
Chapter 844 An Invitation To An Infinitely Certain Future.


"Nice!" Hal yelled out as his back made contact with the array boundary and he grinned at Addilyn who had now taken on an attacking pose.

Addilyn\'s mind went to when she had met \'Havi\' and the fact that she had not recognized the supposed Gord man when she had always boasted of knowing everyone in the Gord Clan, finally seemed to make sense.

Sure, Hal did not look anything like Havi but that did not take precedence for her.

Reyna shook her head as though to brush away the cobwebs of pleasure and she eyed Hal with a smile and made the conscious decision not to say to her sister anything in his defense.

Tendrils of darkness suddenly emerged from the ground and wrapped tightly around Hal before pulling him towards the ground where it secured him and made it impossible for him to move his head.

Addilyn then landed on the ground not far from Hal to frown at him and say,

"I\'m only going to ask one last time, who are you?"

The truth was that Addilyn was cautious. The change that had been done to her sister\'s room as well as how she had been brought to the center of the Arena was worthy of caution and were feats that did not match the strength of the one she had bound to the ground.

She worried that there was something else at play, that there was a much greater force lurking, and the fact that she could not see or sense the said force only increased her worry.

Anyway, she kept all worry off her face to question the only stranger/enemy in the room.

To Addilyn\'s question, Hal said nothing and just let his eyes roam over her body taking in the shape he remembered from over two years ago which appeared to have only gotten better. There wasn\'t even any evidence of stress on her face as it seemed as though she thrived in the insecurity plaguing her clan.

Anyway, despite Addilyn wearing military attire, her tits still gave a nice wobble as she bent over Hal and yet the threatening effect of her stance was not lost. It was all in the eyes for the Dystopian Dragon general. Even when Hal had his eyes focused on her tits, he still felt her stare at him.

"You don\'t want to talk?" Addilyn asked with a sneer and the tendrils of darkness she had around Hal began to feed into him to torture him from the insides.

Hal raised a brow at that with a smile before he countered the darkness Ordinance with Darkness ordinance of his own which loosened the tendrils and allowed him to levitate into the air with no obvious help of his Devil wings.

Addilyn\'s eyes widened as control over her dark tendrils was seized by her captive but she did not let her shock stop her from reacting immediately and accordingly only for Hal to disperse it and give her a dose of his Sovereign authority which forced Addilyn to freeze.

Hal floated towards Addilyn who resisted and failed against his sovereignty so that he could place a finger on her forehead,

"You want to know who I am? Fine, I will show you!" he said and immediately Addilyn\'s mind was arrested and she began to be fed with information... The information she had asked for.

It started from the first time their paths had even remotely crossed at the battle at Gelread valley and thus was where the General\'s faint recognition came from. He was the youngster who had defeated her sister despite being lower ranked and weaker in cultivation.

The information Addilyn was fed started with showing her the disparity that there was between their strengths at the time before going on to introduce Hal as the Sapphirine Prince responsible for the transportation they had to the Haron Empire.

It then introduced Hal as \'Havi\' who took Dakon\'s bride and caused said bride to kill the Dragon Prince during and after which he(Hal/Havi) connived with the Devil clan to bring forth trouble that the Dragon clan was ill-prepared and ill-equipped to deal with.

It then introduced Hal as the madness currently plaguing Dorgroth the Dystopian Dragon King which the said king was sorely losing against.

It then introduced Hal as the one who had tamed the Phoenix clan through a Queen and Princess pair and then used the control he had over that clan to further isolate the Dragon clan and further hammer in how helpless they were.

Finally, Hal was introduced as the one who had brought the Devil Tribe and Phoenix clan together in an alliance that would not bode well for their enemies, especially with his backing.

"You see, Addilyn, I am an existence greater than you can comprehend and my destiny surpasses the petty skirmishes you consider to be disputes. I aim high for the Grand seat over all creation past present and future strengthening infinitely far and wide as the Infinite Sovereign Cosmic Emperor..."

Addilyn suddenly heard a voice say and she turned to see Hal garbed in the most imperial of garments... The mere feel of which could conquer worlds and put down gods and yet the power of those garments paled infinitely to that of the one wearing them,

"What you see is a hint at the future... A future that is infinitely certain to arrive... A future you can be a part of" Hal said and stretched his hand for the Dystopian Dragon general.

Addilyn froze with eyes widened in wonder and her mind reeling at what she had been shown.

"I am not so easily swayed," she said with determination but her heart shook and Hal could tell although he did not mention it.

"Really, you will turn your back on an invitation to power? For what?" he asked and Addilyn opened her mouth to speak but Hal interrupted her before she could,

"For family?" he said and Addilyn jerked involuntarily which told him he was right.

"Any family besides your sister? Your loyalty lies with her and not with your clan. Besides, what makes you think I would offer you this opportunity and not have done the same your sister?" Hal asked with a chuckle.

The only feeling that was dominant in the face of Hal\'s tempting offer of power was Addilyn\'s care for Reyna who she had trained and tutored especially since they lost their parents in wars against the Haron Empire. Loyalty to the Dragon Clan was very very secondary to the point where it was knocked to the very bottom of her list of Priorities... The bottom, which was so easily forgotten.

Hal placed a finger on her forehead and unlike the other one that had started this dreamlike information-granting visit of sorts, this touch drove energy into her body, energy that sought out Addilyn\'s cultivation build-up.

For years she had been at the peak of the Semi-Transcendent Beast realm and locked out of advancement but that was no more.

Hal cleared away her blockage and used his command over cosmic energy to flood her with enough cosmic energy to instantly spark her long-sought advancement.

"Just a bit of what you stand to gain," Hal said before the mental revelation ended and Addilyn was thrust into the tribulation she was required to overcome to become a one-star Transcendent Beast.

Addilyn was locked in that tribulation but there was a presence with her that just made the entire process easier and before she knew it, she had succeeded and let out the pressure of a transcendent Beast as well as instantly received freedom from the mundane to the point where she could lift of the ground without the use of wings in some way.

Addilyn opened her eyes with a wide grin of excitement and she quickly noticed the change in the room which no longer had an arena but was now just a bedchamber fit for an Emperor.

The room was pervaded with a sweet scent that Addilyn immediately felt the desire to draw in as much as she could. She found herself desiring and needing the scent more than a non-cultivator would desire or need air and breathing.

On the bed were Hal and Reyna in a lotus shape, locked in a passionate make-out session during which Hal was kneading Reyna\'s asscheeks.

,m "Glad you could join us," Hal said to Addilyn over Reyna\'s shoulders.

Addilyn caught herself as she realized she had her eyes locked on the hands on her sister\'s ass while desiring those hands on her own body.

She shook her head as though that canceled what she had subconsciously agreed to from the moment she ecstatically reacted to the advancement Hal had granted her.

Speaking of advancement, Addilyn directed her attention to her body and marveled at the boost she had gained while also feeling excited at the many more to come.

She decided to indulge in her improved senses as a Transcendent Beast only to have all her senses instantly swarmed with what was going on between Hal and her sister on the bed.

She could not escape it and in all honesty, she did not want to. She was ready to accept to share in the glory that Hal had so adamantly prophesied was infinitely certain to happen.

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