
Chapter 847 A King’s Demise.






With every clash between Dorgroth and Hal in their mighty dragon forms, shockwaves were spreading impacting the denizens down below. The sounds of the blows alone were bursting the eardrums of all those ill-equipped to protect themselves.

Hal of course, had no reason to care about the denizens of the dragon clan but Dorgroth certainly had a responsibility to them to at least aim to move the battle away, but he did not care. He was too blinded by the madness that had been stoked by his heart Demon.

The Dystopian Dragon king was afraid of Hal\'s ability to surpass him at his most incredible form but his madness stoked by the heart demon kept him on the path of battle that would only ever result in his death.

With every attack that Dorgroth tossed out, whenever he was uninterested in melee, Hal would meet with a more powerful attack that would wipe that out and slam into the Dragon to teach him to respect an existence that was beyond him.

Hal grabbed Dorgroth with his draconic limbs at some point and cackled into the Dragon\'s ear.

"How does it feel? How does it feel to be faced with your weakness? Tell me, is it unpleasant?... With defeat so close, do you feel despair?... HAHAHAHA, tell me how deep the fear runs Dorgroth, for that is an expression I shall not be feeling anytime soon" Hal said in a cocky tone and a rumbling voice that spread all over the Dragon clan like a broadcast of a public humiliation of a king.

"ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Dorgroth yelled and Haloes began to appear around him and Hal. Six Demi-god Haloes to be precise. The haloes blessed Dorgroth with the power-up he sought.

Lightning crackled in the air and struck down at Hal at a speed seemingly faster than he could react to and as the lightning hit, Dogroth supported it all with a well-timed use of his Nether Ordinance which made sure the lightning struck Hal\'s soul and not just his body.

The lightning along with Nether manipulation drove Hal off Dogroth and struck him into the ground where the shockwaves and trembles of his landing killed hundreds apart from the many more he trampled and yet Dorgroth did not care.

He was winning against the bastard who had inflicted him with a heart Demon after all?

In Dorgroth\'s sights, only Hal was around and only Hal deserved the attention that he was going to receive.

The many that had died or been injured during the battle of the two were tragic enough and evacuation was already being implemented to clear the Dragon clan Palace and likely the dragon Clan itself to prevent any more collateral damage.

Anyway, Dorgroth was not done.

More lightning crackled and while Hal\'s massive Dragon self was still stirring on the ground and in the crater it had formed, he was struck with the second round of lighting... This one hit even harder with the might of a vengeful tribulation hellbent on delivering death as opposed to mere struggle/punishment.


This attack was also aided along by a dash of Nether manipulation which Dorgroth was very proud of.

Of the four Dystopian Rulers, Dorgroth was the oldest and also the only one who did not have insight into an Abstract Ordinance.

His visits to the Monument of Ordinances had only ever rewarded him with elemental Ordinances but never had the Dystopian Dragon King let that stop him and he increased the Comprehension of the Lightning and Nether Ordinances to the Harnessing level of Comprehension and when used together, he would always hold his own against the others who were limited to insight level of their Abstract Ordinances.

Dorgroth had tried using his Ordinances against Hal many times but had never succeeded and now that he had this chance, he was not going to stop raining down lightning until he was sure his opponent was truly done for.

Suddenly, the gigantic body of Hal\'s dragon form shrunk, or at least that was how it looked to Dogroth even though, in actuality, Hal had just escaped the lighting faster than it could hit him and when next he enlarged(appeared) it was to smack Dorgroth with his tail.



Dogroth slammed into the center structure of the Dragon clan Palace, which also was where the throne room, whose roof he had destroyed, was.

The center building was leveled and Dorgroth arose from the rubble almost instantly while shaking his massive body and crackling with lightning.

"RAWWWWWWRRRRRR" Dorgroth roared at Hal in preparation to take to the air bolstered by his success in hitting Hal but he was only roaring at an empty sky as Hal had vanished again.

When Hal next appeared, it was above Dorgroth with one forelimb pinning the Dragon King\'s neck to the ground.

At this point, Hal\'s horns were completely glowing gold and radiating true Sovereign might as Hal had decided to incorporate a bit more of his Infinite Sovereign Bloodline with the Dragon form.

If Dorgroth had looked scared before, he was absolutely mortified now. For all his successfully landed lightning attacks, there was not a single evident sign on Hal\'s scales. In fact, the scales appeared even shinier as though the lightning attacks had just been buffing them up.

Dogroth let out lightning attacks again, as pinned down as he was, but not one of them hit Hal rather it was just spread apart to destroy buildings or kill unlucky denizens who had not managed to escape the Palace yet.

Dogroth then reached into his very last resort which was the power he could derive from faith through his section of the Nexus stone but already being at Hal\'s mercy, with no chance at escape, blocked Dorgroth\'s access.

The access blocking would not last forever of course but it would last just long enough.

As Dorgroth was going practically insane and erratic with his attacks, his heart demon reared its head once again to gain a grip on the Dragon King\'s Dao heart and in position to finally complete what it had begun already.

Hal bound Dorgroth to the ground with Sovereign might and as he did, he broke off the Dragon King\'s two horns,

"Trophies," Hal told Dorgroth "The rest of your body will be fed to a few hungry Devil beasts of mine."

As Hal spoke, he flew up, reversed to his human form, summoned his sword cosmic armament, and caused Dogroth to roll over in the rubble of his crushed throne room and expose his chest to be pierced through.

With it being clearer than ever that their king was at his worst, the Elders rose and attacks flew at Hal from all sides but a protective sphere of Infinity enveloped Hal and Dogroth to give him the time needed to complete his stab.

Dorgroth felt his Dao heart shatter just as Hal\'s sword pierced his Physical heart and he let out a piercing shriek that shook the heart of all who heard it. All except Hal, of course.


As the Dystopian Dragon King yelled and Hal destroyed his heart to the point of no recovery, Hal sealed his cultivation and did not let it go to waste.

Killing the Dystopian Dragon King might have brought Hal joy but letting his mighty pool of cultivation excellence simply dissipate was nothing but a waste.

Hal then slammed his palms together as though in prayer and he cast a spell with his Infinite Sovereign Bloodline energy and used the spell to bless Addilyn and Reyna who were both in the Harem space, making use of all the essence he had dumped into them.

The sisters were cross-legged as spell circles appeared beneath them and they underwent a seamless transfer of power from Dorgroth to them. A seamless transfer of power that will not hinder future progress all courtesy of Hal.

Addilyn went from a one-star Transcendent Beast to Nine stars and Reyna went from an Aurora Beast to a One-Star Transcendent Beast.

The two would have to get used to their new strength but they had the Harem space at their disposal for that.

Almost immediately Hal was done with his power transfer spell, the Elders were finally able to reach him with binds of cosmic energy and Draconic might that was the product of their weakening formation. All twenty of them were hollering for one another to concentrate and not let Hal escape.

As their bounds wrapped Hal and they prepared to quickly depower him, a woman flew over to the scene and landed beside Dorgroth\'s lifeless Draconic body.

The woman was not in tears but grief was clear in her eyes... She then looked up at Hal with a frown but it was hard to miss the caution in her eyes.

The woman was Naya Gord, Dogroth\'s successor until another of the main bloodline was ready to take the throne.

"I want something from you, Queen reagent," Hal said to her calmly.

As Hal spoke, his power trailed the bonds around him and sought out the originations to slam and blast them away.


The bonds loosened instantly and Hal appeared at Naya\'s side almost immediately to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her against his chest.

"I\'ll bring her back... Maybe" he said with a grin before getting swallowed by a portal into the Harem space.

Just when the Elders, and all other observers, thought it was over, another portal opened and collected Dorgroth\'s massive draconic body to be devoured.

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