
Chapter 565 - Within The Sensual Chamber... Part 1

Of course, effective as Hal\'s slam of cosmic energy had been in the sense that it rendered Ethan completely weakened and incapable of mustering any form of fighting spirit, it was not fatal in any way.

Ethan was already rolling over with a groan at the feel of all the broken bones he had at the moment.

When he managed to seat up, he looked up at Hal with a mixture of resentment and fear.

He could now tell with certainty that Hal\'s cultivation at the moment surpassed the cosmic phenomenon realm and was not someone he (Ethan) could ever hope to contend with.

Al least not right now.

Hal relished in the look because it made it clear that he had managed to get his message across.

Then he turned around with one of his hands around Amelia\'s waist to glare at the five who despite having the numbers advantages were still on the losing end in their battle with the trio of Jelena, Vanya, and Delaney.

The moment he had slammed the head of their group (Ethan) into the ground, the five had already stopped any attempts to battle the ladies and simply stared at Hal in awe just like the rest of those present at the Arena and spectating the entire spectacle.

As he glared at the five, if they had any thoughts of banding together to take down this obvious threat of a man, it was wiped clean off their mind.

As one, they stepped away from the trio of ladies while Amelia pulled herself away from Hal\'s hold to approach Ethan and stretched her hand towards him,

"Your time cards?" She asked with a smile.

Ethan gritted his teeth and then sighed before he flicked his wrist and retrieved a card from his spatial ring.

A card that had 1440 written boldly on it and proceeded to smack it against a similar card that Amelia had just retrieved from her own spatial ring.

Amelia\'s card had the number 300 written on it before the contact between both cards but after contact, Ethan\'s went down to 0 while Amelia\'s went up to 1700.

The two cards were called Sensual passes and were required to gain access into the Sensual chamber which was basically a large palace in the Sensual Palace territory with conditions that were perfect for dual cultivation.

The Sensual Chamber was a resource only really useful for cultivators who had not yet crossed into the cosmic Pagoda realm.

Benefits reaped from dual cultivating within the chamber could in no way be compared to those reaped on the outside.

\'Time Cards\' were quite frankly points that were used to exchange for time within the chamber. One time card (one point) was worth one minute within the chamber.

Being a Dual cultivating sect, Timecards was sort of seen as currency. In fact, they were sometimes considered more valuable than currency in the sense that students are always reluctant to part with them in exchange for blue gems or gold.

The opportunity to improve cultivation was seen as far more important.

Anyways, time cards could be earned through a number of ways which usually involved going on missions for the Sect.

The Three hundred time cards Amelia had were in fact earned during missions. Missions she had undertaken mostly to better herself as a cultivator while the time cards were more of a bonus.

Bonus she would not mind keeping a hold on in anticipation of one day visiting the Sensual chamber with Hal.

The same could be said of the rest of the ladies in her clique.

It was not uncommon for time cards to be used as stakes in duels… But it was uncommon for the stakes to involve such a high number of time cards.

Ethan had eagerly agreed to give up all his time cards which amounted to a whopping twenty-four hours within the chamber if he lost all because he had been confident he would be victorious.

As the spectating crowd watched the exchange take place, they could not help but unanimously shake their heads at the thought that perhaps Ethan had just shot himself in the foot.

The Timecards he had just lost must have taken him months to gather through duels and exchanges and now he had to start all over.

His partner, who had not been interested in seeing her man chase after another woman as though she were not enough would surely not be happy with this outcome.

The thoughts of how upset she would be and how much she would \'talk his ear off\' were giving Ethan a splitting headache. Then again, he had just been smacked face-first into the hard ground so who could tell what was really causing his headache?

Having received the time cards, Amelia waked hand in hand with Hal off the Battle stage and towards the smiling trio of ladies where Hal grabbed each of them one at a time to plant hard possessive kisses on their lips.

Ending the passionate kissing sessions with a heated one with Amelia.

The kisses were an obvious staking-of-claim in front of a large witness that he could count on to spread the news that these ladies were taken while also simultaneously signaling to any prospective partners in the crowd that he was a staunch ambassador of polygamy who was ready to embrace as many as were ready to surrender themselves.

The display had Ethan sighing even deeper at the revelation that the clique of \'untouchable\' ladies appeared to revolve around this one man whose prowess was at the moment, proven beyond all doubt.


Hal was ready to adjourn to Amelia\'s large dorm which she shared with Vanya, Jelena, and Delaney where things were bound to eventually progress into the Harem space but The ladies had another idea.

They had just won twenty-four hours\' worth of time within the Sensual Chamber and they were absolutely adamant about using it.

Hal had to admit, he was curious about the Sensual chamber and was not too averse to the idea.

Soon, they stood before the large palatial structure and from it, Hal could sense, by virtue of his bloodline, immense sexual energy but not just due to the activities going on within the chamber but also due to the aid the chamber itself provided.

Of course, no sounds of the activities leaked out as there were more than enough precautions taken to prevent such.

The Sensual chamber had no need for guards at its entrance since the chamber was secure with the use of complex Arrays that surpassed the Sixth rank and were more than capable of withstanding any misdemeanor by the disciples to be allowed entry.

Amelia walked up to a slate plastered against the side of the large chamber double-doors and then proceeded to input the number of time cards she wished to expend, which was the entirety of all she had gotten from Ethan (1440 time cards) and was also the limit of what anyone could input all at once.

In fact, this was quite a rare occurrence that was seen as a mixture of both the urge to splurge as well as immense sexual stamina.

How were they to know that when it came to Hal and his women, a daylong session was nothing new and usually expected?

Once the time cards had been deducted and Amelia had imputed the number of those to be involved in this session (Five), a teleportation circle appeared on the large chamber double doors to transport them into one of the many rooms within the chamber.

A room more than large enough to accommodate all five.

The moment they were in the room, Hal closed his eyes and relished in the feeling the chamber provided.

He could clearly feel it now…

The complex arrays drawn all over the insides of the chamber, room by room…

Arrays whose only purpose was to improve the quality of the essence of both male and female dual cultivating within the chamber and hence improve the reaped results.

In all honesty, Hal doubted it would be too beneficial to him but that was not to be mistaken as disinterest.

Speaking of interest, the ladies had no interest in letting him indulge in his thoughts as there were things more important to them at the moment.

Together, they began stripping him with the intention of kicking things off finally.

Delaney was already on her knees in front of him and fondling his large semi-flaccid cock through his pants…

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