipulating Zeraphine, is testing him if he really is an innocent, sweet child or a monster. So he won\'t do anything reckless."

"But... That\'s a Presider! I\'ve seen the painting. That kid gives me the chills. Those three got guts. Even I, a hero, wouldn\'t want to mess around with something that could kill Overcomers."

Lynd looked at Cliff with a sad expression.

"What\'s up?" Cliff asked Lynd.

"Seeker will probably order you to give that kid a wedgie."

"He will order me to what?"

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