
Chapter 75 State Of Epiphany

State of epiphany.

This was the state Eren was in right now after his breakthrough. In this state, he was connected to something that was known as higher consciousness.

Every question rankers had about their path could be answered in this mysterious state by the higher consciousness that was supposed to be all-knowing. A conversation with such consciousness was something that was sought-after by all the rankers.

This mysterious state of being wasn\'t something one could enter willingly under normal circumstances. It would only happen rarely. According to most rankers, epiphanies can occur when one is in desperate circumstances, undergoing breakthroughs, or practicing deep and secluded ranking techniques.

However, it was not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes rankers achieve the state of epiphany by doing mundane things.

The harnessers of mana could all enter the state of epiphany regardless of their gender, race, or inclinations. The higher consciousness was known to be impartial towards all those who could manage to make a connection with it.

This wondrous state was the reason behind many ranking inventions. It was the core reason behind the success of many well-established rankers.

Those who could enter this state were considered geniuses, prodigies, or just plain lucky depending upon how they made use of the instructions and guidance they had received in the state talking to higher consciousness.

The conversation with that omniscient consciousness was as mysterious as the fantastical state itself. There were no verbal exchanges. This was the transfer of pure thoughts.

Hence, the rankers who were in that state often didn\'t have complete control over themselves. They couldn\'t prioritize one doubt over the other, often resulting in them feeling dejected after they were kicked out of that state.

Only a few could keep their minds in check while they were in that state. Only a few could prioritize their questions and get the answers they were looking for from the higher consciousness.

Eren had been pulled into this state when he broke through into three stages at once, allowing him to enter the fourth stage of Meta rank. His two liquid mana cores were spinning about their axis while he felt a calming and serene sense wash over him.

Fortunately for him, the two beasts were long dead. And there were no predators in the vicinity, enabling him to indulge in this state without any interruptions. His subconscious mind could understand that he was put into a mysterious state and decided to make full use of it.

Unlike most rankers, Eren had better control of his faculties. His soul had visited the pantheon of infinities, enabling him to keep his logic and reasoning in check for the most part while finding his way into endlessness.

\'Seek and ye shall find.\'

Eren was met with a familiar thought. A known voice. It felt more distant to him than before, as if the connection with the pantheon of infinities was being interrupted by something.

He felt like he did not have enough time to maintain a channel of communication with this being that was nothing more than a thought based on his limited perception. As if the higher consciousness had only facilitated his communication with the pantheon of infinities.

Eren felt like he was drunk. Although his mind was working in the right direction, he felt like he couldn\'t articulate what he wanted to say or ask with proper words. Even so, his condition was better than most entities that were even more sloshed when conversing with the higher consciousness.

\'I… I want you to show me how I can make the most use of the gift I\'ve been bestowed with. I want you to guide me on the path I have chosen for myself.\'

Eren said to the being that was still lingering in the same ethereal space he was summoned to. He somehow was able to convey his next set of thoughts that he had conceptualized after remembering the last conversation he had with the pantheon of infinities.

\'I… I don\'t want to see infinite answers. At least not now. I want to learn about only limited ways in which I could make use of my gift and walk steadfastly on my path.

I shall have infinite possibilities with limited knowledge.

In limited ways, my infinite progress shall be revealed.

In limited answers, my infinite questions shall be answered.\'

Eren said to himself, hoping his intentions reach the pantheon of infinities just the way he wanted them to. For a moment, everything was quiet. He also felt as if he was pulling away from this ethereal state without receiving any answers to his questions.

Just when he thought that there were no gains to be had in the conversation, he started receiving an array of thoughts that overloaded his consciousness in a jiffy. They were so many that Eren would have to read through them for weeks on end and they wouldn\'t be finished.

Yet, they were not infinite. They were the core answers Eren was looking for. They were the answers that didn\'t freeze his mind or make him feel helpless.

Fragments of memories related to unknown entities that were, are or would be part of this world or infinite other worlds. Knowledge about mysterious ways in which mana could be harnessed. Some known paths. A wide range of unknown and strange points of view that did not always make sense.

When Eren was pulling away from his epiphany, he processed all those thoughts and only held on to a few that he could remember. Thoughts that he had found useful. Memories that he judged to make more sense for the current him.

He held onto those thoughts with all his mental fortitude. And managed to take them away with him as his consciousness returned to the world of Gilaahan.

Eren opened his eyes slowly and looked around. He spread his mana sense around him to check his surroundings. Everything was just the way it was. It was as if he was in the mysterious state for only a few seconds before it all got over.

Eren took a deep breath and checked himself out. He was still the same. Yet, he could feel that his body stats had been enhanced and one of his mana cores held more mana reserves than previously.

When Eren recalled some of the thoughts he had received during his epiphanic state, he couldn\'t help but smile.

\'Artifact smithing, huh!\'

Eren mumbled to himself as he revised some of the concepts about artifacts smithing in his head. This was the answer he had found most suited for himself out of the possibilities he was made aware of.

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