
Chapter 377 - The Tale Of Nimrod

The entire Underwater facility began to explode, with great tremors occurring all around. The depth of the whole city was now being shown as the explosions destroyed the camouflage.

"It\'s this big?!" Zeraphine was surprised. The length of the city couldn\'t be seen. Explosions continued to ring out around the area. Suddenly, various torpedoes and rockets began to shoot at her.


Several turrets appeared and bombarded Zeraphine with bullets, underwater laser attacks, and various other underwater warfare weapons.

Zeraphine gritted her teeth and retreated. She was worried about Seeker. But more importantly, she was planning on entering the city to see more about the mysterious Pioneers that escaped their clutches.

Seeker was now in a strange room back inside the city and continued to inquire about the history.

"Are you sure you don\'t want to treat that? I can see your bones." One of the doctors couldn\'t help but ask again.

"Relax, doc. I need to show that Presider outside my wounds. It\'s better if this wound is left alone for now. Lourca. Please continue."

Lourca chuckled at Seeker\'s insistence.

"Are you familiar with Nimrod?"

"I know that there\'s a Bible character named Nimrod." Seeker joked.

"Yes. That person. The very same person that appears not only in Biblical records but has also had another persona as someone who has survived an ancient flood." Lourca smiled.

"Wait. What? Seriously? It\'s that Nimrod?"

"Yes. Nimrod the Mighty Hunter. He was also the king of a great city. One that challenged God Himself."


"Right. He is known in secular history as Gilgamesh. The hero who defeated the beast that caused the great flood that wiped out the Earth sparing only the family of Noah."

"What do these ancient records have to do with the Aragarians?"

"Everything. The Aragarians is the name that refers to the victors of the great war in our hometown. The Aragarians are rebels who broke the chains of the former ruling class in our world. The Babelians."

"Babelians? You can\'t mean...?!"

"That\'s right. What do you think happened when the Lord came down and confused the tongues of men? What happened to the tower of Babel?"

"Then... the Aragarians or the Babelians are from Earth?"

"If we are to follow Aragarian narrative, then yes. Actually, there are two factions. The Babelians and the Barbablon. But we usually refer to both as Babelians. Those that erected themselves as the gods in this world, who the Christians worship as God, are beings who have supreme wisdom, knowledge, and technology. If we see it in this perspective, then most of what I\'ll tell you will make sense. The Biblical accounts tell of how the angels, the fallen angels to be precise, mingled with the women of Earth and gave birth to aboriginal beings that were half-man and half-human."

"You mean the Nephilim?"

"Yes. Translated as Gigantes in Greek, but the meaning of Nephilim comes from the Hebrew root word, Nephal, which means to fall. These fallen and corrupted humans received the power to do amazing things and received tremendous power. Now that\'s the Biblical account. Our literature talks of our hero and leader, Gilgamesh, who challenged beings that thrive and move freely beyond the three dimensions that we live in. Gilgamesh was so strong that he managed to defeat such beings by receiving an inheritance from another being of similar power. This being was an outcast among these godlike beings. As for Nimrod, he called that being a Nefilus."

"Nefilus? I heard the Presiders talk about a Nefilus body but don\'t have any idea what that meant. So it\'s referring to this being that Gilgamesh met?"

"There are two narratives that talk about this, the history that Christianity taught us, or the ones that the Aragarians believe in. In the Aragarian\'s narrative, a powerful and intelligent being that not only lives but also moves and functions in dimensions that we cannot see approached early humanity."

"Then in the belief in gods or a God may have sprung from this view. Did the Progenitor manifest any strange powers that you witnessed? Since you\'re an Aragarian, he should have shown you more compared to what he did to Nogard and the other seeds."

"He did. The Progenitor had a strange power that allowed him to be everywhere at the same time. It\'s a limited form of omnipresence that enveloped the entire world. In that power, the concept of prayers being answered by a god seemed possible. Progenitor was everywhere on Earth, and that was how he was able to arrange the placements and accomplish the plans he set out to do. And whatever that being Gilgamesh met, it had certain powers similar to that."

"Omnipresence... What an amazing power. I have been able to peer through the fourth dimension, but omnipresence seems impossible to even in our current perspective."

"The Progenitor explained it in this manner.. Imagine the dimensions that we exist in, length, width, depth, and time as a book. He is a being who can read that book. While our being is localized in one page of that book, a reader can easily move backward and forwards to see not only our localization, but he can see the localization of various characters that exist within that book at the same time." Lourca explained.

"Then that means, to have such power, I\'d need more than seeing in four dimensions. I probably need to have the powers to see on up to seven for that kind of power." Seeker estimated.

"I\'m sorry. We\'re getting off track. I needed to know my current standing compared to the final power that the Progenitor had. So Gilgamesh and the magical beast."

"Gilgamesh built Babel with the help of that mystical beasts. Just imagine what civilization would be like if it had a higher standing point. We cannot imagine what it would be like for the ancient people to meet beings that surpass the three dimensions. Imagine being together with one! Together, the two managed to build an entire scientific field using the energy the supra-dimensional state had available and practically became a god. That is Nimrod in the Bible or Gilgamesh in secular sources."

"What happened? If this is about Nimrod, and Nimrod built the tower of Babel, some battle must have happened."

"There was. The Babelians history book records that when the Tower of Babel led by Nimrod reached great heights and attained such power, the beings that exiled the beast went down to attack Babel. A terrifying battle of proportions that we could never imagine occurred at that time. In the records of the Babelians, these beings that were the enemy of the beast fought in a hard battle. The beast had planned to defeat these gods and allied with humans to find a way to defeat them. Instead, they gave these humans a different body. A flesh that is not flesh and even created a human form that mocked the original designs of these beings."

"So that\'s why Aragarians have inverse organs..." Seeker realized the cause of the strange physiology of the Aragarians.

"That\'s at least how the Babelians wrote it. In any case, you probably could guess when and where this battle took place."

"Shinar... The Tower of Babel."

"Exactly. Genesis 11 records the event of when God stepped down and destroyed this great tower that was made to challenge God himself."

"So God fought against Nimrod and the Beast?"

"We may never know. The Bible doesn\'t state it outright, and the records of the Babelians are too obscure to detail the events, and most of the technology was lost. Remember what the events on the Bible tell us what happened there."

"God dispersed the nations and confused the tongues of men."

"But there is one thing that the account on Genesis doesn\'t explain in clear detail. What happened to the tower of Babel?"

"It left... It escaped to space!" Seeker realized what happened.

"Exactly. At its defeat, Nimrod and the surviving Babelians fled to a new place as they had been massacred here on Earth. They flew to the stars and sought for great distances. The people that they enslaved were free. But the beings knew that if the people stayed on the same place, they could rebuild the entire city!"

"But to do that, the humans have to work together. They have to do each of their assigned tasks as slaves to create the tower of Babel with all of its powers!"

"Right. And so, those beings, or the God of the Bible, dispersed them and used a power that changed the very nature of how humans spoke. This was all to ensure that that same tower will not be created and that the knowledge of that technology would be lost forever."

"But what about the Babelians or the Aragarians? What happened to their power?"

"Nimrod survived and fled. He was the strongest enemy that the Aragarians faced before they succeeded in defeating the main force of the Babelians. At this point, even the Progenitor could only speculate. The assumption is that the beast that aided Nimrod died. All that Nimrod probably had was the body of that beast as source material to study it. That is what the Aragarians at the level of the Presiders and upwards have. They have a flesh body but not flesh and could contain this Spirit that the Nefilus beast had. You met Nogard, so you must have seen it. The power that the Spirit of the Nefilus could do!"

"Soul Cultivation! So that\'s it! Then is it possible for there to be a Nephilim or a Nefilus body on this planet?"

"No. The Progenitor tried to look for them. But you can imagine that the account in Genesis is full of these divine battles. The flood may have been an attempt by these gods or the God of the Bible to wipe out a wicked race known as the Nephilim. This beast which Nimrod met might have either been a Nephilim or a fallen angel! But the flood wiped them all out, and the surviving Nephilims that survived the flood and who might have survived Babel\'s fall have lost much of their powers or that they don\'t know how to awaken it."

"Now that you mention it. Genesis 6 records the appearance of the Nephilim and is shortly followed by God\'s plan to flood the Earth. Why hasn\'t the Aragarians noticed this? Why haven\'t they tried to go back here on Earth? With such rich history, why now?"

"First, the records of how the Babelians flew to Aragar are lost. We could assume that the Nefilus beast was the one that brought the Babelians to my planet. And due to the uprising of the Aragarians, none of those who survived the escape of Babel Tower are alive now to confirm it. The Babelians and the Aragarians practically rebuilt and have been trying to recover the lost technology that they once had."

"Then why now? Is there a hidden mystery as to why the Aragarians are coming back here?"

"I don\'t know. The Progenitor only told me that they would surely come. But since I stand to be the person who could spill and alert the Aragarians of the Progenitor\'s plan, I was hidden. Only when the Seeds find each other will I reveal myself to all of you. The odds of the many requirements that the Progenitor set made it that we\'ve always assumed that we would die. He truly is amazing."

"I guess, if you do have the ability to move across all dimensions, things such as fulfilling prophecies are possible." Seeker smiled.

"Speaking of prophecies, there is one seed that the Progenitor created. He told me that if this power appeared, we would be victorious. The Progenitor called this person the Prophet."

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