
Chapter 186 The Power Of Fray's Rune

Surrounded on all sides by the immense expanse of towering ice formations, Fray found himself in a dire predicament. The frozen landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, its icy tendrils reaching out to entrap him. An overwhelming horde of pale monsters closed in, their gnarled claws and jagged teeth bared in a relentless assault. The chilling winds whipped through Fray\'s hair, numbing his skin, but he stood resolute, his axe gripped tightly in his hands. His muscles tensed, and his expression hardened looking at the upcoming monsters with cold unfazed eyes.

As the monsters lunged at him from every direction, Fray\'s axe cleaved through their ranks with precision and strength. Each swing created a symphony of steel meeting flesh, the sound echoing across the desolate landscape. The ground beneath his feet became a canvas of death, stained with the blood and body parts of the fallen monsters.

With every strike, the frozen landscape trembled. The ground cracked beneath the weight of their skirmish, sending shards of ice and snow spiraling into the air. Fray\'s relentless assault carved a path of destruction through the horde, but the monsters showed no signs of faltering. They pressed on, their pale forms an unrelenting tide.

Suddenly, a monstrous creature leaped at Fray with its massive mouth agape and gnarled claws outstretched. In a swift motion, Fray swung his axe, meeting the creature mid-air. The impact reverberated through the surroundings, the clash of metal against flesh echoing like thunder.

Amidst the chaos, a realization struck Fray. There seemed to be no escape from this relentless assault. The looming threat of the larger monster, positioned strategically among the ranks of the pale creatures, weighed heavily on his mind. 

"I have to use it," Fray muttered to himself. Closing his eyes, he initiated the first phase of merging with his spirit, Narod. His black hair grew longer, and his muscles bulged with power.

"Nahl " Fray mumbled with a low voice, Summoning forth his second spirit, Nahl, Fray called upon the towering black beast. Nahl understood its purpose and positioned itself before Fray, ready to shield him from the ceaseless onslaught of monsters.

"Nahl, protect me," Fray commanded, his voice filled with resolve.

Nahl responded with a thunderous roar, swinging its colossal ax with a blend of grace and brutality. The air crackled with the force of each strike, sending shockwaves through the horde. It cleaved through multiple monsters at once, creating a whirlwind of devastation. Dark energy trailed in the wake of its axe, leaving a haunting imprint on the frozen air. The sheer force behind each strike sent rows upon rows of monsters toppling like dominos.

Monsters converged upon Nahl, their gnarled claws and jagged teeth gnashing in an attempt to remove this formidable obstacle from their path. But Nahl moved with an agility that defied its size, evading attacks with swift, graceful maneuvers. Its presence was an imposing barrier, allowing Fray a brief respite from the relentless onslaught.

Taking advantage of Nahl\'s protection, Fray swiftly stowed his axe in his storage ring, his mind focused on the ultimate skill he possessed. With a hushed whisper of the word "Steloria," a radiant light emanated from Fray\'s right shoulder. The Runic word, ablaze with white energy, flowed like liquid across his arm, intertwining with the sinews and veins beneath his skin. They pulsed with a vibrant energy, resonating with the depths of his being. Each symbol held a hidden purpose, bound by one shared objective: to unleash the ultimate skill.

Fray\'s eyes curled into a cold grin as he raised his right hand, fingers curled into a fist. The air around him compressed, creating a heavy pressure that hung in the frigid atmosphere. It was a testament to the immense power he was about to unleash. His eyes locked onto the towering monster lurking amidst the horde.

Meanwhile, high above the battlefield, Montaser soared through the frosty air, his keen gaze fixed upon the jagged cracks and crevices that marred the icy surface. The biting wind whipped around him, carrying flecks of snow that obscured his vision. The urgency to find his comrade, Fray, fueled his determination, pushing him forward.

Following the path of the crack that had swallowed Fray, Montaser\'s eyes darted from one fracture to another. With each passing moment, his heart quickened, fueled by the bond of friendship and the need to reunite with his companion.

Finally, as he neared the end of the cracked path, Montaser\'s sharp eyes caught a glimpse of movement amidst the swirling snow. He squinted, straining to see through the blizzard\'s assault. There, amidst the chaos, he spotted the enormous mass of pale monsters converging on a central point.

Montaser\'s heart raced as he recognized the dire situation unfolding before him. Without hesitation, he adjusted his flight path, descending towards the epicenter of the encroaching horde. As he drew closer, his eyes widened at the sheer magnitude of the amassed monsters, their ghastly forms blending with the snowy landscape.

"Master... I hope you\'re okay," Montaser murmured with a worried expression, his voice carried away by the wind.

As Montaser closed in on the scene, a deafening roar followed by a powerful shockwave rose from the ground. The air trembled and the storm was completely shattered by the massive wave, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. A fierce pressure tore through the space, shattering the forms of the monsters below. Body parts and piles of blood were sent flying high enough to reach Montaser\'s elevation. The wave spread like a massive explosion, creating an overwhelming display of destruction.

The high frozen formations crumbled to the ground, their majestic beauty replaced by chaos. The frozen ground cracked, growing towering shards of ice that pierced the sky. The larger monster, witnessing the approaching attack, let out a terrified roar and attempted to flee. However, the pressure tide quickly caught up to it, completely shattering its body to pieces.

Montaser watched the scene unfold in astonishment as the wave faded. He looked down at the ground below, which now resembled a shattered canvas. Deep fissures snaked across the icy terrain, and massive chunks of ice and snow were flung into the air, suspended for a brief moment before crashing back down with resounding thuds. The once pristine white expanse had transformed into a battlefield, marred by destruction.

The impact zone resembled a desolate wasteland, with a barren expanse stretching out in all directions. The once teeming horde of monsters now lay scattered in a lake of their own blood, their bodies broken and motionless. The sheer devastation wrought by Fray\'s unleashed power had effectively halted their advance, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable.

" This power .." Montaser\'s eyes shifted to Fray, who stood amidst the aftermath, the symbols on his arm still pulsating with residual energy. Amazement and relief flooded Montaser\'s being.

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