
Chapter 212 Little Mandron Soldier 35

#LATEST SEX SCANDAL! Jin Family Business Giant, President Jin, And Yang Family Human Son, Yang Teng, Involved In Homosexual Relationship! *Disclaimer: NSFW Video attached at the end*

#OFFICER OF THE LAW TURNED SAVAGE CRIMINAL? MAA Reveals Plans To Sue Colonel Yang Zhi Over Creation Of False Identification and Forced Detainment Of A Mandron Female.

#JUST IN! Colonel Yang Zhi Arrested Alongside Daughter, Yang Liqin, Right In First Hospital On Charges Of Drug Peddling And Illegal Possession. Ding Family Declares, "We Shall Pursue This Case To The End And Uphold Justice!"

#SIBLINGS FIGHT OVER ONE MAN? Yang Family, Yang Xiang and Yang Teng Get Into An Intense Fist Fight At First Hospital Over Ownership Of Business Giant, President Jin!

#BREAKING NEWS! Yang Family, Yang Liu, Reportedly Seen Covered In Blood And Transported In An Ambulance Out Of The Ding Estate!

*UPDATE! Ding Family Release Statement Claiming The Yang Family\'s Daughter, Yang Liu, Had Schemed Her Way Into The Ding Estate On Pretext Of Sending Well Wishes Only To Sneak Off And Try To Interfere With General Ding\'s Recuperation. "We won\'t let this go!" Declares Mrs. Xia.

The entire Federation Network was on fire.

[[#FuGai: What did I just watch? How do I unsee this?!

#Aephar: Woke up this morning only to realize that the Federation Network had suddenly morphed into a weird online Yang family reality show.

#BingShiLing: Heard a few people at work discussing the Yangs. So;

*Me logging onto the Federation Network to see what the fuss was all about*

BOOM! *Getting smacked in the face by President Jin\'s sex tape*

#Aeda: Why is no one talking about the Mandron abduction news?

#FuGai: @Aeda A sex tape was released featuring President Jin with another man, a bloody person was towed away from the Ding estate on a stretcher, a Twelve-army Coalition Colonel is accused of drug peddling, two siblings; one male and one female were fighting over a man and what you\'re concerned about is a no name mandron? Tsk.

#GuWo: The Yang family are really amazing aren\'t they? So many male sl*ts. First the mandron son tried to seduce General Ding and now the human son successfully seduced President Jin. I wouldn\'t be surprised uf Colonel Yang ends up seducing yet another man!

#ICan\'tCryLoudEnough: Us girls are out here being single whilst the Yang family males are just casually trying to snatch up all the good options! T_T

#Kaliq: President Jin getting involved in such a deplorable relationship and having it uploaded on the Federation Network with thousands of unsupervised kids is harmful to their growth. Demanding an explanation from the Jin Conglomerate!

#BanKai: Demanding an explanation from the Jin Conglomerate+1


#User163ukihj: Demanding an explanation from the Jin Conglomerate but+10000000

#Hanbro: #BoycottTheJinConglomerate


#Pachan: #BoycottTheJinConglomerate+1000000

#Yaslev: *wink,wink* low-key turned on by President Jin\'s hot bod.

#Teo: @Yaslev Who is this fool?

#IHaveAcne: Why is no body talking about the reason why that Yang Liu was covered in so much blood though? Did she get beat up by the Ding family security? Isn\'t that like... Illegal?

#Bajj: @IHaveAcne Are you blind? She had tried to interfere with General Ding\'s recuperation. What if something had gone wrong with the General? If it were me, I would\'ve done even worse!

#ILovepop: Not me chewing popcorn and patiently waiting for the next Yang family scandal to pop up. T_T ]]

He Yuan finally logged out of the Federation Network and tapped his finger against his chin in amusement. There were two things that actually managed to impress him.

One: just how excellent the quality of Yang Teng\'s and Jin Yusheng\'s sex tape was. It was so clear that even the pores on the skin of both men could be accurately pinpointed.

Second was the fact that Yang Liu had somehow managed to land herself in the Ding home. He had to hand it to her. Managing to fool all the Dings and get into Ding Wemin\'s reinforced room was impressive. Too bad she got more than what she bargained for.

Things were turning out better than he expected. As for the Ding family, he\'d give them a little more time to breakdown and do the needful.

He Yuan took a long stretch on the sofa. He\'d holed himself up in one of the most unremarkable areas on Cladis. It was an old six-storey apartment block with passably functioning facilities. The population in the area was quite small and everyone made it their business to mind their own business so it was perfect for him.

His eyes moved from one spot to the other in the small living room before resting on the other end of the sofa he was sitting on. In fact, he was a little restless. His system had been awfully quiet since the last conversation they had and he felt really bad about it.

Admittedly he\'d had the misconception that 888 might be into him but that had been his own assumption. He\'d been kind of hurt by the rejection and had gone ahead to handle it in the most unreasonable and immature way possible. By refusing to acknowledge 888\'s existence.

He quite liked the dynamic the both of them had as system and host and ruining it in such an immature way was just plain dumb. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath before calling softly, "888?"

The system took several seconds before answering, [Hm?]

He Yuan felt relief wash over him just from hearing the man\'s voice. His lips arched subconsciously. "Come out."

888 took his sweet time before materializing with his hands folded across his chest as a nonchalant frown on his face. The silver haired man looked ready to fight for some absurd reason.

He Yuan locked eyes with his system and stared the man down for a while. When 888\'s frown began morphing into a scowl, he chuckled. "I\'m sorry alright?"

888 blinked. He had no idea what he was expecting when he materialized but it sure wasn\'t this. It was so... Unexpected. His shoulders subconsciously relaxed and he eyed his host. "That seemed... easy."

He Yuan frowned in confusion. "Shouldn\'t it be?"

888 tsked. "Well..." How could this be explained? The fact that He Yuan had apologized so easily felt a little strange to him. It was too... normal as a tasker. He didn\'t seem to have the other strong inhibitions that a lot of souls seemed to have. "You\'re a contradiction."

He Yuan slowly shook his head. "You\'re not making any sense."

888 cast him a cool glance before walking over and sitting on the other end of the sofa. "Listen here. The selection of taskers by the Soul Realm seems to be absolutely random but there\'s a particular threshold for every single tasker and that\'s trauma. Every single tasker out there must have, at some point in their lives, experienced a traumatizing event.

-In simpler terms, the Soul Realm farms trauma. This is why most taskers feel a detached sense of existence when they undertake missions in a task realm. To them, the task realms are nothing more than playgrounds so it\'s easier for them to carry out their task in the shortest time possible, using the fastest methods they could. Some of which aren\'t usually favourable to the inhabitants of the realm.

-This is why you confuse me. You don\'t seem to have the same reservations as other taskers. You pay too much attention to the little things. Things a lot of souls -me included- would deem totally unnecessary and a pure waste of time. You are just like a completely normal inhabitant yourself so why exactly did you get offered a contract by the Soul Realm?"

He Yuan supported his chin with his fist and gave it some thought. After a while, he said, "Well I think it\'s because the Soul Realm judges trauma by a somewhat superficial standard. On the surface, it looks like I\'ve had a traumatic life -which might be true- but in actuality, I\'m not really traumatized.

-Don\'t get me wrong, I think it\'s pretty fucked up that I was cultivated in a lab using specific gene codes just so my organs could be used for the survival of a different person or that I had been discarded immediately after birth.

-Or that I had been found by my parents when I was sixteen only to be faced with the reality that they wanted nothing more than to pull my heart out and give it to their real son but I don\'t dwell on all that. A different person might have felt differently if placed in the same situation as I was but honestly, I was too deep in starvation and trying to survive on the streets to even stop and think about any real trauma.

-Now though, I might get a little sad whenever I think about it but never to the point of being traumatized. This is because, aside from all that, my life turned out pretty great. I managed to escape before any damage was done, I worked my way up and became a very successful entrepreneur at the top of my own field.

-I made lots of good memories along the way that ended up making the bad a bit easier to overlook. I was pretty happy. My only regret was the fact that I had died early."

888\'s lips arched at one corner. "By getting hit by the chandelier right above your bed."

He Yuan groaned. "You\'re never going to let that go?"

888 laughed softly. "Never. What were you thinking?!"

He Yuan froze. "You know what? In hindsight, that was a really hazardous decision."

Both men ended up spending the next few minutes laughing over nothing in particular.

Over at the Jin mansion;

The Second Marshal was a few minutes away from having a full blown heart attack as he eyed his grandson across from him. "Are you happy?! Is this what you wanted?! You threaten me and then you go ahead and do it? Has the desperate urge to prove a point clouded your sense of shame?!"

Jin Yusheng slowly stood to his feet and tugged on the lapels of his suit jacket. Thirty minutes ago, he\'d been informed of the current state of things and saying the news angered him to no end was anu nderstatement.

The video feed had been from last night and in the privacy of one of his Presidential suites. Very few people had the resources -or the guts even- to dare such a thing. A cold smile formed on his face. He expected to get answers by the end of the day and the culprit would not be having an easy life after.

The Second Marshal watched as Jin Yusheng was about to leave and stood up furiously. "Where do you think you\'re going?!" The one thing he hated the most about this grandson of his was the boy\'s nonchalant attitude."Did you not care the most about that Company of yours? Are you just going to let it fall? How about the Jin family\'s face that you have lost?!"

Jin Yusheng sighed and pinched his nosebridge. "Just hold a press conference. I\'ll deal with everything then." He walked away after saying this.

Three hours later, a press conference was held by the Jin family.

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