
Chapter 96 - All Is Well.

The first thing Melinda saw when she opened her eyes was Hal in a defensive stance that almost caused her to chuckle but the state he was in was anything but Comical.

His clothes were tattered and he was bleeding from several parts of his body. His head was covered in scrapes and bruises that had long stopped bleeding and the look in his sapphire blue eyes were wild.

She had never seen him look like that. Not even when he had fought Rad who had been stronger than him thanks to the Flame maniac pill.

Not even when they had stormed the Holger estate.

This look was new and she did not like it.

Or more accurately, she did not like how it had come to be.

"So... Are you going to punch me now?" She asked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Depends" he shrugged as best he could so as not to break his stance

"On what?"

"On who is in control" Hal said with his brow raised in inquiry

"I am" was her only reply but it was enough for him.

"And the crazy one?"

"All gone"

"Good" Hal said and relaxed his stance to hunch over and place his hands on his knees before he asked, 

"Who was she?"

"Apparently, She\'s my progenitor" Melinda said with a slight smile and guilty eyes.

"Really? Well, she was a little overprotective so it makes sense" Hal said.

He had guessed as much. There was only one way such a Will could be in her Bloodline and that was through a Connection with said Bloodline.

"Any other overprotective Family members I should know about?" Hal asked with a smirk of his own.

"Why? Are you scared?" She chuckled

"No. Of course not. I just want to be prepared. You know, so I don\'t get caught unawares" He said smoothly.

Hal\'s concerns were quite genuine, after all they hardly ever spoke about her family and most of their conversations about them did not put them in a good light. 

But Hal knew it couldn\'t be all of them she disliked to the core, there were some she must miss and among them was sure to be one worthy of \'suspicion\', and sure enough,

"Well, you should watch out for my Grandmother. She\'s a tad bit..." Melinda started but was unable to complete as at that moment, the effect of her lifting the suppression and taking control of her Bloodline finally became physical.

Her whole form seemed doused in golden light. Not as bright as the Holy light Hal had just been attacked with. It was mild and Hal was able to look at it directly.

So he got a perfect front row seat to the the return of Melinda\'s true glory.

The transformation began with her face but quickly spread to her whole form. 

Melinda had always been beautiful but what she looked like now went beyond beautiful. Every already wonderful part of her face was perfected.

Her hair rapidly lengthened past her back, past her hips, past her shapely ass to stop at the start of her calf. The shiny glow alone was inviting to the eyes.

Her breast hardly had any increase in size and said increase was barely perceptible, but being the pervert he was, his particularly sharp eyes zeroed in and he did not miss the subtle increase.

The true difference in her Ass was not so noticeable under her clothes but Hal was sure he would get to feel it soon.

When she opened her eyes, which she had closed once the Transformation began, it revealed that her Brown eyes had regained their coloration as her iris turned a light gold.

As soon as her eyes opened, The golden light became Light gold flames that burned hot and her Cosmic Armament which had faded once Hal had trapped her body with binding runes, was summoned in a manner that could only be described as instinctive as she gripped it tightly.

As she stood in that seemingly casual stance, she looked like a Goddess and Hal\'s lips could not help but curve into smile,


"...strict. I was going to say strict" Melinda completed her sentence as she dispersed of her Cosmic Armament and the Golden flame about her.

"What\'s with the changes. Minutia but taken all together. Absolutely Amazing." Hal said as he appraised her form 

"You like?" Melinda smiled while she twirled around for his benefit.

"Very much so. Just when I thought you were already perfect, you come up with this dazzling form that arouses me all the more." He said with a nod and a wolfish smile.

"Keep it in your pants. For now" She winked

"It\'s what I used to look like before my bloodline was suppressed" She told him with a satisfied smile

"A bloodline you told me nothing about" Hal said with a light frown that Melinda saw through as false instantly.

"Just like you didn\'t tell me you were a Devil?" She smirked.

\'She has a point\' Grimoire chimed in.

\'Of course, she has a point\' Hal mind-chuckled.

Hal had not seen any reason to tell her what he was, he really just went with the flow.

"You should have told me." She sighed with lust shining in her eyes "Can you imagine how amazing the sex would have become. Sex with the Devil. Now that is HOT."

"YOU should keep it in your pants" Hal said with an emphasis on \'you\' as she coiled around him and nipped at his neck.

Breathing in his scent.

The very feel of him.

"That\'s exactly where I want it" Melinda said in barely a whisper that sent a pleasurable tingle down Hal\'s spine,

However as much as he would have loved to indulge, the venue was inappropriate and so he decided to make it known,

"*clears throat* Not a matter to discuss outside..." Sounds of footsteps interrupted him and soon there arrived Castor and the other guards.

As soon as they were before the duo, after a quick surprise at Melinda\'s changes, they all knelt and kowtowed before the two.

"Forgive us. We are useless" They chorused.

It did not matter whether or not Melinda was the attacker. What was clear was that Hal had been in danger and they had been unable to offer any assistance. 

To them, it was a crime.

Hal looked at them all with a slight frown before he sighed, 

"Yes you were useless. But it was not totally your fault. Whether you were strong enough or not, I would not have allowed you to attack her.

"Be that as it may. There needs to be some changes. I have been neglectful in your cultivation and it has affected you all. I shall nip this in the bud today"


In a faraway, magnificent palace of pristine white marble and Golden decor of various unfathomable shapes and a floor covered with white gold mists that gave It an ethereal feel, sat a woman upon a throne of immaculate Gold. 

It was instantly noticeable that the Primeval Will that had dispersed from Melinda\'s bloodline bore a 98 percent likeness with this Woman whose form brimmed with power.

The similarity was not complete because while \'Sariel\' had been garbed in unflattering clothing that failed to conceal her beauty, the one who sat on the Golden immaculate throne was dressed the complete opposite.

Her gown was of a royal nature, It\'s white color was perfect to show off the golden designs on it. 

Looking into those designs, they seemed to shift and give visions of what could only be described as the Formation of Light. Atop her head rested an ornate Golden Diadem and her eyes unlike her Will\'s retained the white sclera but with bright golden irises.

The Woman was the Supreme Originator, The Holy Maiden, The Primeval Virtue, Queen Sariel. And... she was not in a good mood.

"Your Majesty, Anything the matter?" Asked one of the attending ladies by her side with a low bow when she noticed her Queen\'s frown.

Sariel sighed, 

"Nothing really. I got the result of another Messenger" 

The attendant did not need to be told to understand that it was another failure. However, Sariel was not done.

" This will is hundreds of thousands of years old at the very least and was passed down for generations, Evidence that my edict was ignored. That is an insult..."

While her words were calm, the attendant could feel an underlying tirade.

"I apologize" The attendant bowed and Sariel turned to her,

"For what?" She asked before she dismissed the apology with a wave of her hands, 

" It\'s unfortunate that this was another failure and the lengthy span of existence without merging with the Messenger weakened the integrity of my Will and I was unable to retrieve it\'s full accounts of the events, however, I still have Messengers in other worlds, i have a much larger possibility of getting what i want.

"This is not my first failure. I doubt it would be my last so the least I can do is show restraint."

"Will you send another messenger?" The attendant asked

"To that world? No. I can\'t risk alerting the other Primevals to my plans and two expeditions to the same world would cause too much suspicion, However, I now have a successful connection to that world through that talented progeny. If she ever come close to what i want, I\'ll know"

"Of course, Your Majesty"

"Don\'t worry Celia" Sariel said with a smile "All is well"

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