
Chapter 813 - 813

As Ayanna\'s car drove into their driveway, she spotted her husband getting out of his car,

He had clearly noticed that she had just pulled up into their property as he waited patiently outside their front door.

As soon as her car stopped at the front of the house, she thanked her driver and quickly got out.

"Be careful, you might trip." Ray teased as she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too darling." Ray said as he lowered his head, capturing her sweet lips in his.

After a few passionate seconds they broke their kiss and Ayanna giggled like a teenager. She was both nervous and excited at the same time. She had no idea what to expect.

She knew that Ray would be more than happy to know they were expecting, but he would be mad that she kept the news from him for a while.

"Let\'s get inside." Ray said as he picked her up bridal style and kissed her on the lips once more making Ayanna laugh.

"Why are you so romantic today?" She asked her husband as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It feels like a great day." He said with a grin as he walked into the house with her in his arms.

Ayanna thought that he would only be carrying her inside their house, she was surprised when he carried her up the stairs into their bedroom.

As soon as the door behind them closed, his lips found hers once more as Ray slowly made his way to the bed, placing her down gently.

He let his kisses trail from her lips and down her neck eliciting a moan from her lips.

"I love the sounds you make when you want me." Ray teased as he nibbled on her ear and his free hand found her breast.

Lost in their passion Ayanna couldn\'t help but want more. She wanted to feel her husband in her, to pleasure her, to make her scream his name over and over.

As she felt Ray tug on her pants to slip it off of her, she was quickly brought back to her senses, making her sit up.

"Ray, wait." Ayanna said as she placed her hand on his hard chest.

"Mmmm, what\'s wrong?" Ray said with a frown, clearly frustrated that they weren\'t able to have sex.

"I need to talk to you about something." Ayanna said in a serious tone.

"Can\'t it wait?" Ray said as he began to trail kisses along her neck.

"No." Ayanna said, making Ray pull away and sit up. 

"Well this better either be important or better than sex, because if it isn\'t darling, I\'m going to have to punish you tonight." He teased with a wink.

"Oh trust me, this is better and more important." Ayanna said with a chuckle as she moved back to rest her head on the head board.

"Okay, what is it then?" Ray asked as he held her hand, playing with their intertwined fingers.

"Ray, we\'re pregnant." Ayanna said with a sweet smile.

"W- what?" Ray said as she shook his head in disbelief. 

"You\'re gonna be a dad, Ray." Ayanna said as she hopped on his lap and kissed him on the lips.

"Really?" Ray asked. They had been trying for a while now and they had even gone to fertility clinics to find out why they couldn\'t conceive.

There wasn\'t anything wrong with either of them, it just seemed like their timing just wasn\'t right.

"This isn\'t a prank right?" Ray asked as he looked at his wife.

"No Ray, I\'m pregnant." Ayanna told him.

Ray cupped her face in his hands and gently caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"I\'m gonna be a father." He said as the realization hit him.

Ayanna nodded as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

"How far along?" Ray asked as he placed a hand on Ayanna\'s flat belly.

"A little over two months." Ayanna told Ray with a tender smile.

"And how long have you known?" Ray asked her.

Ayana hesitated as she knew her husband would get mad that she didn\'t tell him from the moment she found out.

"A month." Ayanna confessed.

"A month?" Ray repeated in disbelief. "A month? And you were in that bunker, Ayanna." Ray groaned as his words left him.

"I wanted to still be able to work." Ayanna explained.

"Who knows?" Ray asked with a frown. "Who knew before me?" He clarified his question.

"My dad, Yoyo, and my brother." Ayanna told her husband.

"Even my nephew found out before me?" Ray asked in disbelief.

"Well dad and Yoyo were both accidents, it was only Cedric that I intentionally told." Ayanna explained.

"How did that kid even keep the secret?" Ray asked.

Ayanna laughed at his question.

"That\'s exactly what my brother asked when I told him." Ayanna said as she shook her head.

"Okay, from now on you are not leaving this house." Ray said in a stern tone. "I don\'t want you exerting yourself or getting hurt."

"Ray no!" Ayanna said angrily. "This is exactly why I didn\'t tell you yet, you\'re on overprotective mode! I cannot simply stay at home."

"I will not risk you getting stressed with work, or potentially meeting an accident." Ray insisted. "I will give Cedric a call tomorrow to tell him that you won\'t be going to work."

"He won\'t let you stop me." Ayanna argued back. "We agreed, I can go to work as long as we move in with them temporarily." 

"And why would we move to a house that is literally right next door?" Ray asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Cedric said for safety reasons." Ayanna told him.

All of a sudden Ray\'s phone began to ring, making him curse.

"This conversation isn\'t over." Ray said as he took the phone out of his pocket.

"No, Ray. I am not staying home doing nothing. I spoke to my brother about this and he agreed that I should work." Ayanna insisted.

"Speak of the devil." Ray said as he showed his wife his phone. 

It was Cedric that was calling.

"I\'ll give him a piece of my mind once he tells me what he needs. This conversation isn\'t over.." Ray warned as he got out of bed and answered Cedric\'s call.

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