
Chapter 583 The Demon Sealed On Earth

The old man had exceedingly great joy and began to laugh and laugh for no apparent reason.

Seeker and the rest were confused as they stood before the Old Man.

"Lost Primordial? Progenitor?" Seeker dared to ask.

The old man laughed and laughed and turned back to Seeker.

"Pardon me for laughing. But I\'m just so happy! The seeds I placed so long ago have finally sprouted and bore their fruits! I didn\'t believe it at first... You see, my Lord promised that my seeds won\'t ever be small. When I ascended to glory in my passing, I never saw the results of my fruits. I had lost most of my powers and had power that could equal Principals apart from my clear sight and vision as a prophet of the Lord."

"Prophet... of the Lord? You\'re a space Christian Missionary?"

"You could say that." The Lost Primordial chortled.

"But sadly, I cannot bring you any more gifts other than this throne and my presence. This throne will be yours to study. But, of course, there are... certain limitations that must be adhered to. You have grown strong. But I\'m not just about to give you the technology that can help you ascend to become Principals. You will have to figure it out."

"It is... within our expectations. We cannot overcome this if things are handed to us on a silver plate. But we have to ask Progenitor. Who or what exactly are you?" Seeker asked.

"To answer that, I\'ll first tell you the real history of the world. Things implied in the Bible, but never revealed."

"We\'re sort of in the middle of a war here. And we just listened to a lengthy sermon from an insane pastor." Meryl added.

"Don\'t worry, Meryl. Time has stopped." Lioncourt answered and gazed in deep respect at the Progenitor.

"To stop time... And... the ripple of it... It feels... endless!"

"Of course. I stopped all of the time."

"What?! What do you mean time has stopped? I can still move!" Meryl answered as she began to flap her arms around.

"So the Seed that controls realm and time can pause time and leave his perception to continue?" The Lost Primordial smiled as he glanced at Lioncourt.

"I can stop time within a certain area now, Progenitor. But compared to you who stopped time for all the universe..." Lioncour answered and bowed.

"Amazing! I\'m surprised by how powerful my seeds are. And don\'t bow. I\'m not a king. At least not yet. But it seems my hopeless plan worked. I can tell not one of my planted seeds was lost! You guys have far exceeded my expectations. Just as I hoped you would! But you all can only contend against Principals. The weary road lies for you to walk." The old man laughed.

"But anyways, my time is still limited. So I will tell you the basics so you can know what you are facing. I guess this information won\'t help you become Principal. However, this is vital information as you will know what even Principals don\'t. For example, my little trick here has alerted the Primordial. He must be panicking and searching for it."

"Searching for what?"

"How did you think I appeared before you? This isn\'t some remnant soul that you see before you. I am alive. More alive than I once was. To get here, I had to open the door."

"Door?" Seeker asked.

"Ah... Still a little behind with our Bible, eh?" The Lost Primordial chuckled.

The group was even more confused as they spoke to the Lost Primordial. It was as if they were talking to an even more eccentric Eagle!

"What is he...?" Cliff asked.

"The door to heaven. That\'s what this is all about. The Primordial wants to reach heaven." Arthur answered.

"Exactly. This is what all wars are ultimately about. This is what drives the Primordial and doomed everyone to a destiny of the war."


"It\'s the ultimate conquest." Arthur shrugged.

"So heaven is actually real? I mean... Does it actually exist? Eagle speaks of it... but..." Meryl was in disbelief.

"Well, it\'s not how you think or imagine it. I\'m sure Eagle knows more details about it. But the verse is true. No eye has seen, or ear has heard, or the penultimate imaginations and desires of man\'s heart can even capture the place where I am. But heaven is not a grand endless paradise. It has its limitations, just like the Universe. I opened the door, the one leading to the Temple in Ezekiel. This is the heaven that the Primordial seeks."

Seeker was confused. The temple in the book of Ezekiel was the Temple of God that was shown to Ezekiel in a vision. It was revealed to show Israel what the perfect standards of this Temple were compared to the temple that Israel built.

"So Ezekiel got brought up to THAT heaven?"

"For now... This is heaven. But ultimately, heaven and earth will all be remade, and only one house shall appear. The house of God. To understand the Primordial is to understand the one who set him on this path."

"Let me guess... Satan." Arthur spoke.

"Satan?!" Cliff and Meryl exclaimed.

"Well, it does make sense. I knew it would all go to that eventually." Lynd shrugged.

"It makes perfect sense. Who else would have given the power of the Nefilus beast."

"No. It\'s not Satan." The Lost Primordial smiled.

"It\'s not him?"

"Had Satan given the powers of the Nefilus beast, he would be chained up. But right now, Satan is up here in heaven."

"Say what now?" Meryl was confused.

The rest who read their Bible began to nod their heads.

"The Accuser. He stands at the very throne of God to constantly accuse the saints." Seeker answered.

"Exactly. That\'s where Satan is. Revelation 12:10 tells us that Satan stands on the throne and accuses the saints day and night. That\'s his job right now. Satan didn\'t do that. Someone else did. A demon who has been brought down to earth and has been sealed for a long time."

"I\'m sorry... I just can\'t wrap my head around all this. So a demon gave the Nefilus Body to humans and got punished? I read the Bible a few times. And my Unlocking has enough memory to recall all verses. I haven\'t read about that."

"It is in the Bible. The Earth has been so sinful that as early as Isaiah 6, God curses them. And what once was plain and simple became precept upon precept, line upon line. Here a little, there a little. This is also why Jesus spoke in parables. But I\'m talking about Apollyon."

"Apollyon... Abbadon! I see. Apollyon is a demon that was released into the world in Revelation 9. Right when they started blowing the Trumpets that broke these seals!" Lynd recalled.

"Yes. Apollyon is sealed on Earth. Not in the material plane, but on a spiritual one."

"A dimension like heaven?"

"No. It\'s easier to get there. Should the Primordial seek Apollyon\'s hiding place, he will find it here. But you can\'t imagine what he must endure getting here. And he fears the Cherubim that guards the place."

"Cherubim? The one that guards Eden? Then that means... Apollyon is sealed in the Garden of Eden!"

"Yes. But don\'t get too excited. Even Primes can\'t find that place here."

"But is this it? The entire reason why the Primordial built his empire and even allowed wars to happen is so that people will arise and develop techs to help him get to heaven?"

"Yes. That was also the intention of the Nefilus Beast Apollyon. That was what prompted him to teach his first disciple what to do. And together, they built the Tower of Babel!"


"Yes. Nimrod. The Primordial. My greatest enemy." The old man smiled and glanced up to the skies.

"Good luck trying to find me, you old coot. You won\'t ever find it in that dimension!" The Progenitor taunted.

At the taunt, everyone felt a strange sensation. It was as if things went wrong, and they felt afraid and confused.

"What is happening?!" Seeker asked.

"Don\'t worry. Little ol\' Nimrod is throwing a tantrum. He knows the door to heaven has opened and can\'t find it."

"So he\'s moving?! But I thought the time had stopped?!" Meryl asked.

"How can this Primordial move if time stopped?" Meryl asked again.

"Time may have stopped, but time isn\'t constant. It\'s a malleable element that can be bent and altered, just like metal. You know gravity affects the flow of time. And so, stopping time isn\'t going to stop the Primordial. Top Tier Principals could even alter the flow of time and reverse it. That\'s what Dimensional Purging is."

Meryl\'s expression continued to wear a confused face.

"Anyway, Nimrod and Apollyon. These two are quite a team. Before I go, I\'ll tell you the real tale of their meeting. To do that... We\'d have to go a few hundred years back and talk about Creation, the Fall, and finally, the flood!"

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