
Chapter 3 Genius Assassin Transmigrating To Ancient Times 2.0

Whenever Xu-di and the twins visited, the new Wei Yun\'er would put on a mask and sit on her wheelchair. She would never let them and the second prince know that their plan to end Wei Yun\'er\'s life only ended up in her transmigrating over!

The stepmother and half siblings soon began to notice the changes in Wei Yun\'er. She was no longer the sweet girl she used to be and only gave them the cold shoulder whenever they visited so they reduced the number of times they went over to the isolated courtyard.

It must be because of the accident that she changed and the twins didn\'t want her to get the wrong idea that they were mocking her by flaunting their beauty in front of her so they stopped visiting altogether.

Soon enough, it was time for the annual imperial palace banquet and that was where the transmigrator met the second \'special one\'. He was the fourth prince, Xian Taiwen.

Xian Taiwen was a cold, ruthless general. His reputation as being the youngest formidable general spread far and wide and invoked fear in the hearts of his enemies.

It was rumored that a minister once looked him in the eyes and three days later, the said minister was found dead in his(the minister\'s) precious koi fish pond.

At the banquet, the twins dressed elegantly, befitting their status as noble daughters but Wei Yun\'er, couldn\'t care less for a dumb ancient banquet, so she offhandedly picked a plain white dress and a couple of silver hairpins as she sat upon her wheel chair, straight backed, with her mask on.

When Xian Taiwen walked into the hall, he locked eyes with the masked girl on the wheel chair. The girl in question stared back at him in arrogance and defiance, daring him to keep staring and his heart shook. He was enraptured.

She was different from the other noble ladies. Her looks were so simple and even hidden behind a mask, she gave him a very refreshing feeling. No one had ever dared look him straight in the eyes without fear, this masked lady was truly intriguing.

After the banquet, Xian Taiwen sent his shadow guards to find out everything they could about the masked lady. Wen Yun\'er soon became aware of his movements but let him be. Anyways her motto was that for whoever did her good she would repay ten fold and whoever did her harm she would still repay ten fold.

The fourth prince had done nothing alarming yet so she would let him play around. Sooner than later, they became acquainted and then they became intimately acquainted. She was from the 24th century anyways so she had no scruples about virtues and virginity.

He found out her goal for revenge and promised to help her out, just as she promised to help him to the throne as long as he accepted no other in his harem.

Even if Xian Taiwen could easily investigate the Wei family and find out the truth, he said nothing. Who told the Wei family to annoy his woman? They could only wait for death since they dared!

Soon enough, it was discovered that the first daughter of the Wei family had amazing talent and was a genius doctor so she was held up in high prestige everywhere. No one except the Wei family twins and Xu-di questioned her sudden medical knowledge.

But Wei Yun\'er offhandedly said she\'d been taught by a wandering reclusive master.

So the Wei family trio were harshly rebuked by Wei Yun\'er\'s die hard fans as being jealous and full of malicious intentions. The Emperor soon died and the fight for the throne was in full swing. As promised, Wei Yun\'er helped Xian Taiwen to win the fight for the throne by winning him the support of the common people.

In return, general Wei was framed alongside the second prince and throne into jail with the rest of his family. Wei Yun\'er visited them and before their confused eyes, she stood up from her wheel chair and took off her mask to reveal her, smooth, beautiful face.

Gloating and calling out the various injustice she endured at their hands. Even when Xu-di and her twins tried to explain that they truly had no hand in her predicament back then, she refused to listen.

Wei Luo, now fifteen, finally received news of his family\'s dire state and rushed down the mountain towards the capital. He didn\'t go very far as Wei Yun\'er\'s followers were already on the lookout for him and ambushed him, beating him up and leaving him for dead.

He was picked up by a kind hearted hunter but unfortunately, didn\'t get to live for long and died two hours later.

As for the rest of the Wei family, after their coronation and wedding, the new Emperor and Empress publicly condemned them and put them to death by boiling in hot oil.

Xu-di and the twins cried and pleaded but Wei Yun\'er just watched on with a satisfied smirk. The general on the other hand was too drained to cry out. He\'d given his all for the nation only to end up being branded as a traitor by the emperor and his own DAUGHTER!

That wasn\'t all. Their dead bodies weren\'t even spared as they were stripped and speared with sticks from their mouth to lower opening and then placed just outside the capital for the people to mock and spit on anytime they entered or left the capital.

Who told them to be traitors and also maltreat their beloved empress, who was also a well known medicine genius? To think that they once admired the general, BAH! What a disgrace he was, how disgusting!

He Yuan looked around the hunter\'s hut and sighed again. He\'d come in at the point Wei Luo was killed. The Wei family were in jail and things were almost past the point of no return.

This experience was truly an eye opener for him. The future Wei Yun\'er suddenly transmigrated into a different era and instead of trying to find out more information, she based off her judgement on a narrow, simpleminded girl\'s memories.

The laughable part was that she had a motto that proudly stated \'I would repay good and evil tenfold each.\' According to her motto, what had Wei Luo done to her or the former host? She wasn\'t even the real Wei Yun\'er and she went about claiming right and trying to \'righteously\' punish \'evil.\'

What a joke.

Even if you want to help someone out. At least get your facts right! He Yuan was so infuriated.

And that Xian Taiwen, he was even more laughable. You kill a minister who mistakenly locked eyes with you and when a random stranger looked straight in your eyes with an arrogant and condescending attitude... You fall in love.

What a hypocrite.

Not just that. As a prince who had adequate noble upbringing right from birth, you stared at a lady who was inappropriately dressed to an imperial palace banquet, thereby disrespecting the royal hosts, and call her refreshing.

What an idiot.

And of course the dumb prince would find Wei Yun\'er different and intriguing. Which noble lady from the ancient times would easily open their legs and sleep with him so shamelessly before marriage?

The girl clearly acted like a porn star from the 21st century and a veteran from the ancient red light district combined but he comfortably slid in and out. Satisfied by her amazing skills. He broke her hymen anyways so she must be pure and only knew these things because she was well read and incredibly talented.

What b*llshit!

He Yuan wasn\'t really against sleeping with whoever you want, his only problem was them being hypocritical about it. This was a different time frame with feudalism everywhere. Going against set laws so blatantly would only garner fierce resistance and hatred.

When Wei Yun\'er went against the laws, Xian Taiwen would turn a blind eye but if a daughter of a noble family was reported for displaying behaviour just 50% similar to Wei Yun\'er\'s wild ways, she would be severely punished.

In the end, the entire Wei family were just one of many collateral damages for Wei Yun\'er\'s and Xian Taiwen\'s sickening love story. No need for further thoughts. These ones were beyond saving and he would gladly drag them from grace to grass.

Now. To think of a plan~

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