
Chapter 346 - Accessible Target.

Devon\'s statement that the Elders were family earned a scowl from Isabella who looked livid but was still keeping herself calm.

She smiled lightly, 

"Oh, They are family? Well, why wouldn\'t you consider them as family now that you are really chummy with them." She said.

The brothers shared a look before sighing. Isabella\'s words showed that she was aware of the meetings the two had had with the elders and most likely knew what had been discussed in those meetings as well.

While it was truly against their mother\'s wishes that they even entertain the idea of bringing the Elders back into Dane family decision-making, the brothers felt it was the right thing to do.

The Elders were not there for nothing and while it was true that they occasionally overstepped their boundaries and could be quite callous at times, they were necessary to keep the branch families in line.

The reputation of the brothers still kept any potential unrest at bay but that would not hold for long and if they continue to ignore the input of the Elders by ostracizing them, it was like they were taunting the branch families into rebellion.

Of course, in such a situation, the branch families were actually more likely to lose even though they had numbers on their sides, however, that was beside the point as any unrest within the family was only going to contribute to the Dane family losing the image of one unshakeable whole.

It was why they were entertaining the idea of bringing the elders back into decision-making. As it should have been.

In fact, it was no longer an idea as they were already taking steps to make it happen and since it was a decision Isabella had made as Matriarch, it could be overturned by Damien\'s authority as Patriarch.

And yes, Isabella had known all along but had no interest in doing anything to stop it. Her grudge with the Elders while concerning her children as it was the death of their father, was personal and if Damien wanted to ignore how sneaky the Elders could be, there was nothing to be done.

Also, She was no idiot and knew the risks of keeping them out. She had just been satisfied with her decision remaining in place all through her reign.

"Don\'t try to turn this on us for our decisions to better the Dane family and not have us trailing behind our rivals. Think about it mother; you make decisions and don\'t look for our input. Mine in particular.

I know you never really wanted me to be Patriarch and always felt it should have been a title and role to go to the Eldest and not the youngest but this blatant disregard for my authority really irks me." Damien said not ready to let this little diversion distract him from what was really bothering him.

Isabella\'s eyes softened, 

"I admit that the title should have gone to Devon and I still do not understand why your brother was adamant you take it but I do not disregard you or your position. I just..." She began but Damien interrupted.

"...know best? That\'s what you were going to say right? That you know best. Well, what makes you different from those Elders then?

You feel that your age and experience gives you the right to make decisions without consulting the \'youngster\' in power. That\'s exactly what they do as well.

The fact that you are my mother does not make it alright"

Devon sighed deeply, well aware that this was not really about Hal or anything relating to him and Melinda for that matter. It was just a long time coming.

Although Isabella had gone silent and been in cultivation seclusion for most of the time Melinda spent in exile, before the exile, she had indeed made decisions without consulting the two.

It was actually why they had her make the vow that she would not interfere with their decisions.

Isabella looked from one of her sons to the other and sneered, 

"I will not apologize for making my own decisions. Neither will I apologize for not including the both of you because you exiling Melinda proved that I indeed know best.

However, if you want to bring those old bastards who had your father fight a battle that resulted in his death, then be my guest." She said and stood from her seat to walk towards the door of the hall, but before she actually reached it, the space around her contorted and she vanished.

The two watched her leave with a frown with them thinking the same thing; her exit was ominous.

With Isabella now gone, Damien turned to his brother, 

"You will really accept Hal as Melinda\'s partner?" He asked, knowing well that they were all simply glossing over and ignoring that Hal and Melinda already had relations and even stopping their official union would not change that.

Devon smiled but the sentiment did not touch his eyes as he said, 

"We\'ll see"



When he and his mother had exited the meeting hall and he had planned to return to cultivating, he looked over at his mother who was looking off into the distance. As though she could see Hal and Melinda still walking even though they were long gone.

"Mother, are you alright?" Hugh asked and his mother looked at him with a smile.

"Of course I am" she said.

Hugh studied her for a while before shaking his gear slightly, 

"No, you are not." He said.

While she was doing well to keep her emotions in check and not let it become a giveaway, Hugh knew his mother was hurting because she was the only one of the three (Damien, Hugh and herself) who sympathized with Cirk.

She might smile, she might act uninterested in what the Dane brothers discussed but the truth was that she really paid attention. 

Why else would she attend when it was not obligatory?

Cirk\'s injuries and his now comatose state were hurting her and it had, in turn, caused her to dislike Melinda deeply. Granted, her son had done something wrong or at least attempted to do something wrong, the fact that he did not succeed should have warranted some leniency.

That was how she saw it.

Not to mention that Cirk had been punished before Melinda\'s return.

Melinda\'s actions were overkill.

And then came Hal who was challenged to a duel by Hugh but had the guts to actually come out victorious.

Was nothing sacred?

Did being the wife of the Patriarch of the great Dane family really mean she would be so insulted?

To make matters worse, the one thing that still had her feeling good was that he was not accepted as Melinda\'s partner and the union of the two looked to be on a definite path through numerous obstacles...

But that all changed with this one meeting where Devon reluctantly accepts with the only catch being that he would go with Hal on an expedition.

Something she still did not really understand its significance despite it being called a father-son-in-law bonding moment.

Whenever she met him, she studied him. Long and hard enough to be considered more than research in the only one she could actually take her frustrations out on.

Melinda was clearly off-limits as she would much rather not upset the Dane monster and the Dane Patroness by laying her hand on the one they considered precious...

However, Hal was a different and more accessible target for her anger,

With the only danger she could see being getting on Melinda\'s bad side...

Of course, Hugh had no idea of the thoughts that were running around in his mother\'s head.

His mother turned to him and smiled brightly, 

"No, Hugh, I\'m not fine... But I will be"

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