
Chapter 647 Limitations. Part 2

For many more hours, Hal indulged in Valerie\'s body and she took it all he gave and gave as much as she could with joy and a sense of accomplishment at having been able to be with the only man she knew could make her feel the way she felt right now.

When Hal eventually let it all end, he laid Valerie down and she slept with cum mixed with her pussy juice streaming out of her pussy.

With her down, Hal decided that he could not disappoint the ladies in the Harem space who had not been with him in any form for a year and who were definitely craving pleasure.

He came out of the room and commenced a massive orgy where he spent a whole day satisfying them all and only when he left them all laid on the ground with large amounts of his seeds streaming out of their pussies and their eyes rolled into the back of their heads with pleasure while also sporting goofy fucked-senseless smiles on their faces, did he call it a day.

Once that was over, he took a bath and cleaner himself of the perspiration and overall fluid that had all been born of his sensual times within the Harem space.

Once that was past and he had put on a white luxurious leisure robe, he began to cultivate and refine the essence he had received from all the ladies including Valerie.

Valerie\'s essence drew a raised brow from him though...

There were energies from her inheritance within her essence which told Hal that the extent the inheritance had infiltrated her entire being was even more extensive than he had thought.

Because of the foreign energies, Hal could not make use of her essence in cultivation and he expended it from his body while knowing that she would also not be able to use his essence.

The inheritance was quite an exciting way to fight, with multiple Armaments and such but it came along with quite a number of drawbacks with one of them being that Valerie could not possibly cultivate by normal means anymore.

\'Normal\' means being either by conventional means or by dual cultivation. She was stuck on a sort of unlocking process where the inheritance worked on strengthening her body enough for her to harness more of its power.

Thanks to Grimoire and his own expertise, Hal had checked her extensively and was quite knowledgeable of her situation now.

The limit of the inheritance was the peak of the Semi-Saint realm and while that was impressive in its own right, especially when one considers the fact that Valerie was unlocking more of the inheritance faster than was expected of anyone.

However, it was terrible because with the inheritance hindering further development once she reached its limit, she would be stuck in the Semi-Saint realm for the rest of her life.

Normally, the known solution if one wanted to go past the limitation of an inheritance was to lose the inheritance along with all cultivational improvements that it granted but not only was this risky and would end in death nine out of ten times, it also did not guarantee the person would still be as great or even greater than they had been or would have been with the inheritance.

The risks were much too great for a result so unsatisfying.

But of course, there were other ways to deal with the issue and allow Valerie to cultivate past the Semi-saint realm while retaining all she had gained from the Inheritance and the first step was the comprehension of her Dao.

This was only the first step but it was quite dangerous in itself because the madness that Valerie should have suffered, just like others who had tried for the inheritance before her, might resurface when the personalities residing within the inheritance strive for dominance and make it hard for her to be sure of who she was.

However, comprehending her Dao would help her regain some individualism which was essential on the path to breaking free of the limitations of the inheritance and all this, Hal told Valerie when she was awake.

"And how do I comprehend my Dao?" she asked Hal who sighed,

"I can coach you but honestly, you will be doing it all by yourself.

There is a bit of good news though.

Last year, I was at a Tomb and I entered an Array that basically manipulated my mind and my perception of time just so it could attempt to trap me with an incapability of comprehending my Dao.

I can do something similar to you."

Hal explained to her that he could draw her mind into his Sovereign space and in there, he had absolute control over time and could manipulate it however he pleased.

,m For some reason, because the Sovereign space was only mental at the moment, he could not use it for cultivation which involved his entire body.

In a way, the Sovereign space was mostly just playing a trick on the mind by convincing it that time was passing slower or faster when in fact, it was not.

It was kind of like an illusion but it was an illusion but an illusion well done with meta-tangible effects.

Since the comprehension of Dao was mental and had little or nothing to do with the body, the Sovereign space was the perfect place for it.

Once Valerie\'s mind was in it, he could give her all the time she needed (mentally) to comprehend her Dao and would be there to help as best as he could.

"Comprehending your Dao is the first and most important step if you want to rid yourself of the limitation but, and I cannot stress this enough, it will never be very dangerous.

The odds are not in your favor.

You could completely lose your mind and get overcome by the personalities within the inheritance..."

"I\'ll do it," Valerie said.

"You could take some time to think about it" Hal pointed out but she shook her head.

"The earlier the better. If we can do it now, let\'s do it now. I beat the odds once, I\'ll do it again."

Hal smiled lightly... While he liked the confidence, he felt Valerie had not really comprehended the danger.

But no matter, it was indeed better to get it over with and if she was willing, they might as well start now, right here in the Harem space.

Naked as she was, Valerie crossed her legs and closed her eyes in meditation while Ha began to coach her on what to do.

As the process began, he crossed his leg in front of her and submerged his mind into his Sovereign space while he used the connection between them, by virtue of a newly signed contract, to take hold of her mind and pull her into the space with him.

The Sovereign space remained a tad the same by still being a magnificent throne room decked with gold and Sapphire but right at the center, there was another \'image\' imposed;

The image of Valerie standing in the middle of a desolate valley in stillness and the starting of her attempt at Dao discovery and comprehension but there were dark shadows in that valley...

Dark shadows that seemed adamant to have their say in her efforts...

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