
Chapter 2366 The return of the greatest

Chapter 2366  The return of the greatest

If it wasn\'t for him, then maybe Layla, Minny and the others would have never survived before Sil arrived. At the same time, they never got to see the full extent of the powers of Russ when using the black sword, because he had already run out of MC cells when it came to facing H.

"I\'ll be honest, I am surprised to see you here." Chris said.

Although the two of them hardly got directly involved, Pure was around during the time of the Chained, and knew they were one of the large forces before they had been defeated by Quinn and his gang.

"Is it really that surprising?" Peter said with his arms folded. "I heard that he had actually decided to save Sil, and wasn\'t it because he let Sil touch him that he was able to defeat H?"

Peter was just repeating what he had heard, and from Minny of all people. His words had silenced the room and Russ had even looked down to the ground.

\'Wait, that\'s right?\' Layla thought. \'Back then, I tried to force Russ\'s hand to help Sil, but he had eventually made the decision to save him. Maybe he isn\'t one we have to worry about so much after all.\'

"Please don\'t remind me." Russ said. "I have relived that moment in my head too many times before, and If I could I would have taken back that decision."

When Sil and Russ made eye contact though, Sil just smiled at him, despite his words. This just angered Russ even more, because it was hard to hate Sil of all people, why did he have to be one of the few Blades that were still left, then maybe he would still have a goal in his head.

If anything, Russ\' anger was rising due to the fact that he was unable to hate Sil as much as he wished.

"Damn it!" Russ shouted. "Where was what I asked for?"

"Don\'t worry." Muka interrupted. "He will be here, after all what you requested will not just help you but it will help us as well, just be patient, he should arrive soon."

The room went into an awkward silence once again while they were waiting for this mysterious person to arrive, and wondered what was even Russ\' request in the first place.

Meanwhile, his eyes started to linger on something that was in Layla\'s possession, hanging there around her waist. Before he knew it, his own feet were walking toward her. That was when Peter had decided to step out in front.

"What do you think you\'re doing?" Peter asked, with his hand held out. "You know, I\'m not afraid to kick your arse if you try to get close to her."

Russ couldn\'t help but chuckle at the comment. Were all of these people in the room taking him for a fool, did they all suddenly think they could beat him? The only one he felt that he would struggle against was Sil, and that was because he had his power as well, but that was soon to change.

"That sword, the black one." Russ motioned his eyebrows and eyes toward it. "It was thanks to my power and it that we were able to defeat the Dalki that nearly annihilated all of us. Don\'t you think that it would be better if it was in my possession."

Immediately, Layla placed her hand on the sword, she felt like at any moment that Russ was going to steal it from her. Lifting his hand, it started to transform and turned into what looked like a Dalki\'s.

He grabbed onto the wrist of Peter, holding it tight.

"I would calm down a little, remember we are on the same side. You guys want me to risk my life in all of this, to give the best chance for this unvierse\'s survival, then isn\'t the answer obvious. If that sword is in my possession, then it will give us a better chance. It would be useless to leave a weapon like that here.

"It\'s not like she\'s going to need it."

"We can\'t be sure that\'s the case." Muka said. "What if there is an attack here while everyone else is away, and besides, we are already complying with one of your requests."

Although the conversation seemed to have ended there, for Layla actually, she was giving it a lot of thought. The words of Russ had gotten to her. If they really wanted to do everything they could, then they would need the power that Russ summoned.

"Hey, didn\'t you guys just say that Sil got the same power as Russ?" Chris said. "So doesn\'t that mean that it could also be used in Sil\'s hands as well."

"Then that would be a waste!" Russ immediately said. He was waiting for this argument to come up. "You see, Sil is already "If you were to use it the same way I did, then I am afraid Sil would no longer be able to use the powers the way he used to before. incredibly strong, and his power allows him to use multiple powers, but you see that sword, it was the power to negate abilities.

"If you were to use it the same way I did, then I am afraid Sil would no longer be able to use the powers the way he used to before. Whereas for me, it would be more of a last resort, and an additional power."

The others actulley thought that Russ made a good point, but it wasn\'t their sword to give in the first place, in the end the decision lay with Layla, and surprisingly she had pulled the sword along with the scabbard out.

The sword was held sideways and she walked past Peter holding it toward Russ.

"You did protect us, you helped us back then, and I hope that you use the sword to do the same again. Russ… this is bigger than all of us, this is bigger than our individual grudges. It\'s bigger than just me wanting Quinn back, and I hope you can see that."

Once Layla\'s little speech was done, he wasted no time snatching the sword out of her hand.

"I knew you would come back to me one way or another." Russ said, placing it around his side.

"Remember, that is to go back to her." Peter said, with menacing eyes.

"Look, you are all strong." Muka sari letting out a big sigh. "That\'s why you are all here, so can we just put the strength measuring contest down for a moment, and use all this pent up energy to fight the enemy."

Once again, the group could hear the sound of footsteps coming again. They were light and elegant but had an odd rhythm, as if one was struggling to walk.

"Oh, it looks like the one you requested is here." Muka said.

Finally, coming through those doors they were going to see what deal Russ had made. Bursting through and standing right by the door right in front of them, was a woman they could only imagine, but it was one they had seen before.

The group turned their head to look at Muka, and then back at the person that had just entered the room.

"Mu— another Muka!" Edvard said surprised.

"Hey…I might look like her but I\'m not her! I\'m the best forger in the world." The other Muka said.



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