
Chapter 180 - Show Me.

It took Hal quite a while to figure out Emily\'s alter-ego and it had not been entirely his fault or because of his lack of attention to detail, It was all because of Emily/the Masked Lady\'s mask.

When Hal had encounter Emily outside of Ford\'s study, Grimoire had said it was unable to read her cultivation base and the reason was most likely due to an Artifact she had with her.

At the time, Hal had considered it a coincidence that he had not been able to sense the Masked Lady\'s cultivation as well but had thought nothing of it because, for some reason, he had not been able to mark a resemblance between the two.

That said, there was simply something he could not seem to place about Emily and it was what had finally allowed him to make the connection.

When he did, he asked if Grimoire had known all along and the Artifact told him once again that while it had impressive functions, it was far from being clairvoyant.

Also, the fact that it resides in Hal\'s body greatly limited its scoping abilities.

"So, you finally figured it out? Took you long enough" Emily said and took off the outer coat of her clothing to reveal the gown beneath that clung to her sexy hourglass figure.

Hal smiled, 

"You were expecting me to?" He asked.

"Not exactly. But I figured if anyone could do it, it would be you" she said.

Emily said with a little bit of smugness in her voice. Her mask was a Saint Rank Artifact of concealment whose only application involved hiding her identity by fogging the memories of those who came in contact with her wearing it.

And if she so much as put it on her person, it fogged up people\'s senses and made it impossible for them to sense her cultivation.

Sometimes the effects were so strong that it would still hide the extent of her cultivation base even if she let out suffocating and stifling pressure.

"I\'m actually quite disappointed that it took me so long, I mean I... touched you." Hal said with a sigh.

Emily stuck out her lower lip in an attempt to be cute but it came off as sexy instead, 

"Don\'t beat yourself up over it. Touching me does not give you a free pass. My ladies touched me at Pleasure inn as well and they would not have been able to sense me should they see me without it" She smiled.

Now that Hal thought of it, all this could have been avoided had he simply took off her mask on that day but he had been confident and had not expected it would conceal her identity that well.

While he did not voice out this thought, Emily was thinking the same thing and it had been why she had been so ashamed at letting her guard down that much around Hal who rivaled her in mysteriousness.

Of course, even as vulnerable as she had been after his Orgasm-inducing massage, Emily knew that he could not possibly successfully attack her even if he wished to.

She was just that strong.

Hal took a deep breath and crossed his legs while Emily sat atop the chair in front of her mirror, in a position that allowed them to see face to face, 

"Wow. My mother-in-law runs a brothel. That sounds so awesome" Hal said with the enthusiasm of the horny Devil he was.

"USED to run a Brothel. That is over now, thanks to you." She said with a little false spite in her voice.

Hal acted as though he had not heard the falseness in her tone and played along, 

"They are not complaining. Far from it actually" 

"I saw. The purple flames, the combustion of Plebeians, it was quite impressive. It would seem their future is bright. Which is all I ever wanted for them in the first place" Emily said with a sigh.

Much as Hal would have loved to hear the tale which was sure to be informative and thrilling, he decided to keep learning that as well as learning of her past for later.

There were far more important things at the moment.

"So, I have news for you, Emily. Your Daughter asked me to Fuck you" Hal said without mincing words and in such a forthright tone of voice that Emily could not help but applaud his shamelessness.

Emily shrugged, 

"So what? She\'s only worried about her mother."

Hal was not the least bit surprised by her casual response to what he had said. He had already noticed long before now that the mother-daughter pair were much closer than the public viewed.

"Oh, yeah. Your condition" Hal said as though he only just remembered which was not true as it was something he had not truly being able to forget or totally not think about.

For the first time since their conversation began, Emily did not smile. Of course, she did not frown either, her expression was just completely neutral, 

"That is none of your business" she said.

Hal just smiled, 

"Actually, considering Amelia told me, it must mean it\'s something I can help with and since so as not to betray your trust, she did not reveal it to me, I began to wonder what it could be.

I am quite sure you\'re in perfect health and so this condition must be something that hinders with your prowess as a Dual cultivator."

Emily sighed but she did not look angry, 

"Don\'t talk about it anymore" she told him.

Hal stood from his chair and walked over to hers to bend low in front of her so that their face was lined up, 

"I can help you" he said.

"You seem overly confident for someone going off on a guess" she said and giggled.

"As long as it\'s related to me fucking your brains out, then yes, I am quite confident" He said with a smile.

He wasn\'t just saying that to be suave, he was confident that all conditions followed, he could help.

Also, as to whether his -I can help you- seduction technique could work on Emily, he was not the slightest bit worried, after all, he was narcissistic enough to admit he was just that good.

Besides, he didn\'t know why she was so skeptical when she had felt the effect of his fingers.

Emily smiled confidently, in an attempt to hide the giddy anticipating feeling she was trying her best to suppress, 

"Okay then"

Hal nodded with a sigh, 

"Good. But just know this, the moment you have me, you will be unable to have anyone else. I feel I need to be upfront with you..."

Emily smirked, 

"That you are going to ruin me for other men?

Hal smiled casually, 

"Absolutely" he said.

Emily stood up from her chair and without the slightest bit of hesitation, she undid what held her gown in place and bared herself to Hal.

After which she placed her hands on her wide hips and said with a smile,

"Well then, you\'d better back up your words with your actions. 

Show me what all the fuss about you is all about"

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