
Chapter 55 - The Fox Is A Gracious Host

The First Prince smiled as all eyes turned towards him. He was holding on to the arm of a beautiful woman, elegantly dressed, with several golden hairpins hanging from her hair. She looked like a Queen Consort already. 

This wasn\'t the woman from the engagement ceremony. Chu Yun hadn\'t gotten close enough, but he knew without a doubt, that that woman had been a beta. This one was clearly an omega. Possibly one of the first concubines the First Prince took when he established his household.

For some reason, the King was determined that the First Prince\'s principal wife should be someone else -- even though this woman clearly acted as if the position was hers by right.

Chu Yun hid a private smile behind his fan. There would be trouble in the First Prince\'s household soon. The King had ensured his heir would never know a moment\'s peace inside his own house. It was obvious by the haughty jut of this woman\'s chin that she would make the life of the Prince\'s new bride a living hell.

To say nothing of the beautiful young man trailing behind the two of them, his head demurely lowered. He was finely dressed too, but in a way that signalled a high-ranking servant, not a concubine.

In the dark of night, his resemblance to Gu Wei was even more striking.

"We\'re very glad his First Highness found his way to us, nonetheless," Chu Yun said, fanning himself.

The First Prince shot him a curious look, his eyes lingered in a way Chu Yun didn\'t appreciate. Was this man confusing him with one of his whores? Was he under the impression that because Chu Yun was married to his brother his affections somehow extend to any alpha? Or was it just an extension of his obsession with Gu Wei?

Xiao Zai moved in front of Chu Yun, hiding him from his brother\'s view. "Perhaps we should go inside?" he said, although he was addressing Xiao Ziyi and not the First Prince.

She was clearly uncomfortable with Xiao Yuan\'s presence, and left towards the reception room without as much as a backwards glance.

Xiao Zai took the initiative of holding on to Chu Yun\'s arm himself, and steered him towards the pavilion. "I should have known he would worm his way in too."

Chu Yun made a noncommittal sound of agreement. He had known there was a possibility the First Prince would show up, and had planned accordingly.


Inside the reception hall the guests were mingling, while the musicians Chu Yun hired played the guqin and pipa in the corner. Zui music was far too sombre and funeral for his tastes but at least it wasn\'t grating. 

Besides, most of the guests couldn\'t care less about the entertainment. Everyone shot the First Princess and her modest retinue curious glances, although no one dared approach her. The First Prince\'s entry was met with much more open gawking, after all, unlike his sister, he liked the attention.

Xiao Zai stood by Chu Yun\'s corner, fuming silently. If Chu Yun didn\'t do anything, he would be upstaged by his older brother\'s mere presence, at his own feast. 

Chu Yun nodded towards Hua Nanyi who approached him quietly. "Go serve the First Prince the plum wine," he said, and then, holding her back by the forearm added, "the really strong one."

Hua Nanyi nodded once, and went to do as Chu Yun told her.

"What are you trying to do?" Xiao Zai asked, one of his sharp brows arching up into his hairline.

Chu Yun gave him a look from above the arch of his fan. "Do you want to address our guests with a speech?"

"No," Xiao Zai said, through gritted teeth. 

"Then we have to make everyone realise that your brother\'s tendency to draw attention to himself isn\'t actually a good thing."

In short, Chu Yun wanted a repeat of Xiao Yuan\'s performance at his own engagement ceremony. Xiao Zai might be quiet and antisocial, with the kind of closed-off demeanour that reminded one of a long winter night, but at least he didn\'t make a public spectacle of himself. 

A King carried on their shoulders their nation\'s dignity. Chu Yun wanted the fine flower of Zui to take a good hard look at what their future entailed.

While Hua Nanyi kept plying the First Prince and his guests with strong spirits, Chu Yun took Xiao Zai around to at least exchange a few words with their guests.

The Minister of revenue, a portly man with a stick-thin wife would not stop gushing about what they had done with the place.

"It seems impossible that just last month our carriage drove through these streets, and I told my dear A-Ying that this estate was a pockmark on our beautiful city\'s face," he said, shaking his head. "To think I said I wished the King would order it demolished," he chuckled to himself. "Clearly, someone as low as me can\'t fathom his Majesty\'s clarity of vision."

Chu Yun grit his teeth and made his way to the next pair. So, his tireless efforts to turn the dump he was gifted into an actually liveable place was a credit to the King of Zui? These wolves had some nerve.

He felt fingers wrapping around his own, closing over the tight grip he had on his fan. "You didn\'t think they would start singing our praises this soon, did you?" Xiao Zai asked, smiling ruefully.

Chu Yun hadn\'t, and he had been prepared to invest some time into his plans from the beginning, but it still rankled. He hated not being appreciated, as petulant as it was.

They made the rounds through a few more couples who shared similar appreciation for what they had managed to do with the place in such a short time. Chu Yun smiled and accepted the compliments graciously but didn\'t say much, throwing Xiao Zai into the deep and forcing him to come up with something to tell these people.

Hua Nanyi approached him, after a few minutes of this. "He\'s beyond drunk," she whispered, tilting her head towards the First Prince.

Chu Yun believed her assessment, and cast only a cursory glance in his direction. "Good, now take the Princess outside," Chu Yun said, keeping his voice low. "Tell her I want her to see the courtyard, and keep her there."

Hua Nanyi left as silently as she appeared. 

Chu Yun took Xiao Zai by the sleeve and said, "Let\'s go keep your brother company." 

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