
Chapter 276 - The Meeting At Rose Petal Restaurant. Part 2

Taking advantage of how easily she and Marla were able to blend into the background, Rita had stealthily activated her Succubus bloodline, and the mere proximity between her and the entire territory that seemed saturated with holy energy was... Sickening.

She had not felt that way with Melinda and was willing to bet it was because she was close to those even stronger than her, in who the bloodline was far more showy.

The reaction of course was not uncontrollable and was mostly so heavy because she could not permit herself to react to it and was forced to hold it all down.

However, it proved to Hal that bloodline-wise, Rita was at the equivalent of his previous lesser devil form and was a tad bit unstable.

The only way to curb such a reaction would be for him to advance his own bloodline and thereby advance hers.

Hal retrieved the communication talisman and a message sounded out of it, a message directing him to a large establishment that looked quite like a restaurant.

Marla and Rita preferred to return to the Harem space and cultivate, Rita more so so she could regain her bearing. Karmen wished to come with him into the meeting and Hal saw no reason why not.

After all, it was quite a normal practice to go to such meetings with backup.

Not that he was going into a meeting with an imperial princess with the mentality of having to fight his way out.

Then again, when he saw the person the princess brought along, any thoughts of paranoia were immediately justified...


After placing the carriage into his inventory, an act he had done as stealthily as he could in a part of the street not densely populated by passerby, Hal walked into the restaurant with Karmen at his heels.

The moment he was inside, eyes turned in his direction all around with many frowning at him while he surveyed them with his sapphire blue eyes.

Somehow, he knew they were holding strong animosity against him and wondered just how long they would be able to hold it down.

Which was insane because there was no one among those present that he could recognize and yet they all glared at him like he had stolen their wives.

Were his looks really so threatening?

Karmen glared right back at them with no reservations whatsoever and like clockwork, a tall and very muscular man stood up, appreciated Karmen\'s looks and figure before making his way towards Hal while going around tables and chairs of other customers.

Hal frowned lightly at his approach and did not quite see the point in making a scene, more so because he might not even be the muscular man\'s target.

He was.

"Are you Hal?" The man asked in a gruff and deep voice.

Hearing his name, Hal reined in the paranoia that he was out to get him and settled for a more reasonable assumption which was that this man had received his name from the very person he had come here to meet.

"Who\'s asking?" He asked in reply.

"Follow me" the man said and turned towards an inner room and Hal followed after him while remaining as alert as he possibly could.

Suddenly the man stopped and turned to him, 

"Only you. The girl stays here." He said in a menacing tone that Hal could tell just came naturally to him.

Hal shook his head lightly, 

"I want Karmen to come along. I need her for emotional support." He said with a forthright tone.

The nan looked confused, 

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me." Hal replied and for emphasis, he leaned back against Karmen who easily supported his weight, and patted his head against her breast.

"There, there" she cooed.

The man frowned and then shook his head, 

"Whatever" he said and continued walking which Hal took as permission.

Past a curtain and they ended up at a door which the man knocked and then pushed to go inside right away while calling out to Hal, 

"We\'re here"

Hal and Karmen stepped in right after and the room was quite furnished but it was ultimately still for dining, albeit extravagant dining.

There was a sofa and a few other expensive-looking chairs and in the middle of it, was a table ladened with a large assortment of meals that were clearly rich in cultivation resources.

The lady that sat on the sofa had the lower part her face covered with a transparent veil and was dressed in a red gown that clung to her figure while she surveyed Hal and Karmen with her green irises.

Hal easily recognized her as the lady he had met in Tretch forest who he now knew was an Imperial princess.

Or at least that was what he had now been told.

Tanya gestured to one of the expensive-looking chairs, 

"Welcome to Rose Petal restaurant, Hal. I have a proposition for you" she said.


Mere minutes after Hal followed the muscular man towards the back room, a man with black eyes middle-aged man walked into the restaurant and was only able to catch Hal\'s back before it disappeared behind the curtain.

The man\'s black eyes narrowed and he withdrew a communication talisman from within his clothes to speak into it as quietly as he could while walking back out of the restaurant, 

"Patroness, I followed him and his behavior has been overly suspicious." He said.

Back in her study, 

Isabella sighed, 

"How so?" She asked and the middle-aged man related all that he had witnessed to her including the sudden absence of the carriage Hal had used to transport himself to the restaurant.

Once he was done, Isabella instructed him to continue keeping a close watch on Hal before disconnecting the communication.

The truth was that, despite her disparaging comments to Hal, she did not really believe his growth would stagnate.

Or more accurately, she did not really believe he was without support.

Even at that moment, she had sent men to Sapphire city for a thorough investigation on exactly who Hal really was and if there was some support she was hiding.

Because he was definitely hiding something.

Hal himself had admitted to being an immature teenager and despite it all, he had remained calm while being insulted.

While it could be argued that he was merely being cautious towards a party that could easily annihilate him, he should have at the very least made one comment.

Which meant he was either a coward or her words and the words of everyone else had no impact since he had support.

Now, this is where it gets confusing for the Dane Patroness;

If Hal did have support, then why not speak of his support?

Why not point out the one who was funding his growth?

If not to intimidate them, then at least to show that he was not totally helpless.

The only reason he would not speak of his support (If he had one) was if it was the kind that was frowned upon on the continent.

And that would explain the darkness she had felt from him in her study.

Of course, all this was still mostly conjecture, she needed to be sure, and finding out who he was meeting with was a good start.

Hence the investigation and the tailing.



Tanya had just given Hal a welcome and spoke of her proposition when Hal sat comfortably in the chair and smiled at her, 

"It\'s good to see you again" he said.

The elder behind the Sofa glared at Hal and decided to make his presence known,

"Peasant, surely you now know who it is you are speaking to. Show some respect!"

Hal started and looked up at him, 

"For fucks sake old man, what are you doing here?"

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