
Chapter 298 297: The Hunter Turned Prey Part 1

With the safety of their temporary shelter secured, Aron and Rose knew it was time to put their plan into motion. They ventured to higher ground, seeking a vantage point that would allow them to monitor the movements around the beast monger settlement. The dense forest sprawled beneath them, an expanse of green interrupted only by the occasional glimmer of sunlight filtering through the leaves.

Rose activated her scouter once again, propelling it into the air. She adjusted its trajectory to hover above the beast monger settlement, its crystal helm capturing the activity below. Aron watched intently, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

As they waited, Aron found a spot on the edge of their elevated position, allowing the wind to dance upon his face. The cool breeze carried with it the scent of earth and foliage, a reminder of the untamed wilderness that surrounded them. Aron closed his eyes, grounding himself in the moment, his senses heightened and attuned to the environment.

Time seemed to stretch as they operated in silence, the weight of their mission heavy upon them. Rose\'s focus remained fixed on the scouter\'s display, her eyes darting between the different angles it provided. The image relayed back to her revealed the beast monger settlement, seemingly undisturbed.

But then, a flicker of movement caught Rose\'s attention. She leaned forward, squinting her eyes to get a better view. Two figures emerged from the settlement, their hurried steps indicating urgency. They were headed in the direction of their former camp.

Anticipation surged through Rose as she observed the scene. This was their chance, an opportunity to intercept and capture one of the beast mongers. She turned to Aron, her voice filled with keenness.

"We have movement," she said, her tone low but urgent. "Two figures are leaving the settlement, heading towards our former camp. This might be your best opportunity to strike."

Aron\'s eyes snapped open, his focus shifting to Rose. He analyzed the situation and nodded, his expression confident.

"They\'re expecting to find a weakened Jin," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mockery. "But instead, they\'ll come face to face with me. Let\'s see how I fair in true combat with one of my kind."

Aron stood at the edge of the elevated ground, his mana fluctuating as he prepared to confront the beast mongers. The air around him crackled with energy, and his presence alone seemed to fill the surrounding woodland with an intimidating aura. Rose, staring at him, couldn\'t help but feel a mix of amazement and concern at his unwavering fortitude.

Their eyes met, and Aron spoke with firm tenacity. "Keep observing from here," he instructed, his voice strong. "Warn me if anything uncalled for occurs."

Rose nodded in response, her gaze equally firm. She understood the weight of her role and the importance of relaying information to Aron. With a final nod of affirmation, Aron propelled himself off the high ground, gracefully descending into the dense forest below.

Moving with a primal grace, Aron maneuvered through the woodland, his steps precise and deliberate. His muscular frame seemed to blend effortlessly with the natural surroundings, his presence an embodiment of both predator and protector. The intensity in his eyes mirrored the determination that burned within him, as he closed the distance between himself and the unsuspecting beast mongers.

As the two beast mongers, a tall male and a fierce female, arrived at the former camp, their excitement and overconfidence were palpable. The male, whose primal features were etched onto his rugged face, let out a triumphant yell that echoed through the forest. The female, equally wild in appearance, began knocking over trees with a raw display of strength.

"They ran away," the male beast monger declared, his voice filled with arrogance. "But the trail should still be fresh. Let\'s find them."

The female, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, agreed with a feral grin. "I can\'t wait to tear them apart."

The male, sensing a faint presence of mana in the air, thought he had discovered their prey and eagerly rushed in the direction he believed Jin and his companions had fled.

Meanwhile, the female expressed her impatience, wanting to pursue immediately. However, before she could voice her dissatisfaction, a moment of silence was shattered by a resounding crash. The male was sent flying backward, his body colliding with a tree with a bone-crushing impact.

The female\'s eyes widened in surprise as she turned her attention to the direction the male had rushed in. Her gaze was met by an imposing figure, emanating an aura of power that seemed to consume the very air around him. It was Aron, standing tall and unyielding, his eyes fixed upon his adversaries.

In that moment, the female beast monger realized that they were the ones who should be afraid.

The female beast monger\'s eyes widened with fear as her male companion lay immobile, his body crushed against a tree by a single clash with Aron. The realization of their vulnerability washed over her, freezing her in place while her instincts urged her to flee. Aron, his expression a mix of surprise and disdain, looked upon the fallen beast monger and came to a sudden understanding.

"You\'re nothing but children," Aron remarked, his voice laced with a touch of disappointment. "Children who think they can play with forces they don\'t understand."

The female, her pride wounded, let out a low growl and attempted to regain her composure. She crouched down, baring her fangs and slashing at Aron with a wild and desperate attack. But Aron remained unfazed, his movements precise and calculated. With an effortless motion, he caught the female\'s face in his firm grip, lifting her off the ground and suspending her in the air.

She struggled and protested, the desperation evident in her eyes. Aron\'s grip tightened, his voice firm and unyielding.

"If you continue to struggle," he warned, his voice carrying a cold authority, "I will shatter your skull without a second thought."

The female\'s surprise was palpable as she realized that Aron could understand and speak their language. Fear flickered across her features as she issued a warning, attempting to salvage some semblance of control.

"My parents aren\'t far," she hissed, her voice laced with a mixture of defiance and dread. "They\'ll tear you apart for what you\'ve done."

Aron paid little attention to her threat, his focus honed on a more pressing matter. His voice held a commanding tone as he posed his question.

"Are the people you took from this place still alive?" Aron inquired, his voice cutting through the tension.

The female, still dangling in his grip, glanced at him cautiously before answering. Her voice carried a hint of uncertainty.

"They\'re alive," she replied, her words measured. "Their fate will be decided once our Jor returns."

Aron\'s eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information, "Where is this Jor?" Aron demanded, his voice sharp and commanding.

The female beast monger sneered, a mixture of anger and defiance in her expression. "Our Jor is our strongest member," she spat. "He could put the likes of you in your place. And he\'ll be returning soon from a great hunt."

Aron regarded her words with a calculating gaze. He didn\'t trust her claims about Jagu and the others, but he set that aside for now. His main focus was on this Jor and the potential threat he posed.

Ignoring her threats once again, Aron pondered his next move. He needed to leverage the situation. After a moment of contemplation, he made his decision.

Loosening his grip, Aron let the female drop to the ground. He then strode over to the unconscious male, effortlessly lifting him by the neck as if he were a sack.

The female\'s eyes widened in alarm as she witnessed Aron\'s display of strength. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation.

Aron paid her no heed and broke her ankle with a swift, calculated motion. She cried out in pain, clutching her injured limb. Aron\'s voice cut through her agony.

"Go back to your settlement," he instructed, his tone chilly. "Tell your parents to return with the people they took from here. If they don\'t, this one here dies."

The female hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with uncertainty. The weight of the situation pressed upon her, and the fear of losing her companion fueled her compliance. With a nod of understanding, she turned and limped away as fast as she could, her one good leg carrying her back towards the beast monger settlement.

As the female disappeared into the distance, Rose\'s scouter emerged from the shrubs, its crystal helm shining with a soft glow. Her voice resonated from the device, tinged with concern.

"Is this the best approach?" she asked. "Provoking their parents might bring even stronger adversaries. Are we prepared for that?"

Aron\'s gaze shifted towards the direction the female had gone, his expression resolute. "We have few options," he replied, his voice steady. "Besides, even if stronger beings arrive, I hold confidence in my ability to escape."

He turned to Rose\'s scouter, a flicker of grit in his eyes. "I\'ll use this time to prepare," he declared. "The female won\'t be able to return quickly with her injured leg. That presents me more than enough time to lay down a few formations."

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