
Chapter 181 181- Blood Eye Dagger (Part 2)

Chapter 181- Blood Eye Dagger (Part 2)

Quickly, he opened his shadow domain again and out of it, he summoned another creature he had killed before. This creature was particularly a type of bird that could be found in the forests of the Academy\'s grounds.

The reason he summoned one of them is the attribute of their powers. These birds can control the air current to a certain extent.

Even though the power in and out of itself wasn\'t that strong or versatile but it was still quite potent with the speed of these creatures and their predatory tendencies which makes it a great assistance when they are hunting.

Since their powers are reliant on air manipulation, they can technically also move the air in and out.

\'This better work!\' Rin thought to himself as he looked at the majestic shadow bird standing in front of him at the moment. Its huge frame and long wings coupled with its featureless, black form made it look even more intimidating than its original form.

After making sure that it was small enough to fit this place, Rin ordered it to push the air inside the room to the corner and push the fresher air toward the unconscious citizens.

Instantly, the bird started working, jumping in the air, it started flapping its huge wings up and down with slow strokes. The airwaves created from each flap pushed all the smell and the bad air to the end of the corridor.

In record time, the room turned colder and the smell of feces lessened greatly. Not only that but even Rin started breathing better compared to before.

Eventually, Rin heard the sound he has been waiting for. Coughs coming from the unconscious citizens echoed in the room. One after the other, they started breathing audibly as if they are trying to find the air in the room.

\'Great!\' Rin beamed with hopeful happiness.

After that, he quickly opened the doors of the prison cells and woke up those he thought regained their consciousness. As for those that didn\'t or those that were still incapable of breathing, Rin had to manually do CPR for them.

Even though he knew that some of them will die whether he liked it or not, he still tried to do his best in saving as many of them as he could. It was a tough, horrible process that affected Rin as much as it affected the Citizens themselves.

Minutes passed with Rin moving from one Citizen to another and doing whatever he can to save them.

But, sadly, some of them had already died by the time he reached the place and so he couldn\'t do much in that regard. With a sad look on his face, laid them down gently and walked outside.

Out of the few hundred citizens crammed inside this prison, ten lost their souls.

Clicking his tongue, Rin stood in front of all the citizens of the city. Some of them were crying, while others were holding their loved ones and merely looking down, staring at their bodies, dead or alive.

The feeling of despair was apparent on their faces. After Rin had explained what happened, they lost all the color in their faces. A demon was akin to a bad omen for these people and so a demon that was going to kill them is nothing short of a disaster that befell them.

Staring at them, Rin took a deep breath and then said.

"I will be honest with all of you. I am not 100% confident that I will save everyone here. It\'s something beyond my capabilities. Whether everyone will be able to leave this mansion alive isn\'t certain. I can say all kinds of hopeful things to calm you down but the reality is often harsher than what we might think."

His words made the people\'s faces darken and become even more rigid than before. They knew that and yet hearing it again could only make their fears strengthen.

"Mama, I don\'t want to die..." A child said to his mother. Tears had welled up on his face.

"D-Don\'t worry, we won\'t die..." The mother tried to calm him down and hug him tightly to reassure him. But, in truth, even she wasn\'t certain about their survival, so she could only hug her child and cry, trying to console herself too.

Rin saw that and shook his head and continued with a serious face.

"But, that doesn\'t mean that I\'m the only one that can change that. You... All of you could also increase your chances. I, alone, am not enough."

"H-How can we even do anything?"

"W-We are w-weak in front of this horrible demon!"

However, Rin shook his head.

"That\'s not true. Everyone here can help. There is no need for you to fight nor face the demon. All I want you to do is this..."

After that, Rin went ahead and laid out the plan he came up with during the time he tried to save everyone there.

It was by no means a full-proof plan but it was still the best he could think of in this short span of time he had before Cid realized that he infiltrated this place.

After he ended his explanation, Rin made sure that everyone was ready and then ordered them to do what he asked of them.

\'Let\'s see if our little trick would work.\'

After that, Rin jumped into his shadow and then left the place. The reason he did was that he finally received the good news he was looking for.

\'One of the summons found a hidden treasury!\'

The place wasn\'t far from where he was now so he reached it quickly. The place was exactly one of the living rooms of the house.

The thing the summon was staring at was a particular painting hung up on the wall. It\'s giant size was already eye-catching enough but Rin was focused on the actual drawing itself. The art was that of a man holding an apple while sitting on a chair and crying visibly in pain.

\'Weird painting.\'

Then, Rin quickly examined it until he found a trigger. The moment he tapped on the apple, it was pushed back along with the sound of something clicking.

After that, the paint was suddenly pushed to the side as if it were an automatic door revealing an opening in the wall.

Quickly, Rin walked inside. The room he found himself in was rather small with shelves on both sides of it filled with all kinds of artifacts and ancient magical objects.

Each object emenated an impressive amount of mana. However, these things were mere irrelevant magic toys to Rin who had his eyes solely focused on something put on a pedestal right in the middle of the room.

The thing was a grey, plain dagger that could be considered mere rubbish thrown away by an inexperienced blacksmith during his trial and error phase. Its blade was cracked and broken, the handle was rusty, and lacked any kind of beautiful decorations to it.

However, Rin knew better than to judge a book by its cover. The feeling he got when he saw the dagger was something that he only felt once and that was when he first saw the Shadow Monarch Dagger.

The feeling of attraction to the dagger was as if it was calling for him.

Shaking his head, Rin stepped forward and reached with his hand to lift up the glass contained it was put inside. However, when his fingertips were about to touch it, he halted and then pulled out his dagger.


With one swing, he sliced the glass in two halves. The moment it fell to the ground it started melting as if the glass was some kind of hot lava.

\'Tsk, small tricks like this are dumb.\' He thought.

Trying to burn anyone who touches the glass was quite the interesting trap but Rin wasn\'t going to fall for it.

Finally, he reached out again and picked up the dagger. Rin made sure to not squeeze it too hard in fear of breaking it when its in such a fragile state.

\'Hm, its heavier than I thou-\'

His trail of thoughts was suddenly halted by a strong feeling of pain assaulting the hand that was touching the dagger. The moment he looked down at the origin of the pain, Rin\'s eyes widened.

At the end of the dagger from the handle\'s side, a needle like object had appeared and pierced his skin.

Rin could feel as it sucked some of his blood in.

\'Is this some kind of trigger?!\' He almost panicked when he realized the potential threat of the dagger trying to kill him because he touched it. However, none of that happened as the blood suction ended quickly as if the dagger had had enough of his blood.

Then, a faint red light appeared around the dagger along with a faint scent of mana.


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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